American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

242. Execution Time!

242. Execution Time!

As the time for Red Hood's execution drew nearer, Hydra's forces converged in New Babylon, following Red Skull's plan meticulously, turning the city into an impenetrable fortress.

On the day of the execution, New Babylon was placed under martial law. Countless Hydra soldiers, clad in green military uniforms, swarmed the city, controlling every major road and intersection. Meanwhile, in the shadows, Tobias allied with local gangs, continuously gathering intelligence on other forces across the region. Whether it was Doctor Doom or the Hulk, Red Skull did not want anyone interfering with his grand show.

Messages and intel were transmitted via satellite to the White House. After being sorted and verified by Dr. Zola, they were presented to Red Skull.

This was Hydra's most extensive mobilization since the War of the Ancients. Even when facing retaliation from other criminals, Red Skull had never put on such a grand display, proving just how serious he was about this execution.

A new, uncharted world, and a group of superheroes from another dimension—this was a monumental battle that Red Skull, a warlord dormant for over forty years, was willing to throw everything into. It was no wonder he placed such importance on this execution.

The surface-level strategy had been finalized, and the execution was set to take place at New Era Square in New Babylon, a location completely occupied by Hydra elites, where no one was allowed to approach.

Each of these Hydra elites was a force to be reckoned with, capable of taking on a hundred enemies. Although they couldn't match someone like Captain America in combat skills or physical prowess, they were not to be underestimated. Their instructor was none other than Taskmaster, a seasoned warrior who had repeatedly suppressed the Avengers in direct combat.

Although Taskmaster had aged and could no longer fight with the same ferocity as before, his combat experience was a priceless treasure. Just like Crossbones, the villain he trained, the students he mentored were not to be taken lightly.

In addition to their powerful close-combat skills, Red Skull also equipped them with advanced technology from Hydra's weapons lab, tech that was once only available to superheroes and supervillains. Now, Hydra could mass-produce it.

With just this force alone, Hydra could flatten any city on Earth, barring those with individuals of exceptional power. But this group was only the first line of defense that Red Skull had prepared!

Rather than saying they were there to stop heroes who might attempt a rescue, it would be more accurate to say they were there to maintain order outside the battlefield.

Hydra's elite formed a human wall around New Era Square, keeping all outsiders away. Even those hoping to observe the execution, or those planning to reap the benefits of the chaos, were kept far from the battlefield.

With this move, Red Skull effectively crushed any thoughts mercenaries might have had of taking advantage of the situation. He knew that this force wouldn't be able to stop members of the Hulk Gang or mutants sneaking in. But through these soldiers, he could filter out those who truly posed a threat to the execution.

Their primary role was to create a massive net, trapping all those who broke through inside, where they would be annihilated.

Inside the execution grounds, about a kilometer from the execution platform where Red Hood would be executed, Red Skull had prepared his second line of defense, his most elite forces.

With Bullseye dead and the Winter Soldier turned traitor, the few remaining were Red Skull's strongest subordinates.

To secure the skies, Red Skull had deployed numerous attack helicopters, drones, and anti-aircraft guns, all under the control of Dr. Zola, an artificial intelligence.

Having lost all traces of humanity, Dr. Zola had become a purely logical machine, increasing his danger tenfold. Now, as the brain of Hydra's network, he could monitor the entire battlefield in real-time and adapt strategies on the fly. Finally, on the execution platform itself, Red Skull claimed the most crucial position for himself, sitting like an emperor on his throne, or a general defending his land.

As the judge of this execution, he would personally confront the heroes from another world.

Red Skull had waited forty years for this moment, and he wouldn't allow anything unexpected to happen.

At 8:50, with just minutes remaining until Red Hood's execution, the atmosphere in New Babylon became unnervingly tense. Most people were too afraid to speak or even breathe loudly, fearing unwanted attention. It felt as though the very air had thickened.

The spectators gathered outside New Era Square, their faces grim as they silently stared in the direction of the execution platform, watching the time tick away. From such a distance, it was hard for them to see the platform clearly, but Red Skull had kindly focused the giant screens around the square on the execution.

With Dr. Zola's assistance, signals around the world broadcasted the event in real time. Red Skull's goal wasn't just to execute someone; he wanted to remind the world of Hydra's oppressive power through this war.

Everyone knew how important this execution was. They also eagerly awaited the appearance of the heroes from another world, knowing that their arrival would completely alter the fate of Earth. Before long, Jason Todd, codenamed Red Hood, was escorted to the execution platform by two Hydra soldiers, accompanied by Taskmaster, stepping into the spotlight.


Hammer City, Tonya's Auto Shop

"Oh my god," Ultron-8 stood frozen in front of the TV. He still hadn't fully processed the news about the visitors from another world. "This is a seismic shift in the physical world. If the Fantastic Four were here… I mean, if this is real."

"This is meaningless. It's all meaningless," Tonya muttered, still working on a car without even glancing at the screen.

"Barton must be there, right? He's a hero; he wouldn't just sit back and watch Red Skull execute someone." Ultron-8 mumbled.


Tonya let out a cold laugh, her face dark and unreadable. After a long pause, she sighed softly.

"If he's smart, he won't run in there and get himself killed."


Thousands of miles away, at Bishop Sanctuary.

A silver-haired Kate Bishop had been sitting in front of the television early on. Beside her was a young, beautiful female archer, the captain of the Hawkeye Guard she personally trained and the second strongest in this sanctuary.

"So this is Batman's adoptive son, the resurrected Red Hood."

"Who is Red Hood, Mayor Bishop?" the young archer asked curiously.

"A hero from another world," Kate Bishop said, gazing deeply at the screen showing Red Hood's face. For a moment, countless familiar figures flashed before her eyes, and memories surfaced from deep within her heart.

"Another world hero, like Sister Lance?" the young girl asked again.

But this time, Kate Bishop didn't answer. She was lost in her thoughts, filled with mixed emotions.


Hulk Gang Territory, Logan Farm.

After working all morning, Wolverine Logan returned to his room, silently nodded to his wife as a greeting, and then went to get some hot water to warm himself up. However, when he entered the living room, he was surprised to find his children sitting neatly on the couch, their eyes fixed intently on the TV.

"I told you not to stare at the TV like that. It's bad for your eyes," Logan said softly, his deep, raspy voice gentle.

At the sound of Logan's voice, his children quickly snapped out of their daze and ran to his side, grabbing his large hands and speaking excitedly.

"Dad, look, Red Skull is going to execute a superhero from another world!"

"What?" Logan was stunned for a moment before quickly understanding the situation.

He had seen Red Skull's earlier declaration, but he hadn't cared. Ever since that fateful day, Wolverine had ceased to exist. Now, he was just an ordinary farmer, doing his best to distance himself from his past. As he often said, Wolverine was dead.

"Damn it, I should have sold the TV."


At the border of Red Skull's territory, former Osborn City, in the Blood Nest. Baron Blood, John, sat quietly in the shadows, watching the live feed from HYDRA on a large screen, his expression somber. Beside him, a stunning woman in a black dress with an exposed snowy-white back walked gracefully toward him. Her face held a bewitching smile, revealing sharp teeth as she spoke softly.

"Baron, the intelligence stations we built for HYDRA are fully operational, and the weapons workshops we agreed to collaborate on are nearly finished. What's our next move?"

"No rush, no rush..." Baron Blood waved his hand dismissively. His gaze flickered toward the raven tattoo on his arm before he glanced back at the screen, his face darkening.

Following Baron Blood's gaze, the stunning woman was quickly drawn to the live execution scene on the screen. She smiled, pouring him a glass of fresh blood.

"That's the execution site in New Babylon, right? Time flies... Baron, do you think those 'superheroes' from another world will really show up?"

At her words, Baron Blood shivered slightly. He licked his lips, sneering, "They'll show up, they definitely will."

"Do you think they might defeat Red Skull?" The woman batted her eyes and asked again.

"It doesn't matter. Who wins or loses is irrelevant. The harder they fight, the better," Baron Blood said casually. "Send out the order. Have our people ready and keep a close watch on every move HYDRA makes. I want to know everything they do."

"Understood," the vampire woman replied sweetly. "And our partnership with HYDRA?"

"The partnership... We'll discuss it after they win this round."

"What if they lose?"


Baron Blood's eyes narrowed into slits.

"Then I don't want to see a single HYDRA soldier on my territory!"


At the same time, in New Babylon.

Most of HYDRA's soldiers had taken their designated positions. They stood at attention, holding their breath, prepared to face the unknown challenge.

"It seems the leader values this operation a lot. I haven't seen him this excited in a long time," an older HYDRA soldier said, gripping his laser gun tightly.

"This is my first time participating in such a major battle. I can't imagine who our enemy might be. I've heard it's a few superheroes, but… can those heroes really warrant such an over-the-top response from the leader?" A younger soldier spoke carelessly.

"Don't underestimate them!"

The older soldier frowned, his expression darkening as he lectured the younger man.

"Have you forgotten what happened to Baron Zemo? None of those old veterans who survived the Great War are pushovers. Plus, we're facing heroes from another world. We have no intel on them, nor do we know what kind of abilities they possess."

"Hmph, I think they're nothing special. Sure, we don't know much about them, but they also don't know how powerful we are, right?"

The younger soldier remained indifferent, still maintaining a casual attitude. But the next moment, his throat seemed to be caught by something, and he could no longer make a sound.

Sweet, metallic liquid began to surge from his throat. He started coughing up blood, and when he looked down, he saw a sharp blade had pierced through his abdomen without him even noticing.


The older HYDRA soldier reacted quickly. The moment the younger man was attacked, he raised his laser gun and tried to shout, hoping to alert others to the enemy's presence. Unfortunately, the assailant gave him no time to act. Before he could do anything, a three-pronged dagger had already nailed his throat to the wall.

His headset communicator had long been jammed, and his voice didn't reach anyone.

In the older soldier's final moments, the only image he saw was an elderly man in a jacket, with one eye, wearing a cruel smile and a single, glowing red eye.


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
243. The Heroes Appear!
244. The Justice League Appears!
245. The Green Lantern Burns Bright!
246. What Makes a Hero.
247. Hawkeye Joins the Battle!


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