Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Chapter 72 Dragon Meat Or Not?

Alex entered the restaurant called Dragon Diner on his own.

Meanwhile, Ferri was once again left on the stable behind the restaurant since pets and monsters are not allowed inside the establishment.

Anyway, when passed through the door, he was welcomed by a place brimming with people.

Even though this place looks desolate outside, there's actually quite a lot of people inside!

Alex was amazed by it for a second that he took his time observing everything.

As he was looking at the place, a little girl who's seems to be around 10 to 12 years old approached him with a smile and cheerfully said,

"Welcome to Dragon Diner!"

Hearing the chirpy voice, Alex can't help but turn his eyes at the little girl.

As he did so, he was immediately surprised when he saw the appearance of the girl.

That is because, on top of her head, there's actually a furry that seems to be from a cat.

On her backside, Alex also noticed a tail that's been waving left and right as if showing the girls happy mood.

This girl is a beastman!

Alex already knows that this world has a wide variety of races living in it.

From humans, elves, dwarfs, and mermaids.

There's even demons and angels in this world!

Despite knowing that, Alex was still surprised after finally seeing a person from another race so closely.

Meanwhile, as Alex was staring at her, the beastman girl tilted her head and asked, "Uhm, customer, is there something wrong?"

When she said that, there's this visible worry that appeared on her face.

At the same time, her wagging tail suddenly stops before it suddenly falls down.

Alex finally snapped out of his daze after hearing the girl's voice again.

"Ah! No, I was just surprised to see a beastman here."

Alex said, trying to say it with the gentlest tone he can do.

After seeing the worried look in her face eased, Alex breathed a sigh of relief.

Beastmen have a history of being treated unfairly and inhumanely by humans in the past.

Even though it's gone now, there's still scars and trauma in their hearts.

After hearing Alex's words, the girl seemed to have regained her energy since her tail started waving around again.

Anyway, after resolving the small misunderstanding, the girl led Alex towards an empty table.

After letting him sit down, the girl said, "Wait a moment, I'll go grab the menu first so that you can order!"

Alex smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

Left alone, Alex got nothing to do so he started looking around the restaurant again.

Not long after, Alex stopped and turned his eyes at the beastman girl running towards him.

"Sorry for the wait!"

"I have brought the menu with me, please take your time looking for what you want to eat!"

Saying that, she handed Alex the menu and stood on the side silently.

Alex picked up the menu and glanced at the girl, saying, "Thanks!"

Immediately, a blooming smile crept up the little girl's lips.

The feeling of being acknowledged, she liked it very much.

Anyway, Alex looked through the menu and stopped paying attention to her.

When Alex saw the whole menu, he was surprised to see that there's only a few dishes on the list.

Those are [Dragon Steak], [Dragon Rice], [Dragon Blood], [Roasted Dragon], etc.

Seeing it, Alex said, "This place seems to like dragons very much, huh."

Alex chuckled after saying that.

On the side, the little beastman girl heard his words and suddenly said, "No, sir, it's actually the opposite!"

Alex paused before turning his head towards her and with a curious expression, he asked,

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

With Alex talking to her, the girl immediately became active.

"Think about it, sir, if the owner and chef like dragons, why would they kill them everyday?"

"I mean, if that were me, I wouldn't kill something that I like. So that means they hate them, right?"

Alex paused for a second and didn't know how to refute her words.

After all, it actually makes sense.

Shaking his head, Alex focused on something else that the girl mentioned.

"Hey, you said that the owner and the chef always kill dragons, is that true?"

Without hesitation, she nodded her head, "Yes, every weekend, they bring back a bunch of dragons and cook it for the customers."

Alex's eyes narrowed after hearing that.

He looked back at the menu and muttered, "So this means, all of these are actually foods made using dragon's meat!"

Alex's eyes shone brightly.

"This is probably the reason why Ferri was so excited while going here!"

As a creature that stands at the top, dragons are all very powerful.

However, that doesn't mean that there are no longer any people who can go against them.

Within the human race, as well as the other races, there are a few strongmen that can stand head to head against dragons.

Those people, even in the face of a dragon, are not inferior.

There are even a few of them who can kill dragons using their overwhelming strength.

And there are legends amongst the people that dragon meat is a delicacy that brings countless magical effects to the body.

Thinking of that, Alex can't help but start to expect.

However, it didn't take long before a frown appeared on his face.

"Hmm, you said that they bring back dragons weekly, right?"

The beastman girl nodded, "Yes, why?"

Alex shook his head and said, "Nothing."

Meanwhile, inside his head, Alex thought, 'Since they can bring it weekly, it's impossible that what they sell is a real dragon.'

'At most, it should just be a dragon subspecies such as wyverns.'

Sighing, Alex felt a bit disappointed.

'I shouldn't have expected too much.'

'It doesn't matter. I guess I should just try out their food here.'

Thinking of that, Alex called the little girl standing on the side.

"Uhm, hey, I would like to order food now."

Hurriedly, the girl walked forward with a smile and politely said, "So what will you be eating today?"


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