Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 69  Little Lady

Chapter 69  Little Lady.

Ophelia should've kept her mouth shut. She passed out before counting how many times they did it in the morning. When she woke up, she was all alone, her legs shaking like a newborn deer.

Ophelia gave herself a five minute recovery window and then made her way out of the room. She poked her head out and froze at the sight of a whistling Beetle. Before he spotted her, she slammed the doors shut and scrambled to get dressed.

"Luna?" Beetle called from outside the door.

"J-just a minute!" Ophelia squeaked whilst opening every door she could find to locate the closet. To her relief, her last attempt bore fruit. Aha! A morning gown for her to wear!

"Since you're awake, I'll summon the maids now!"

Ophelia nearly tripped over her footing and fell as she rushed to get dressed.

"Ow! No, you go, why does it have to be me?" a voice shouted in protest, followed by the sound of him being whacked.

"Obviously the strongest one here has to protect the Luna. Go!" Beetle ordered whilst shooing the newbie away. He watched with amusement as the soldier huffed and puffed, but still ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

Beetle noticed that despite the soldier being trained from the Mavez regime, they had a softer heart here. He supposed that was fine but it meant the Mavez's regiment wasn't as strictly enforced in the castle as it was in the Dukedom. Beetle knew he didn't have to comment on it, since if he noticed, then so did their Alpha.

- - - - -

When the maids came in to aid Ophelia's morning bath, even the trained women couldn't look away from her obvious red marks. Ophelia was mortified as they bathed her with red cheeks and eyes. She wanted to die of embarrassment, but her skipping heart told her to do it later. Ophelia couldn't even fathom the twist of events. She was just a human girl. Everyone could tell from the scent of a prey, whose status was at the bottom of the food chain. The vampire maids whispered and shoved at each other in disbelief that they'd have to serve what was once food to them.

Ophelia jumped when she felt her hair being tugged. Silver strands spun and fell aloofly onto the ground, gathering a mess at her feet.

"My apologies, my lady," the vampire maids bit out, her voice filled with arrogance.

Ophelia tensed, for she didn't know if she was in the right to discipline the maid. Growing up, all of the humans were taught to never disrespect or harm a vampire, for such a crime was punishable by hand decapitation or death. However, when it came to ranks, Ophelia was a Duchess by name and title, and these were simple petty maids. Ophelia's position could never be replaced, but these servants' could.

"O-ow!" Ophelia gasped when one of their sharp nails pricked her neck.

"Your skin is too sensitive, my lady, please sit still, we're working the best that we can!" one of the maids complained whilst stringing the pearls across Ophelia's neck.

Ophelia gritted her teeth at the iciness of the jewelry. She wondered if they deliberately left it outside all night long, for the pale orbs were icy cold. She frowned at how her jewelry made her unnaturally paler than usual, especially with her ashy gray gown. However, the maids had apologized to her earlier, which meant they technically weren't in the wrong.

The ones overseeing the castle were most likely going to be vampires and werewolves too. Would they even fathom the opinion of a stuttering human girl like her? Ophelia was certain they'd laugh in her face if she tried to make a complaint. Besides, with how horrible her stammering was, how was she going to reprimand them?

With heavy reluctance, Ophelia sat in silence, glowering at the maids. Vengeance was on her mind, but so was fear that paralyzed her tongue and muth. One day, she decided. One day, she was going to speak up, but not today.

Even as Ophelia's scalp burned from how tight the bun pulled her hair back, or how cold her morning soup was, she kept her mouth shut. She ate and performed in peace, but seldom touched the food after one or two bites. Her stomach grumbled by the time the maids were gone, but Ophelia refused to let their ambition stop her.

Ophelia glanced around for her puppy, but seeing the thing was curled into a ball and asleep by the fireplace, she let out a sigh of relief. Earlier, she had fed him what she didn't eat, and the maids had glowered at the thing, but didn't dare to say anything. She wondered why. "Where are you going, Luna?" Beetle asked when she stepped out of the room. He could barely hear their conversation earlier, but he thought he heard a complaint. "Are you feeling alright?"

"W-where is K-Killo—I mean the Alpha," Ophelia mumbled.

"Alpha is currently occupied by a meeting with the other heads, would you mind waiting for him, Luna?" Beetle stated whilst glancing at the soldier who looked like he saw a ghost.

Ophelia frowned, not even seeing the knight ogling her. She pressed her lips together, wondering what else she was supposed to do at the castle.

"O-oh, then, I-I would like to e-explore this palace," Ophelia stated. "B-but I don't want to be a b-burden, so you d-don't have to accompany me."

"Nonsense!" Beetle insisted whilst puffing out his chest. "Why else would the Alpha place his best fighter as a bodyguard—"

"Third best fighter," the soldier grumbled, earning a slight laughter from Ophelia.

"Better third than last," Beetle snorted.

"I-I'm not last—"

"Anyways," Beetle interrupted. "I'm here for a reason, Luna. Wherever you wish to go, you tell me and I'll take you."

"O-oh, please drop the address and s-speak comfortably with me," Ophelia decided. Beetle's brows quirked up, but he revealed an easygoing smile and nodded his head.

Ophelia paused and then glanced out the window. In the distance, she saw a huge tower that seemed to be within the vicinity of Mavez palace's territory. She curiously glanced at it and swore one of the windows just glistened.

"T-then, would you mind telling me w-what that is?" Ophelia asked, pointing to the tower. "Oh, that's the Magician's Tower. Reagan lives there, alongside many of his pupils," Beetle easily explained.

The name rang bells in Ophelia's head. She remembered Maribelle talking about the man.

"He's also the one who created the herb pouch that the Alpha gave to you yesterday," Beetle explained. "Though, Alpha said you're to strictly not enter the area, since it's quite dangerous if you're not accompanied by another magician. If you'd like to meet Reagan, I can inform the Alpha."

Ophelia pressed her lips together. Although she was curious about her burning palm and the array of light that came from it during the goblin attack, she didn't want to burden Killorn. So, she shook her head.

"N-nevermind, instead, I'd like to explore this palace and see if t-there's a library—"

"Oh my, who is this?"

Ophelia jumped at the foreign, yet familiar voice. She spun around, her heart dropping all the way to her stomach. From beside her, Beetle tensed, just as she let out a shaky breath. Standing before her, with hair as brilliant as the sun, and eyes redder than the forbidden pomegranate, was a vampire she never wished to see again.

"Hi there," Everest greeted, his voice smooth as silk, yet sultry as the sun. He oozed confidence wherever he went, with his loose shoulders graced by gold, and his hands tucked behind him like the regal ruler he was.

"Your H-Highness," Ophelia whispered with trembling lips. His brows shot up, most likely from her stammer. Ophelia didn't even detect his presence, until now. How long had he been standing behind her? Beetle was also caught off-guard, given his lack of response, until now.

Ophelia shakingly lowered herself into as elegant of a curtsy as she could muster.

"G-greetings to t-the—"

"Bah, no need for all of that formality," Everest started with a wave of his hand. Ophelia awkwardly nodded her head whilst trying to avert eye contact with him. She didn't want to come off as rude, especially when he seemed to instantly recognize her in the same manner that she did of him. He was the only one that seemed to know her secret. Her heart skipped when she felt his cold red eyes burn a hole through her skull.

"I've known your husband long enough for him to be my brother," Everest suddenly told her. "Well, he technically can be my brother as well… which would make you my sister-in-law."

Ophelia blinked. What?

"Don't look so confused," Everest mused with a tilt of his head Ophelia's stomach tightened with uncertainty. He was majestic as he was handsome, not an inch of flaw present on his face. He wore a loose smile, making him appear more youthful than his pale skin portrayed him to be. Even so, his gaze was colder than death.

"Little lady," Everest stated in a teasing voice. "Surely, you know House Mavez is related to the royal family by blood?"



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