An Exclusive love

Chapter 370 - The Storm under the Calmness

“What’s wrong with you?” Jiang Rui asked when he stood there, “Your expression is strange.”

Chen Chen didn’t want to answer him. It would be more dependable to rely on herself than on that man. She bent over to bite on the rope twisted around her legs. From Jiang Rui’s angle, he could see her collarbone and those delicate and white meatballs that just came into his sight.

“Sit still.”

When Chen Chen was about to break her teeth, she heard Jiang Rui’s serious shout. She was so scared that she sat up and said, “What are you doing? It’s so scary.”

Jiang Rui quickly walked to her and tore the rope apart, “Get dressed.”

“I’m dressed.” Chen Chen stood up and jumped. Then her expression suddenly changed and she walked to the restroom. When she finished, she saw Jiang Rui still standing there. She thought for a while, and asked him in a low voice, “Did I sleepwalk again last night?”

“What do you think?” Jiang Rui lifted his eyebrows slightly.

Chen Chen nodded, “Then it was me who untied the rope, ran about and tied myself here again?”

“What do you think?” Jiang Rui kept uplifting his eyebrows and turned to leave. When he walked to the door, he added, “It is an illness which needs treatment.”

Chen Chen covered her face when she threw herself to the bed. Then she turned on the computer and connected with Ah Zi.

“It is five in the morning now in my place. If you don’t have anything important, I will post your naked photos onto the forum.” Ah Zi gazed at her with a big pair of glasses.

“Do I sleepwalk?” Chen Chen asked directly. Ah Zi paused for a second and then smiled coldly, “There was a time when I fell asleep, then you and Tuan Zi drew five tortoises on my face. Once you moved me to the bath tub, and…”

“Okay, okay!” Chen Chen interrupted her, “Forget it.”

Ah Zi was the type of person who wouldn’t wake up even in an earthquake, so she definitely wouldn’t know if she had sleepwalked. Besides, if Ah Zi really saw her sleepwalking, she might even open the door and let her walk to the street…

“The God of War said you sleepwalked?” Ah Zi understood, “Wow, tell me the whole thing from the beginning.”

Then Chen Chen told her.

“So you have slept together?”

“What do you mean by having slept together?” Chen Chen rolled her eyes, “We’ve only slept in one room. I sleep on the couch while he sleeps on the bed. Huh, he is not a gentleman at all, is he?”

Ah Zi nodded, “He is, of course. The God of War’s health is so important that he needs a good sleep! You don’t even use your brain, so it doesn’t matter where you sleep.”

“Hey, you missed the point.” Chen Chen waved her fist and said, “The point is whether I sleepwalk or not.”

“Haven’t you thought that he carried you to the bed?” Ah Zi accidentally hit the truth, “Maybe he has already fallen in love with you.” The woman on the other side of the computer got more and more excited that her saliva was spraying on the camera.

Chen Chen smiled strangely, “If you really think in that way, I’m really sleepwalking.”

“Ah, you have to be confident in yourself! Although you have a low EQ, you have a high IQ!” Ah Zi patted on the table all of a sudden, “Well, I almost forget. Last time you told me that the equipment in your school’s laboratory is quite advanced. Can you make some AH29 painkillers?”

“Does your friend want it?” Chen Chen had no lack of money at the moment and she was afraid that Jiang Rui might find out about her real status. So she had quit.

Ah Zi nodded, “I told him that it would be the last time and you had already quit.”

“Okay, when it is done, I will send it to you!” Chen Chen promised. She had to help Ah Zi, “But it has to be after the New Year.”

“Um, he is not in a hurry, either.” Ah Zi yawned and said, “I will go to sleep now. About your sleepwalking, I suggest that you shouldn’t sleep tonight and maybe you’ll know the truth behind the horror this way.”

Having turned off the computer, Chen Chen got dressed and went to have breakfast. Seeing Lu Qi sitting by the table and talking smilingly to Jiang Rui.

“Hey! Chen Chen!” She greeted like she was familiar with her, “Can I call you Chen Chen?”

“Do as you like.” Chen Chen wanted to find a seat that was the farthest to Jiang Rui. However, he acted like he knew everything in Chen Chen ‘s mind. He pulled the seat beside him and said, “Chenchen!” Then he smilingly looked at her.

Although the pronunciation was similar to her name, Chen Chen could guarantee that the name he called was Chenchen!

“Haha, thank you.” She made up a smile and sat down. When she was about to eat the omelette, Jiang Rui placed the porridge in front of her and said, “Get your stomach warm first and then you can eat the oily food.”

Chen Chen lowered her head and silently drank the porridge. Lu Qi looked at her with envy and contempt, “Officer Jiang is so caring to Chen Chen!”

“She is my wife.” Jiang Rui stared at Chen Chen with much love, which scared her so much that she almost threw the spoon onto his face.

Lu Qi touched her face and sighed, “Although I’m fine now, I still don’t know when the skin rash will disappear.” Her eyes stopped at Chen Chen and then brightened, “Chen Chen, let’s do facial together. It is close to the New Year, we can get manicured and a new haircut!”

“I never do those.” Chen Chen shook her head and ate up a dumpling with only one bite.

Lu Qi scolded inside that she was so stupid and only cared about eating. She still asked persistently, “How can you not do those? Officer Jiang is so handsome, and you should make yourself prettier for him!”

Before Chen Chen could talk, a dog’s bark came from the door. Hei Zi rushed in. It had intended to rush to the table because Tuan Zi would clean its claws every time they went back. However, as soon as it saw Lu Qi, it rushed directly to her and bit on her dress.

“Ah!” Lu Qi screamed, “Go away! Go away!”

Tuan Zi and Ying Cheng walked in and saw the scene. The little girl came up to them slowly on purpose and said, “Hei Zi, let it go.”

Hei Zi cutely got into her arms and licked on her face.

“You’ve just bitten dirty things so you can’t lick me!” Tuan Zi took it up and walked to the faucet, “Get your mouth washed later, do you hear me?”

“Whoof! Whoof!” Hei Zi seemed to have understood her and barked to reply.

Lu Qi’s face was dark because there was a hole in her dress.

“Officer Jiang…” Lu Qi seemed very pitiful but Jiang Rui didn’t even look at her. He stood up and said, “Chen Chen, some New Year’s stuff will be delivered to you later. If you need something else, just tell them.” Then he went into the kitchen.

Chen Chen noticed that Lu Qi was about to cry again and felt she should say something. Then she said, “Um, I think, you may not get bitten if you wear trousers.”

“Did you do it on purpose?” Lu Qi asked suddenly.

“Ah?” Chen Chen didn’t understand her meaning, “What on purpose?”

Now that Jiang Rui was not there, Lu Qi didn’t have to pretend to be pitiful. She had been locked those days and was in a bad mood. So she was really eager to fight with Chen Chen.

“You’ve let the dog bite me on purpose.”

Chen Chen felt funny about it, “Do you think so?”

Lu Qi groaned, “No wonder you never wear a dress. You must be envious of my good figure and that I can wear dresses every day. So you trained it to bite those who wear dresses.”

“My mother is not that bored!” Tuan Zi got herself changed and got out, “Besides, your figure is not as great as my mum’s.”

Chen Chen took a look at Lu Qi’s big breasts, then she felt ashamed and lowered her head.

“Sweetie, you’re still too little and know nothing about a good physique!” Lu Qi erected her shoulders intentionally, “You’ll know when you grow up.”

Tuan Zi pouted, “So you have a cow’s breasts! My dad said it was the most gross!”

Cow’s breasts? Gross? Lu Qi looked at Chen Chen and understood. So Jiang Rui liked that type!

The New Year’s goods were delivered by Bear and his fellows. Scar saw Tuan Zi. Then he kept kissing her and wouldn’t let her go. But he was scared by Jiang Rui’s cold gaze.

“Mrs. Jiang, half of the food in the box is almost ready to eat, you can heat it whenever you want.” Bear placed all kinds of food boxes in the refrigerator. Xiao Si carried two boxes of beverages to put in the kitchen.

“It is said that they were all specially supplied by the troops and are all natural!” After setting all the stuff down, Xiao Si dragged Scar downstairs. When they came back, both of them carried two boxes.

“This box contains candy and dried fruit, and the other box contains chips and snacks.” They laid the last box on the balcony, “This one’s filled with fireworks, so be careful; don’t start a fire at home.”

Chen Chen saw them being busy and finally said in her heart, “So corrupt!”

“You can choose not to eat.” Somehow, Jiang Rui went out and said lightly. Chen Chen didn’t even look at him. She decided to be empty-minded in front of Jiang Rui in case he found out.

Lu Qi went back to the room to get changed. Seeing several missed calls on her phone, she pouted and called back.

“Mum, you know you still have a daughter?”

“Qiqi!” From the other side of the phone came Zhou He’s cries, “Qiqi, I have to depend on you. You have to save me.”

Lu Qi frowned, “What happened?”

Zhou He told the whole thing from the beginning and thought her daughter would comfort her. But in the end, Lu Qi angrily accused her, “Mum, how can you be so stupid? If you had the chance, why didn’t you ask Jiang Rui to marry me directly?”

“I…” Zhou He said with tears, “It’s because I didn’t want you to marry a divorced man. You can absolutely get married with a better man.”

Lu Qi continued to accuse her, “I know how the situation is in the capital even when I was abroad. A better one? You can tell me, which one is better than the Jiang family?”

“Qiqi, it’s not time to complain. You have to help me!”

“How can I help you?” Lu Qi said angrily, “Who can change grandpa’s decision? Besides, you offended the whole family. If I were my father, I would get away from you too.”

Zhou He felt scared. If her daughter didn’t care about her, then no one would.

“Qiqi, listen to me. As long as you can be with Jiang Rui and become a member of the Jiang family, they will forgive. Besides, they will treat us well with all they have!”

Lu Qi felt nervous at her words, “You think he’ll agree if I want to?”

Jiang Rui was so cold to her, so she didn’t have a chance.

“My silly girl, there is no loyal man in the world. They all think with their instincts. We can create a chance if you don’t have one!”

Having hung up the phone, Lu Qi ran out crying on purpose.

“Officer Jiang, something happened to my mum. Can I go out to see her?”

Jiang Rui was sticking the paper-cut decorations with Tuan Zi, so he said without lifting his head, “Bear, you can take her out.”


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