Alter Ego: His Sultry Lover

Chapter 299 - Deafening Screech

Chapter 299 - Deafening Screech

She nearly dropped her phone in excitement. The production had been so tight-lipped about the whole thing that no one knew what was going on at the movie set.

[K: You have my attention.]

He had the snark to reply.

[C: I always have your attention, baby. On another note, I will have to disappoint you. I don't have the spoilers yet.]

Katherine furrowed her eyes at the phone.

[K: Yet? Are you playing detective you get spoilers? Is this legal? I don't need to break you out of jail, do I?]

[C: That is a lot of questions. Don't worry, I won't be the one being interrogated.]

What did that mean? Did Ryan Reynolds get caught for something? Was Cage threatening him for information? As much as she loved Cage, she wouldn't want her second favorite actor in the world to be abused and held at gunpoint.

[K: And what is Ryan being held against his will for? I'm scared to ask. If you dare touch that wholesome man...]

[C: I don't feel like sharing spoilers anymore, now that you and 'Ryan' are on a first-name basis. Should I just cancel all of it?]

Katherine thought before sending a picture.

[K: Well, what can I say? I saved the country in my last life to have a boyfriend like you. First-name basis is for platonic friends. I'd call him lewd things otherwise.]

Instead of a reply, an image popped up. She clicked on it and stood stumped. They were tickets. It took her a moment to process it but she almost screamed and dropped the phone. Again. She dove after the phone, looking at the picture again and bouncing up and down as she made the phone call.

"Hello," Cage greeted warmly.

"You're not kidding, are you? You really got your hands on tickets for the premiere?" She wanted to squeal, but for the sake of his sensitive eardrums, she didn't do that.

"Do you like it that much? You'll be going to my premiere's for the rest of your life, so it will get old pretty soon," Cage snickered.

She couldn't contain it. Her screech of pleasure almost deafened him. "I won't even ask how you did this." She cheered for a little more until his chuckle became apparent. His laughter, so rich and deep made her smile even more. She was over the moon.

"I wish I could see your face right now." He sighed deeply.

"Hold on," she beckoned before pulling the phone away from her and hitting the button for the camera. Having snapped a photo of her face, she sent it quickly. "There you go," she declared.

There was a small pause before he saw it and laughed. "You liked the surprise that much?"

"Yes!" she replied immediately, surprising him.

"Well, you'll be even more surprised when you open the door," he teased.

"The door? Which door?" she asked, confused. Her mind was blank from joy.

"Open your front door, you fool," he scolded softly. She padded towards the living room and then to the front door. Joy bubbled in her chest as she opened the door and saw the man in the flesh.

Her arm went slack on the side and her phone hung limply. Thanks to him, their talk time was saved. He hung up the phone and hugged her with all his strength.

"Missed you," he whispered, nuzzling her neck and breathing in her natural scent. He pulled away and walked past her into the apartment. He didn't even turn around when he heard the door close. He heard the thump of her footsteps and turned around.

Good thing he had quick reflexes because he saw Katherine rush towards him before jumping into his arms.

"Whoa," he said, huffing out in surprise as Katherine wrapped her legs around him. He held in his surprise as she peppered his face with kisses and mumbled her thanks over and over again.

He held onto her tightly as he kissed her back. He loved the feel of her in his arms and he certainly liked how her ass felt in his hands.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and grinned at him. "Thank you for coming back early and for the tickets! For a second, I thought about driving to your shooting location and pulling you aside to give you a blowjob but you arrived just on time."

He laughed, not knowing if he was baffled or plain turned on. "I wouldn't expect any less from you. Go ahead..." he teased with a smirk.

Unfortunately, she kissed him again before hopping down. "I'm so happy you're back."

"That makes the two of us." Cage patted her hair and smiled. "What were you doing when I texted you?"

"Just getting ready to film. Wanna watch me today?" she asked coyly.

"Are you really asking? Of course, I do."

He led her into the room and placed him on the bed before finishing up her setting. He thought back to the present that felt too hot in his pocket and waited as she started to film. She would, at times talk to him, pausing the game and asking for his advice and whatnot.

"It's going to be edited out," she told him for reassurance.

"I know. You don't need to tiptoe around me." He plopped down on the bed and rolled around for a bit before perching himself on his elbows and looking at her with those soft and sultry eyes.

Her endurance must have been strong because she only glanced at it several times throughout the shooting and didn't acknowledge what he was trying to do.

Distract her.

And it was working.

When she finished shooting, she stood up from her chair and glared at him.

"What are you doing?" she asked. Her tone was not tough, but she looked so confused that Cage had to sigh.

"Just watching you," he said without a hint of remorse.

"You look like you have a lot to say," she commented, squinting at him.

"And you look like you don't want to hear it," Cage retorted.


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