Ancient Eden

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Chapter 34


She suddenly thought about what she would do when she would get her period. She remembered that her last period was on the 24th of last month, it stopped four days later, and then on the same day it stopped, she was struck by lightning and ended up here, and today, it was the tenth day since she had arrived here, which meant that there was still about half a month to go before she would have to face the same plight as that woman here.

At night when she laid on the floor of the hut, on the animal skin, her mind kept replaying the scene she had seen during the day. She thought for a long time and felt that she could only start with the fabric at the lower hem of her shirt and use it to sew a menstrual band with two layers, before stuffing the middle with burned grass ashes. So far, this ancient method seemed to be the best. She didn’t want to also have to walk around and wipe off the blood flowing down with leaves or bark.

Mu Qing thought of the scissors on her Swiss knife and, somewhat impatiently, pushed Li Mang away, who was currently pinning her down, licking and biting. Seeing him raise his head and look at her, she gestured the shape of her backpack, and while saying the word “knife”, she imitated the gesture he did when he pulled out for the first time the blade of the Swiss knife, scraping it against his palm.

Looking at his eyes, he probably understood what she meant to say. But he did not have the intention to pay it any attention, and yet again lowered his head, sliding down her belly.

Mu Qing was a little annoyed. She raised her foot and knocked hard a few times on his back, trying to get his attention.

Sleeping with him every night, although she was still not used to having this person next to her, but compared to the first few days, the two people’s interactions were already much more casual.

Whenever she felt a little uncomfortable because of his actions, she would pull his hair or kick him a few times. He not only never got angry again, but on the contrary, he seemed to be enjoying her way of expressing her emotions, sometimes he even deliberately made certain moves on her to provoke her anger, as if he wanted to see her angry appearance.

Mu Qing realized this subtle change between the two of them, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt she was acting a bit like a woman acting coquettishly towards a man. This was a bit unacceptable for her.

So last night and the night before she changed her ways and let him do whatever he wanted, she just closed her legs tightly and just ignored him. He seemed a little disappointed, but he did not force her legs apart like before, and later he just unhappily went to sleep.

At this moment, being beaten heavily in the back by Mu Qing’s feet, a low chuckle came out of his throat. He took advantage of the situation to part her legs and approach his face down there. Mu Qing even felt the tip of his nose and his lips touching her, as hot air came out of his nostrils.

Mu Qing had no choice but to lie still and wait for him to stop on his own like before.

But this time was a little different from the previous times, he continued for a long time, so long that Mu Qing couldn’t endure it any longer, and just as she was about to get up and grab his hair to pull him away, he suddenly jumped on her body. His face showed a very excited look, his eyes were shining in the night.

Mu Qing did not understand why he would have such an expression, but then she realized that this time he was doing it for real.

When she finally reacted from the shock and discomfort of suddenly being penetrated by a foreign object, she felt both startled and furious, and pulled on his long hair non-stop, struggling with all her might.

But he obviously had no intention to respect her wishes, he just her clasped her two hands together, and very quickly started to move without any restraint.

Release schedule : every sunday and monday

Translator : Laura

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