American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

232. Black Canary and Hawkeye.

232. Black Canary and Hawkeye.

"This is a misunderstanding."

Old Barton opened his mouth to explain, but in the end, he could only mutter a vague protest.

Upon hearing this, no one continued the topic. However, Ashley's face visibly darkened. She had hoped to improve her relationship with her father, but it seemed she was being overly optimistic. Kara and Pietro rolled their eyes. They weren't looking down on Old Barton's personal life, but they couldn't help but disdain the elderly man's frivolous behavior.

"Ashley, my princess, you have to believe me. This is all for work. I haven't touched any of these women," Barton said, coming over to Ashley in an attempt to clear up the misunderstanding.

But Ashley clearly wasn't going to give him the chance. "What does it have to do with me? Anyway, you're divorced from my mother. How you choose to live your life is none of my business."

At these words, Old Barton became flustered. This time, he wasn't lying; he had never engaged in anything inappropriate during his visits.

"Ashley, I really…"

Barton tried to defend himself, but before he could finish, Venom interrupted. "Stop it, old man. Don't you see Ashley's resentment towards you? You're quite the role model."

"Parasite, this is none of your business. I swear, if you keep stirring up trouble between me and my daughter, I'll drag you out and throw you into a volcano. Try me!" Barton clenched his fists.

But Venom was unfazed. It bared its terrifying, grotesque face and laughed heartily. "I'm so scared. What's the matter? Does the mighty Hawkeye dare not face his past? Should I recount your 'glorious history' at S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"You!" Old Barton's anger flared, but the next moment, he seemed doused with cold water, his anger deflating. "How do you know about that?"

"Ha, I've possessed quite a few S.H.I.E.L.D. agents during that battle. I've learned a lot of interesting things from their minds," Venom said, licking its lips with a grin.

"Alright, enough of this."

Seeing the conversation veer towards Hawkeye's dark history, Kara intervened, lifting her drink from the table and taking a sip before continuing.

"We need to focus on Red Skull now. I've encountered his variant in another world. Since he dares to challenge superheroes, it's clear he has considerable confidence. We must be cautious."

"Yes, time is running out. We need to be prepared," Pietro added. "We don't know Red Skull's full capabilities or the extent of his power."

"Given the forces Red Skull commands, he should be the most powerful organization leader on Earth today. This means his resources are unimaginable. I remember that the vibranium he has could be used to build a fortress," Barton sighed.

"A vibranium fortress, my goodness." Pietro looked at his vibranium prosthetic, his mouth agape.

Having used vibranium for so long, no one understood its power better than Pietro. This metal, capable of absorbing attacks, was nearly indestructible. If Red Skull truly planned such a move, their rescue mission would be incredibly challenging.

"Quiet, someone's coming."

Suddenly, Melissa spoke up. Everyone fell silent and looked towards the room's door, curious about who might be interrupting them at this moment.

The next moment, a pale hand pushed open the door.

A blonde woman slowly walked in. She wore a black, form-fitting bodysuit that perfectly showcased her curvaceous figure. Her black fishnet stockings and beautiful legs were quite striking. The woman shut the door behind her and glanced around the room. Her gaze swept over everyone's faces before finally landing on Old Barton. The blonde woman smiled slightly and spoke.

"It seems I haven't gone to the wrong place."

"Uh, actually, miss, you've made a mistake. We didn't request an escort," Barton blinked, struggling to focus his blurred vision.

The previously quiet atmosphere grew even more silent at Barton's comment. Pietro and Ashley exchanged glances, both seeing the shared frustration in each other's eyes.

"Are you Miss Lance?" Kara stepped forward.

Kara approached Lance, smiling and extending her hand. "We've been waiting for you, Lance."

Lance, slightly put off by Barton's odd comment, felt better after Kara's gesture. She shook Kara's hand and smiled.

"Just call me Dinah. Nice to meet you all."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. My eyes…"

"I know, glaucoma, right?" Dinah's gaze returned to Barton. Looking at the elderly man, Dinah couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity.

So similar, too similar.

With the same hairstyle and beard, if they weren't slightly different in appearance, Dinah might have thought this was the aged Green Arrow, Oliver Queen.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Barton. I'm Dinah Lance, from another Earth, affiliated with the Justice League as a reserve member. You can also call me Black Canary."

"Hello, hello."

Hearing such an introduction after a long time brought a tear to Barton's eye. He felt as if he was back in the Avengers' era, watching heroes rise one by one. The past memories stirred his heart. Having struggled and drifted for half a lifetime, Barton always felt a deep loneliness.

He felt he could never find a place to call his own. In the eyes of heroes, he was the best brother, but in the eyes of villains, he wasn't even a true hero. He was like a lonely old hawk, seeking redemption and a true 'nest' that would accept him.

The last place that accepted him was the Avengers, but that had been destroyed 45 years ago. In these years, Old Barton had yet to find another place where he could fully dedicate himself. No one knew how important joining a team was to Hawkeye, akin to the pride he felt when he first joined the Avengers. As long as someone trusted him…

Now, he could finally face himself.

Old Barton felt his blood boiling with pride. He straightened his chest and said earnestly.

"Call me Clint, Dinah. I'm a member of the Avengers, code name—Hawkeye!"


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
233. The Secret of Black Canary.
234. The Disappearance of the Justice League.
235. Magic.
236. Execution Approaches.
237. Red Skull’s Aces.


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.