Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Chapter 70 A-Rank Party, Crimson Lion

Alex showed his adventurer card and was immediately let in inside River City.

By the way, Alex noticed that the guard or any other people here didn't look surprised after seeing Ferri beside him.

But when he entered the city, Alex immediately understood why that's the case.

Inside the city, monsters of all kinds roam about here and there.

Some of them are monsters that do work like that dinosaur-like monster pulling a carriage not far away.

While others are just there to hang out, doing whatever their master orders.

In other words, a pet.

However, there's something that similar that all of the monsters here have.

And that is a collar on their neck.

Seeing that everyone has it, Alex turned his eyes at Ferri's neck, asking, "Do you also want one, Ferri?"

When he heard that, Ferri was startled and hurriedly shook his head.


Showing puppy eyes, Ferri tried to act pitiful as if begging Alex not to put a collar on his neck.

Alex chuckled, "You're really too intelligent, buddy!"

Alex didn't bring up the topic about the collar again.

Since he's new here, Alex asked a random passerby about the location of the Adventurer's Guild and headed there.

When he arrived at the branch of Adventurer's Guild in River City, Alex saw that just like the city wall, it was also much bigger compared to the one from Kupido Town.

Also, just with a glance, Alex can already see that the building of the Adventurer's Guild was made with high quality materials.

"I guess that's just reasonable since it's a bigger place compared to Kupido Town."

Alex shrugged it off and entered the guild.

There was a stable outside where pets and mounts are left, Alex let Ferri stay there and wait for him.

Inside the guild, Alex immediately noticed the atmosphere here was unlike the guild branch in Kupido Town that feels a bit rough and rowdy.

Here, everything seems organized.

Even those adventurers that are drinking on their table are keeping it quiet.

"Wow, this place looks so neat and tidy. It's really worthy of being a branch in a bigger city!" Alex commented.

Coincidentally, he was heard by a veteran adventurer on the side.

That adventurer looked at him and chuckled.

"Hahaha, it seems like you're a newbie adventurer."


Alex curiously turned his head to the veteran adventurer and said, "That's right!"

"But how did you immediately notice?"

The man smiled and said, "It's because of the words you just said."

"Huh? Is there something wrong with it?"

Shaking his head, the man denied, "No, there's nothing wrong with your words."

"It's just that, this should be your first time here and you thought that all guild branches in other big cities are also as organized as this place, right?"

"Uh-huh." Alex nodded, confirming the adventurer's words.

A knowing smile crept up the man's face as he said, "Well, that's a big mistake."

Saying that, the man started explaining to Alex how he was mistaken.

So, the thing is, just because it's a big city doesn't mean it will be as organized as this branch.

The true reason why this branch is so organized is because of the Guild Master here.

The veteran adventurer mentioned that the River City's guild master is a woman who's obsessed with cleanliness and orderliness.

That's why this guild that can be said to be a gathering place for all sorts of people is so 'proper'.

After hearing that, Alex immediately realized his misconception.

"Oh, so that's the case!"

Saying that, Alex thanked the veteran adventurer.

"Thank you for telling me that."

"Ha, don't mind it, it's just a small thing."

Suddenly, he patted Alex on the shoulder, saying, "My name is Bryan, leader of the A-rank party, Crimson Lion."

Alex was surprised by the identity of the man in front of him.

Leader of an A-rank party, that can be called a big shot in almost every city they go to!

Alex didn't expect that a random man who suddenly talked to him is actually such a bigshot.

However, even in front of a bigshot like that, Alex didn't feel intimidated or anything.

He put on a calm smile and also introduced himself.

"I'm Zero, a newbie D-rank adventurer."

The two shook their hands after the introduction.

After that, Bryan said, "I have to go now, I still have to report to the guild about the quest that my party took."

"Anyway, if you meet me next time, don't hesitate to call me."

After saying goodbye, Bryan headed towards one of the many reception desks in the guild.

Seeing that, Alex also headed towards another receptionist.

"Hello, sir, how may I help you today?"

The receptionist greeted Alex with a professional smile.

Without saying anything, Alex suddenly took out Ogura's head, still bleeding, and placed it on the reception desk.


Because Alex brought out a bloody head, the female receptionist was startled.

She backed away while screaming her lungs out.

Instantly, they became the center of attention in the guild.

Even Bryan on the other desk turned his head in their direction.

Seeing the reaction of the receptionist, Alex frowned and felt slightly unhappy.

Other receptionist looked at their colleague who suddenly screamed, asking, "Loria, what's the matter with you?"

Loria didn't respond but pointed at the desk she was assigned.

When the other receptionist looked at what she was pointing at, they were also startled but their faces immediately returned to calm unlike Loria.

At this time, an older receptionist came out from a door behind the receptionist.

She frowned and said, "What is the commotion all about, huh?!"

From the tone of her voice, everyone can guess that she is feeling unhappy, maybe even a little irritated.

Right from the moment that older receptionist appeared, the faces of every other receptionist visibly became tense.

So it's not hard to guess that that woman is probably a higher ranking guild staff.

Since no one responded to her question, the older receptionist turned her eyes to Loria, who have calmed down a bit now, and asked,

"You, are you the one causing a commission in the guild?!"


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