Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 77  Not His Fated Mate

Chapter 77  Not His Fated Mate

Ophelia woke up to cold sheets and an empty heart. She sat sullenly with regret digging into her chest. She wished she hadn't fallen asleep last night. Maybe then, she would've had the chance to talk to Killorn more. Even with the vampire maids' cruel nature like yanking at her hair until strands fell to the floor or accidentally pricking Ophelia's skin with their sharp nails, she remained quiet. She was pulled from the left and right like a rag doll whilst they roughly dressed her until her skin was red and angry.

Ophelia was wordless when they served her a cold breakfast that upset her stomach. She was lost in thought, wondering if she should bring up the topic again. Killorn had departed without even a kiss or a goodbye to her.

"W-where is A-Alpha today?" Ophelia mumbled to Beetle who was stationed to watch her.

Beetle glanced at her gaunt cheeks and frowned, feeling as if she had lost weight since coming here. He cast a glance over his shoulders where a vampire maid was whispering her friend, snickering, and giggling whilst carrying an almost untouched tray of morning salad, poached eggs over dill yogurt, and peppered butter, with toasted brioche bread awaiting her. Did the lady not eat at all?

"Alpha is at the war council today debating the matters of delegations," Beetle responded. "Should I send word that you're waiting to see him, Luna?"

"N-no need…" Ophelia said whilst walking into the library again. She felt lonely, even though she was accompanied by someone. This time, she glanced around, wondering if Layla was there. She wondered where her puppy ran off to, for it had been a while since she had last seen him. It would be nice to read a book by the window whilst patting him on her lap. Maybe she could ask Killorn… oh, but wouldn't he be too busy to even do such a thing?

Ophelia cast a glum expression to the floor. Suddenly, Beetle took a whiff of air, his hands resting loosely behind his back.

"Layla was here a moment ago, Luna," Beetle suddenly told her. "Pity." "O-oh you seem awfully curious," Ophelia responded, wondering why his easygoing smile suddenly stiffened. Beetle glanced down at her, almost abashed with tinged cheeks. "Luna, I think I've fallen in love."

Ophelia naively blinked. Was he not the player of the bunch? She tilted her head, her ears burning with the need to listen to this gossip.

"W-with Layla?" Ophelia asked.

"Yes," Beetle wistfully responded. "She is my fated mate. Can you believe it, Luna?"

Was that fact hard to fathom?

"I mean, a human girl and a werewolf, that is practically unheard of pairing! The Moon Goddess must be playing a foolish trick on me for making her my fated mate when she wouldn't feel this intense burning for her like I do, Luna!" Beetle rambled with a loud sigh. He practically spun to the library table, plopping his behind on the surface. "You humans love with your heart, but werewolves are spellbound through their souls, for our lovers are our soulmates for life," Beetle exasperated with lovestruck eyes. "Every fiber, cell, and inch of our body craves for our fated mate, but to you human girls, it is as simple as the throbbing of your heart. Layla does not understand how I obsess over her even though we barely know each other."

Ophelia was immediately intrigued. If that was how werewolves felt towards their mate, wouldn't that make it the greatest love of their lifetime? Her brain began to buzz, for she wondered if Killorn would ever stumble across his. Her throat tightened when he said he didn't have a fated mate. "D-does every werewolf have a destined mate?" Ophelia asked.

"Yes!" Beetle stated. "We only have one! One, I tell you! And she thinks it is no big deal, even attempting to tell me that she has no interest in me and—"

"D-does that mean K-Kilorn has o-one too?" Ophelia eagerly questioned, completely not realizing she had interrupted him.

"Oh," Beetle whispered. He let out a quiet hum and titled his head, lost in thought. "Yes, well he should have one—"

Beetle instantly regretted his actions. He quickly rose to his feet and held his hands up in defense. "Wait, Luna, it is not like that."

Ophelia didn't realize she was on the verge of tears until she breathed and out came a sniffle. So… Ophelia was not Killorn's fated mate.

"But don't worry, Luna!" Beetle exasperated, quickly approaching his Luna before word got out that she cried in his presence. My god, Killorn was going to skin him alive and carve out his eyeballs for this heinous crime! "Just because a werewolf has a destined mate, it doesn't mean they'll ever meet them. The world is vast, that person could be thousands of miles away, or on the other side of the world. Every werewolf has a mate, but not every werewolf will ever meet them," Beetle explained. "It's a simple concept, Luna."

Ophelia's lips trembled. She sharply turned to hide her aggrieved expression, for she hated crying in front of other people. Not that she was, but a sword was digging into her chest, and she didn't know how long she could hold on.

There will always be the possibility of another woman. Her status by Killorn's side will never be solidified, even if she gave him all the children in the world. Human girls loved with their heart, but werewolves were spellbound by their souls. If Killorn was to meet his fated woman, didn't that mean he wouldn't even glance in Ophelia's direction? His entire body would burn for another, his voice only softening for that woman, and his soul would only respond to her.

Without realizing it, Ophelia had spiraled into sadness, her heart ripping into shreds. Killorn's abandonment towards her in the mornings was evident of that. She had told him that felt flawed whenever he left, and he… he did it again!

"Luna…" Beetle exasperated. "I didn't mean it like that, please do not weep. Although it is clear you are not his fated mate, there is a high chance that he won't meet her and


Suddenly, the library doors were thrown open. Ophelia jumped and stepped back, for she hadn't registered someone entering the palace. Beetle sprung into action, jumping in front of her before anyone could do something. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw who it was. Gritting his teeth, his grip tightened on the sheath of his sword.

"She can't be far," a beguiling voice stated. Then, her head snapped to the entrance, where he stood like some knight in shining armor. His blond hair was swept by the wind, locks ever so silky, his cold eyes scrutinizing the room, and his features too charming for the naked gaze.

The second he saw her, his expression changed. Everest was instantly raptured by her beauty, his winter stare melting into spring. She was almost crying, how cute. Her button nose was red and her violet orbs shimmered brighter than crystal chandeliers. He noticed her hair was pulled into a tight bun that must've hurt and she smelled faintly of… sweet, mouthwatering blood? Did she injure herself? "Y-Your Highness," Ophelia managed. She took the sides of her blue gown and lowered into a curtsy.

"No no, you're to call me Everest and that is a command," Everest informed her. "I've come to have a conversation with you, little lady. No formalities, I promise."

"W-what?" Ophelia stuttered.

"Little Lady, the sun is high in the sky and the breeze is practically like cotton on your skin," Everest declared in amusement. "Don't tell me you're going to be cooped up in the library when you can be enjoying a leisure stroll?"

"I-I do not think—"

"Let's have tea in the gardens," Everest told her. "It was the late Duchess's favorite spot in the palace, wouldn't you like to see it?"

Killorn's mother? Ophelia tried to hide her interest, but it was impossible. She had perked up on the spot, her thoughts distracted by the mysterious woman.

"And you can even bring your guard dog," Everest warmly said with a growing smile. "We'll enjoy tea, biscuits, finger food, and dessert, what do you say?"

Ophelia's attention snapped to Beetle. "H-he isn't a g-guard dog, his name is B-Beetle. P-please treat him kindly."

"Ah, a bug," Everest mused. "It is my mistake, Little Lady."

Beetle narrowed his eyes in irritation. Just what is this man planning? He let yesterday go, but today was impossible. He'd had to inform Killorn of this immediately. "Luna, I don't think—"

"And afterward, perhaps my sister can join us when she finally wakes up in the afternoon. You'll like her, Little Lady, she's gentle as a lamb, but a wonderful social butterfly. High society loves her," Everest stated.

A social butterfly? People like her? Ophelia's head spun with the possibility of getting to make a vampire friend for the first time in her life. She tried to contain her excitement, for it was foolish thinking, but… if Beetle could come too and they were in a public spot, wouldn't it count as just a conversation?

"What do you say, Little Lady?" Everest asked. "I'll have the maids wake her up earlier if you do not wish to be alone in my presence, even with Beetle in the distance."

Ophelia couldn't let this great opportunity pass. Maybe if she made a friend, she'd have someone to practice conversation with and eventually, learn how to use her tongue without stuttering.

Beetle turned to her with an exasperated expression, but Ophelia had to ignore him. Maybe Everest was right, it's better to go outside today instead of being cooped up in the palace. Killorn had never forbidden her to go anywhere.

"O-oh alright then, perhaps a tea party wouldn't hurt," Ophelia relented. "T-to the gardens we go then."  


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