An Exclusive love

Chapter 366 - Another Woman Comes to the Family

Chapter 366 Another Woman Comes to the FamilyIt was originally thought that the thing would finally end like that. However, one would have never imagined that a piece of news suddenly came several days later.

It said that a drunken boy of a rich family spilled the beans that he had tried to drug Lu Qi and forced her to have sex with him. He even took some photos to threaten her to marry him. Words ran fast in that circle, and at last, came to the Lu family. So they called the police.

Still, Jiang Rui totally took no notice of the event. The capital witnessed its first snowfall and the snowflakes floated like salt. When he was making a snowman with Tuan Zi around the neighborhood, Bear’s car was driving near from the distance.

“Boss, something happened.”

“Let’s talk upstairs.”

Bear said those boys who drugged Lu Qi were caught by the police. They were just some common hooligans. But when Lu Qi was called to identify those who bullied her, she said there was still a gang who chased her except for those people.

Thanks to the fact that two gangs had chased her, she found a chance to escape from them so that she could be saved by Jiang Rui.

“What do you mean?” Jiang Rui frowned after hearing that. “We shouldn’t meddle in this.”

Bear nodded. “As it should be. But someone had put explosives in her car this morning. If she hadn’t changed to a temporary car, she would have vanished by now.”

“The result from the laboratory department is that the type of explosives was commonly used by terrorists.”

Everyone knew that Jiang Rui hated terrorists to the bone. The common case was that his choice on whether to take a task depended on his mood. But once it involved terrorists, he would definitely go.

“We will take the case,” Jiang Rui said without hesitation. “Watch over Lu Qi. It seems she’s the target.”

Bear looked at him as if he had something else to say.

“Say it.”

“The Lu family wants us… to protect Lu Qi.”

Jiang Rui cast a glance at him and said, “I’ve said it. Watch over her.”

Bear really wanted to roll his eyes. They wanted protection, not monitoring. He must have forgotten it that for Jiang Rui, protection and monitoring were the same.

“The Lu family wants you to protect Lu Qi,” he said with caution. “The leaders have approved of this.”

Jiang Rui curled his mouth and said, “Let those who agree with it go.”

“To go where?” Chen Chen came out of the room with Tuan Zi who had been dressing.

Bear saw them as if he saw his saviors so he repeated his words. Chen Chen nodded eagerly and said to Jiang Rui, patting his shoulder, “Uncle People’s Liberation Army, it’s time to test you. Go and protect the people.”

“Mom, dad got no time to protect a woman!” Tuan Zi disagreed with them. In that respect, she was more territorial than Chen Chen.

Jiang Rui’s phone rang. As soon as he cast a glance at the number, her face got colder. Bear whispered while he saw Jiang Rui was answering the phone, “It must be the leaders calling in person.”

As expected, after hanging up the phone, Jiang Rui, whose face was still dark, kicked Bear and said, “Investigate this. If we fail to catch the man by New Year, don’t even expect any holiday.”

“Does it mean you would move into the Lu house?” Chen Chen was very happy with this and couldn’t hide the expectations showed by her face.

Jiang Rui looked at her and laughed. “No, she would move into our house.”

Until bedtime, when Jiang Rui moved his things to the master bedroom, Chen Chen was shocked to see that he wasn’t joking.

“What… What are you going to do?”

“Don’t you feel unhappy that I’m protecting another woman? Then, cooperate with me.” Jiang Rui walked into the bathroom and shut the door to take a shower. After a while, he went out only to find that Chen Chen was still absent-minded.

“The woman surnamed Lu will come over tomorrow. In order to get used to it, we should begin to sleep together today.” Jiang Rui was ready to undress.

Chen Chen jumped up suddenly as if she had received an electric shock. She asked, “What are you going to do?”

“Sleep.” Jiang Rui tucked himself in, only in his underwear.

“I don’t want to sleep with you.” Chen Chen pulled her hair. She understood Jiang Rui well, for if Lu Qi moved in, they definitely should sleep together.

Jiang Rui looked at her and said, “It’s you who allowed me to take on the duty and it’s you who agreed to the fact that she would move in. So what are you up to?”

“I… I…” Chen Chen felt too dumb to say anything. “Even so, we still cannot share the same bed. You’re a man, so you should sleep on the sofa!”

“This is my place.” Jiang Rui lifted his eyelid and added, “You have two choices. Go to bed or sleep on the sofa.”

Chen Chen gave him a rude stare and she took a quilt from the closet; at the time when she lay down on the sofa, Jiang Rui turned off the light. Suddenly, she screamed, “Keep the light on. Keep the light on!”

“Shut up!” Jiang Rui turned the bed lamp on. “Do you want to scare Tuan Zi?”

Felt wronged by him, Chen Chen said, “I always sleep with the light on.”

Jiang Rui ignored her and reached out to the lamp. Chen Chen thought he would turn it off again, but he was just about to dim it.

Both of them lay down again and the room was left with the sound of light breath. For Jiang Rui, it was wonderful. Since growing into adulthood, he had never slept with someone else. By hearing Chen Chen’s breathing, he felt nothing uncomfortable.

For Chen Chen, she was nervous at first and thought she would keep awake until dawn, but actually fell into a sound sleep soon.

At midnight, Jiang Rui heard a heavy sound and opened his eyes immediately. Finding nothing happened, he felt relieved. Then he cast a glance at the sofa.

The sight made him lift his lip.

Chen Chen was lying on the floor. Perhaps, she felt the coldness and was groping for the quilt.

Jiang Rui rose up to cover her with the quilt and went into bed again. Yet, seeing the frowning face of Chen Chen, he felt restless so he placed her on the sofa after a second thought.

When he just lay down again, another heavy sound came. He turned to find that she was on the floor again.

What a stupid woman…

He patted his forehead speechlessly but he still lifted Chen Chen up, planning to put her on the sofa. However, after a second thought, he put her on the bed while he crept into another quilt and turned off the lamp.

Chen Chen vaguely sensed the first half of the night was terrible, for the bed was hard and cold. But luckily, the second half was no longer unpleasant. The bed was soft and warm, as if there was a stove beside her, so warm that she desperately drew near towards what kept her warm.

In the morning, she found herself lying on the bed, with a pillow in her arms. She then suddenly sat up to check her pajamas as the first reaction. Assured that it hadn’t been taken off, she finally felt relieved.

“How weird… How did I get into the bed?” She went to the living room after getting dressed and washing. Only Jiang Rui was sitting there having breakfast. She looked around and didn’t see Hei Zi, so she guessed Ying Cheng and Tuan Zi had taken Tuan Zi out for a walk.

After taking a seat, Chen Chen placed a stuffed bun into her mouth. Seeing that Jiang Rui shook his arms occasionally and thinking that she had woken up on the bed, she pulled up her socks and asked, “I… I found I was on the bed this morning…”

“You don’t know that you have noctambulism?” Jiang Rui said casually.

Chen Chen felt confused and asked, “No… noctambulism?”

“You sleepwalked to the bed.”

Chen Chen was freaked out for she wasn’t aware she had noctambulism. Ah Zi never mentioned it before when they lived together.

“Liar!” Chen Chen stared at him and refuted, “I don’t sleepwalk. Those who sleepwalk feel tired in the morning while I slept well!”

Of course. You lay upon my arms the whole night. How could it be uncomfortable… Jiang Rui put on a fake smile and looked at her. “Do you think that I took you to the bed?”

“No.” Chen Chen said without thinking. “Even if I fell from the sofa, the man would not take care of me.”

“So be it.” Jiang Rui moved his arms once more and added, “Tie yourself up on the sofa tonight.”

Chen Chen lifted her lip but she didn’t refute; then she heard the man say,

“Once the woman stays in the house, we are bound to share the room.” Jiang Rui then dangled his arms and went into the kitchen, leaving Chen Chen thinking alone.

That woman can’t stay here for long. I must figure out some way to throw her out, or I won’t sleep well later on…

In the Lu family.

Lu Tao was persuading Lu Qi, “I don’t understand how you see it. He’s married.”

“So What?!” Lu Qi mumbled, “I’m not about to cause trouble. I just want to see what kind of woman would marry him.”

Zhou He went along with her. “Right, it doesn’t matter. What if the couple are not on good terms, our Qiqi won’t mind that he was married once? There is no reason for him to refuse her!”

“Mom!” Lu Qi lowered her head and gave a sweet smile.

Lu Tao sighed. He took no notice that his sister was struck by him at first sight for he was clear that Jiang Rui despised the Lu family. He disliked the Bai family, not mention them who had withdrawn from the political circle.

But his mother and sister didn’t get it. They had found someone to persuade Jiang Rui into protecting her while Jiang Rui agreed to it and even allowed her to move in. It was incredible. Yet Lu Tao sensed that something terrible would happen.

On the contrary, Lu Qi was very pleased. Originally, she would have been content if he saw her, so that he would attracted by her virtue. Out of expectation, she could move into his place, and would see him every day!

In Lu Qi’s wishful thinking, Jiang Rui might have feelings for her. Of course she had to seize the chance!

“Go, I will drive you there.” Lu Tao had no way but to agree with her. So he had to send greetings to Jiang Rui cheekily, in hopes that Jiang Rui would not be harsh on her sister when she did something untoward.

Lu Tao parked his car outside Jiang Rui’s house. Lu Qi complained about why Jiang Rui didn’t live in a villa. Out of the blue, a dog came from nowhere to bark at her, which scared her a lot.

“It’s just a little dog!” She squatted down and was about to reach out to the dog. But it saved no face for her and bit her.

“Qiqi!” Lu Tao checked her hand right away. “Were you injured?”

“No.” Lu Qi’s eyes turned red and she swung her arms. “It hurts!”

Tuan Zi ran to where she was and asked her out of breath, “Aunt, are you ok?”

Seeing it was a little girl, she was about to talk with her. But she found surprisingly that she took after Jiang Rui quite a bit.

“Little sister, is your dad Jiang Rui?” Lu Tao noticed it too.

Tuan Zi nodded and winked. “Are you the aunt who will move into our house?”


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