Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Chapter 146 Increased Popularity, Kris' Surprised Again!

Without delaying any more time, Alex and his group headed out of the slums.

While they were walking, some people that also lived in the slums peeked out of their houses with curiosity.

"What is that?"

"I don't know. But that man has huge monsters following him. It's scary!"

"Why the hell are you all acting cowardly?"

"Shhh! You all, why aren't you thinking about those kids? He took them!"

"So what? Can't you see that they are voluntarily following him?"


For a while, Alex has become the topic of discussion within the people of the slums.

From the clean and nice clothes that he's wearing, the people of the slums can immediately identify that Alex isn't one of them.

Some of them even thought that Alex is a noble from the kingdom!

Anyway, nothing of that matters to Alex and his group as they make their way out of the slums.

The moment Alex left the slums, a surprising scene was what welcomed him.

"Mr. Zero, can we have a talk?!"

"No, Mr. Zero, please talk to me first!"

"Why should he? Mr. Zero, let's discuss the benefits that we can give you!"

"Wait! Let me first!"

"No, me first!"

"Argh, no!"

Seeing the chaotic scene in front of him, Alex was dumbfounded and didn't react immediately.

"This… What the hell is happening?"

Alex is confused now.

He doesn't know why people suddenly started approaching him, hoping that he would talk to them.

For a moment, Alex remained just standing there, without doing anything.

Behind him, Angelica and her brothers were also surprised by such a scene and hurriedly hid behind Ferri.

After a while, Alex finally snapped back into reality.

Looking at the people trying to approach him, Alex raised his hand and loudly said, "Everyone, stop!"

With his high Charisma stats, people inevitably have the will in them to listen to Alex's words.

Instantly, the place became silent.

Standing in their places, no one made a move and just looked at Alex, waiting for what he would say next.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Alex took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, I don't know why you all are coming to me today."

"But right now, I currently don't have the time to entertain you all."

"That's why, I'm asking you all to please remain in your place and don't come closer to me and my group."

After saying that, Alex turned his head to Angelica and said, "Follow me closely, alright?"

"Don't let yourself get lost or we'll have a hard time finding you when that time comes, okay?"


Then, Alex started moving forward with Angelica and the others following behind.

Thanks to Alex's high Charisma stats, no one tried to do anything with Alex around.

They just stood there, watching Alex as he left, not daring to disobey his words.

This is just one of the powers that the Charisma stat can bring.

After a while, Alex and his group manage to smoothly leave that area where a lot of people are gathered for Alex.

At this time, Alex and the group have arrived at the city gate.

When they arrived there, Alex didn't waste time and left the city.

In his head, he thought, 'I was actually planning to meet Flores first to see if I can sell more items to her but it seems like I have to leave that for next time.'

Shaking his head, Alex successfully left the capital with his large group.

Along the way, Alex became the topic of a lot of people because his group consists of 2 huge monsters and 4 kids.

It was quite conspicuous and so, gathered a lot of attention.

At the time that Alex and his group exited the capital, the people that were looking for him had just arrived at the city gate.

Looking around, they didn't find Alex or anyone in his group.

"Tsk, where did they go?"

"Did they leave the city?"

"I don't know, let's ask the guards."

One of them approached a guard at the gate and said, "Brother, I'm Roger from Flores family."

Hearing that he's from one of the four Great Families, the face of the guard changed and he looked at the man with flattery.

"Oh, so it's someone from the Great Family. How may I help you?"

Roger didn't care about the guard's attitude and asked, "Did you see a man with a Tempest Wolf and Flame Lion along with some kids just pass by here?"

When he heard the description, the guard immediately nodded, "Oh, yes, yes, someone like that indeed passed by here."

"But, they just left and headed out of the capital. Why? Did he do something to the Flores Family?"

When Roger heard that, he frowned.

Ignoring the guard's question, Roger turned around and was planning to head back to the Flores Family and report to the patriarch.

But before he left, he turned to the others that are also looking for Alex and said, "Mr. Zero has already left. You guys should stop looking for him."

After saying that, Roger didn't waste more time and left.

The others that were left there looked at each other in dismay.

In the end, they can do nothing else but go back to their respective places.

After leaving the capital, Alex and his group immediately went to the road heading to Kupido Town.

It was the same road that Alex took when coming here.

Since the journey is long, Alex knows that kids such as Angelica and her brothers won't be able to endure it if he lets them walk from the capital to Kupido Town.

That's why he let them ride behind Ferri's back and just relax while traveling.

So, four kids sat on Ferri's back as they walked down the road leisurely.

While walking, Alex can't help but let out a yawn from time to time.


"Ugh, I haven't slept for yesterday so I'm feeling a bit sleepy right now." Alex muttered.

Stretching his muscles, Alex shook himself a bit to let some blood flow in his body.

Sitting on Ferri's back, Angelica noticed Alex's movements and worriedly said, "Brother Zero, don't you want to climb up here and sleep?"

"'Handsome Wolf's' fur is very soft and a great place to sleep!"

Since Ferri evolved yesterday and turned into a Tempest Wolf, his size has grown as well that even with four kids sitting on his back, tens of people can still fit.

That's why Angelica wants Alex to just come up as well after seeing him looking so tired.

Alex looked up and smiled, saying, "Don't worry about me. I will go up there later when I feel like it!"

Hearing that, Angelica can do nothing more than just look at Alex worriedly.

Trees dancing in the wind, birds singing melodiously, and the feeling of the gentle breeze brushing pass his skin makes Alex feel very comfortable.

Unknowingly, he was already humming a familiar tune that he used to sing when he was young.

"Hmm~ hm~ hmm-?"

Just as he's enjoying his time, a system chat window popped up in front of his eyes 


Seeing the name of the sender, Alex became curious.

Opening the conversation, Alex looked at the message.

[Kris: Alex, where are you????]

Seeing the multiple question marks at the end, Alex raised an eyebrow.

He replied, [Zero: What? I'm in the Alter Dimension right now. What's the problem?]

Alex waited for a minute before a reply came back from Kris.

[Kris: Well, I was looking for you since you have become more popular again!"

Raising an eyebrow, Alex was confused about Kris' words.

[Zero: Huh? What do you mean by that?]

A few seconds later, Alex finally came to an understanding.

[Kris: A lot of people have been admiring you since your video of going against that clown monster came out.]

[Kris: Since yesterday, when the government revealed everything to the people, they have also told some basic information to the people.]

[Kris: Thanks to that, people have become more aware of just how powerful you are and the monster that you took down.]

Reading the messages from Kris, Alex fell into a thoughtful mood.

After a few seconds, Kris sent another message.

[Kris: Anyway, when are you available, Alex?]

Alex glanced at the message before replying with, 

[Zero: I don't know. Maybe later, but I haven't slept yet since yesterday so I'm feeling pretty tired right now.]

On the other side, when Kris saw Alex message saying he hasn't slept yet, she frowned.

"What? Why did he not sleep yet?" She muttered, asking herself.

Kris didn't have to be confused for long.

Another message from Alex that left her in shock came.

[Zero: The trial to 2nd Tier was quite time consuming for me. Thankfully, it wasn't anything hard so I managed to complete it in the end.]

Kris paused for a moment to read Alex's message before her eyes widened.

[Kris: What?! Are you already a Tier-2 player?!]


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