Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 81  An Ambush

Chapter 81  An Ambush

The walk to the bedroom was almost as torturous for Killorn as it was for Ophelia. Whereas Killorn was eager to bend her over every surface possible, Ophelia was wondering if she'd be able to walk if they did it for that long. As Killorn carried her past a servant, she saw the vampire's shocked and confused expression.

"P-please prepare a bath right away!" Ophelia called out, surprising Killorn whose head snapped to her.

Ophelia flushed and peered helplessly up at him. "I-I was out the whole day and s-sweaty… P-please, let me clean myself first."

"I like it that way," Killorn deadpanned.

"P-please?" Ophelia squeaked out, mortified if he tasted her skin and it was salty as popcorn. She was frightened by what he'd think of her scent too.

"Have it sent up in two minutes," Killorn barked at the same maid, wondering why the hell vampires were serving them? He hadn't noticed it earlier, but almost every person in this palace was a vampire. He knew many of them were of lower and insignificant rank, but where was his head housekeeper? He hadn't seen that man for a while now. All of it was beginning to make him suspicious.

"R-right away, Duke," the vampire responded, scurrying off to carry out the command.

Killorn returned to his journey up the staircase. He carried her up the grandeur of his palace, watching as she fidgeted in his grasp.

"Werewolves in the empire are too precious to serve," Killorn said to her after a moment of silence. "Almost every werewolf in the empire here is a soldier or a trained scholar at the most prestigious academy."

Ophelia naively blinked and nodded her head. "I-I didn't know…"

"We are valuable," Killorn explained. "Though, the people that serve in the palace are mainly humans."

"I-its a dangerous profession for h-humans…" Ophelia mumbled with a glance up at his handsome features. He glanced down at her in confusion, not quite understanding why. "W-wouldn't their vampire masters drink from the p-poor humans who can't fight back?" Ophelia naively asked whilst innocently blinking up at him.

"Worry about yourself first, my dear human," Killorn deadpanned.

Ophelia opened her mouth, but realized they were now in the bedroom. Just as Killorn kicked his doors down and walked into the bedroom, he froze. His head snapped up and he placed her onto the bed, finally registering the tens of footsteps rushing toward him. "W-what's wrong?" Ophelia asked, sitting upright to see his murderous expression. Killorn slowly turned to her whilst unsheathing his sword. The metal clinked and screeched, causing her to cringe back in fear.

"Stay here." Killorn drew his sword, his grip tightening on the handles as he prepared himself. Immediately, Beetle rushed in, out of breath, his eyes wild. In the distance, a loud horn was sounded, followed by a blaring sound, as panic slowly began to ensue.

"Alpha!" Beetle shouted, joined by a group of one of their best fighters, all of whom came with Killorn on the journey from the Mavez Dukedom. "There's an ambush!"

Killorn's expression was thunderous. He was on the verge of committing murder. For fucks sake, he was this close to tasting Ophelia and hearing her tender cry.

"Goblin hoards one after the other are rushing from the back of our palace! The walls are being scaled by them as we speak, the troops are being immobilized, and our militia is being dispatched right now!" Beetle shouted, his eyes wide with madness and disbelief.

"At the palace?!" Killorn snarled, equally shocked by this information. "How is that possible?"

"We don't know!" Beetle insisted, breathing out heavily from running all the way here at full speed and without a single break. "We have to escort the Luna to the safety shelter immediately."

Opehlia's world began to spin. Just the thoughts of those creatures and how quick they were to rip through her dresses, she felt a violent shudder down her body. She recalled goblins were one of the vilest of monsters, for they tended to force their way into a human, man or woman, as long as there was a hole for them to stick their disgusting members through. She felt herself being dragged out her feet, escorted personally by Killorn.

Ophelia's ears rang as she remembered what happened ten years ago, the  shrills of her older sister, and the sobbing of Roselind. She recalled the goblins in the carriage that was prying through her gown, eager to unload themself into her, their sinister laughter filling the air. Ophelia's heart fell to the pit of her stomach. She heard the thunderous roar of Killorn who was shouting commands left and right to his men.

"We are the palace's first defense!" Killorn commanded his people. "Man the walls, protect the boundaries, do not let a single one of them through!"

Now, Ophelia understood why House Mavez was given a dedicated palace of their own in the expanding castles within the Helios Empire. They were here for protection, with Mavez Mansion stationed near the walls keeping out the monsters. She could feel Killorn roughly yanking her to a stop.

"Ophelia, follow this female soldier to the safety bunkers where the rest of the women and children are. In no event are you to leave the premises, do you understand?!" Killorn demanded.

"Y-yes," Ophelia staggered out, with large eyes of fear. Killorn reached into his pockets and took out a small dagger. He impatiently grabbed her wrist and placed the weapon into her palms.

"Use this," Killorn informed her.

Ophelia shakingly wrapped her fingers around the cold steel weapon. "P-please stay safe, p-please—"

Killorn turned on his heels and stormed off, just as a vampire servant came forward with her head bent. Killorn was immediately surrounded by men and women alike who catered to his commands and all sorts of formations.

"Send Group A to the walls, Group B to the southside, C to the northside, we'll have them all surrounded, even if they have penetrated the palace. Then, to ensure Group S is stationed in the center, and Group SS into the capital to ensure the citizen's safety," Killorn calmly ordered as if he wasn't fazed by the abrupt attack.

Ophelia realized he had only raised his voice at her to make her behave. Did he not trust her?

"My lady," the reluctant vampire servant stated in a hard voice. "This way."

When Ophelia couldn't move a muscle, the maid did her own thing. Ophelia felt herself being dragged away. She could only look at Killorn who never once glanced back. He was too busy spitting out orders one after the other to Beetle and his men who rapidly nodded their heads, a small bunch of them departing to let the commands through.

"No matter what," Killorn roughly breathed out. "No one is to touch the women and children of the empire. Their safety is our priority." It was the last thing Ophelia heard before she was pulled around a corner. The last image she saw of Killorn was how majestic he was. He was in complete control. Everyone obeyed his words like a command. No one dared to speak up against him.

Ophelia suddenly realized one thing. She had been around the gardens earlier and the walls were just a five-minute walk away, as Princess Elena mentioned. Ophelia wondered if she had something to do with the ambush? Not to mention, monsters also realized goblins had come attacking them during the carriage journey too… What did all of this mean?


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