American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

256. Doctor Doom – Doom.

256. Doctor Doom – Doom.

When it comes to the largest forces on the wasteland, aside from Hydra, the only other major power is Doctor Doom, who has been quietly amassing resources.

After conspiring with Red Skull and others to eliminate the superheroes, Doctor Doom began gathering all sorts of resources. Despite his age, the pride and stubbornness in his heart never waned.

Doom is a proud man, a hero who tolerates no flaws in others.

This is also why he admires Magneto—because he sees Magneto as someone like himself. Both are willing to achieve their goals by any means necessary, even sacrificing anyone in their path.

Logically, after winning and dividing up the world, Doctor Doom should have begun ruling with an iron fist, striving to make his homeland even more prosperous and grand. But unfortunately, he, like other supervillains, was "cursed." Over time, Doctor Doom began to feel an overwhelming emptiness within.

He started longing for the good old days. In that era, he could engage in mind games with the Fantastic Four, constantly racking his brain to figure out how to defeat them. At the same time, he would occasionally have drinks and trade insults with Doctor Strange at a wizard bar.

Damn it.

He started missing those days.

Every day when Doom woke up, he felt no drive or motivation. Sitting on his throne brought him no joy or excitement from victory. All that was left was an emptiness he couldn't fill.

He began to lose his sanity, even blaming everything on Kang the Conqueror and Red Skull. He resented Kang for killing his nemesis, the Fantastic Four, and despised Red Skull for forming the Supervillain Alliance and destroying the world.

In response, he decided to exact revenge on everyone. He wanted to become the only villain in the world. If the world were to end, then he would make sure his name went down in history, marking the conclusion of this distorted era. This idea reached its peak after he was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

If Red Skull hadn't severed the magical heritage, perhaps Doctor Doom could have found a way to cure himself. But there's no use in regret. After helping Red Skull banish Dormammu and other hellish dimensions, his control over magic had steadily weakened.

For years, Doom remained dormant, trying to find a direction for his future. Then, the magical disturbance in Osborne City finally gave him hope.

New superheroes. An unknown parallel universe.

All of this felt like a dream to Doctor Doom. Previously, he had been immersed in memories of the past, doing nothing meaningful. But now, the arrival of a new world reignited his ambition. This time, he wouldn't miss any opportunities. He was even willing to offend Hydra to get his hands on those things from the parallel world. Because he needed to confirm for himself whether the news was true. He had to verify if the parallel world truly existed!

The results of his experiments were conclusive. The remnants from the "Justice League" indeed contained matter not native to this universe. Doom obsessively repeated the tests countless times, and the results were always the same: the parallel world was real, and it was opening its doors to him.

But what Doom didn't expect was that Red Skull still had an ace up his sleeve—Red Hood. Just when Doom was unprepared and hadn't finalized his plans, Red Skull's execution proclamation caught him completely off guard.

Doom had long considered those who called themselves the "Justice League" to be his prey. But now, Red Skull's interference had shattered all his plans.

In a way, though, this could be a good thing.

Unknown heroes and an unknown world—it seemed that having Red Skull serve as a whetstone was the best choice. Before the execution began, Doctor Doom had already dispatched hundreds of Doombots to New Babylon.

If both sides were to suffer heavy losses, those Doombots would immediately seize control of everyone present, take over the entire city, and then, the Doom Supreme would arrive in his loyal New Babylon today. And if the superheroes lost, that was fine too. The Doombots would help them fight Red Skull and then swiftly storm Hydra's base, destroying all of their military installations.

Doctor Doom never believed the heroes would win easily. After all, even he couldn't fully gauge Hydra's strength. Although the Doombots were supposedly sent to deal with Hydra, their main purpose was to probe Hydra's power. This world didn't need too many villains. One Doom was enough.

Quietly watching the large screen, seeing all the signal sources turning gray, Doom's eyes grew serious. From the live surveillance feed, Doom could clearly see that his Doombots were wiped out by two individuals before even entering New Babylon.

One of them was a girl he had never seen before, but her powers and suit closely resembled the man called "Superman" from the videos released by Hydra.

Doom couldn't help but ponder that perhaps even more people had arrived in this world than he had imagined.

As for the silver-haired young man—who else could it be but Quicksilver? Doctor Doom had crossed paths with Quicksilver many times in the past, so he recognized him immediately. However, whether this Quicksilver was a clone or had come with the Justice League, Doom couldn't quite determine.

"It seems they're even stronger than I imagined. That's good news,"

Doctor Doom's eyes burned as he watched the screen. The live broadcast was still ongoing, with people around the world watching Kara single-handedly subdue various forces on the battlefield.

"It's been a long time since I've felt my heart race like this. It's quite an exciting sight."

Slowly standing up, a crazed smile appeared beneath Doctor Doom's mask.

"I should thank you all. You've helped Doom get rid of the nuisance that is Red Skull. But you have no idea what awaits you. Doom will be your nightmare. Doom will become the most powerful existence in this world!"

Even now, Doom hadn't forgotten his goal. In his remaining lifespan, he had to find a way to survive. Even in death, he wanted to die on the battlefield, at the hands of the strong, not weakly on a hospital bed.

And now, after witnessing the Justice League and Hydra's battle at the execution site, Doctor Doom quickly decided to proceed with his original plan.

He would become the end of an era.

He would become someone that everyone would remember.

He would become the last supervillain in this world!

"Ha ha ha... Enjoy your fleeting joy while it lasts."

In the dim, silent room, Doctor Doom's cold laughter echoed.

"Before you deal with the other supervillains…"

He gazed at the heroes on the screen, his eyes filled with mockery.

"Don't even think of finding Doom!"


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
257. Ambush in the Shadows!
258. The Unfinished Battle.
259. The Death of Black Canary!
260. Wrath of the Gods!
261. Bullseye's Log - Final Chapter.


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