Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 54 The Dog

Ophelia's knees gave out in fear. She shielded her face and tucked her head into her shoulders, clenching her teeth, and bracing herself for impact.

Killorn swore he'd rather fall onto his own sword than witness this. Her reaction stabbed him in the chest more than anything ever could.

"I didn't mean to, Ophelia. I swear to it, I really didn't..." Killorn lowered himself into a squat. He helped her to her feet, all the whilst she flinched and trembled.

Killorn tightly squeezed his eyes shut. He prayed to the high heavens for thunder to strike him down right now. Fuck. Just what exactly did she experience for her to be like this?

"I-I'm s-s-sorry--"

"Shh, shh, it's okay," Killorn instantly said. He regretted yelling at her the second he opened his mouth. He was stabbed with guilt, for she had stuttered almost every single word and he had just lashed out again.

"Come here, Ophelia," Killorn gently coaxed, revealing his palms to her. "I won't yell anymore right now, okay?"

Ophelia pressed her lips together and stared at him through her watering lashes. "B-but I am at fault, y-you should be yelling and t-throwing a fit. I-I shouldn't have b-been so w-weak. I-I didn't mean a-any h-harm earlier."

"I know, my sweet." Killorn reached behind him and hid the animal from her. Then, he slowly stalked towards her, testing her reaction. He waited, and she finally reached for him.

Killorn slid his palm against hers. Then, she suddenly shook his hand again. His attention snapped towards the action. What?

"T-truce?" Ophelia whispered in a tiny, solemn voice, for they had both been in the wrong. He should've communicated properly, but she shouldn't have moved out, nor should he have yelled at her.

"I..." Killorn could barely speak. She was adorable. Killorn found another way she could kill him, besides death from hard-on or torture. It was murder by cuteness.

"Truce," Killorn agreed. She had once shook his hand in the tent, after an argument too, just a few weeks ago. Was that how she dealt with things? It had completely disarmed him. What an effective tactic.

This little wife of his was so smart.

Killorn suddenly pulled her real close and personal. Her eyes widened. He stared right into those violet orbs.

"Never move out of my bed chambers again, you hear me?" Killorn asked.

Ophelia weakly nodded her head, grateful they had avoided what could've been an enormous fight. Without warning, he thrusted the dog into her arms. He was aggravated at himself for treating her as such. She was so precious to him, as gentle as glass, but he never knew how to behave around her.

"W-what's this?" Ophelia softly peered down to see the black mass. Then, the thing moved, revealing bright eyes and a wet nose. Without warning, the animal licked her face, its pink tongue ticklish.

Ophelia's stomach churned at the sight of the adoring creature. Immediately, she felt her anxiety lower a bit.

"A-a puppy!" Ophelia softly gasped out, stroking the top of its head. She felt her heart skip and a smile break out. "I-I've always w-wanted one."

Killorn's brows knitted together. He had filled her closet with newly tailored dresses to last the entire season, decorated her jewelry box with all sorts of accessories, and given her free reign on his money, but a mere beast made her happy?

"T-thank you..." Ophelia eagerly told him, raising her chin to stare him in the eye. Seeing his befuddled expression, she quickly lowered her gaze.

"U-uhm," Ophelia wetted her lips. She saw his attention instantly dart to the tiny action. With her cheeks stained, she awkwardly petted the puppy. The animal immediately responded by licking her fingers and nuzzling his face against her hand.

"If you're so happy, come here," Killorn muttered, opening his arms for her.

Ophelia obliged. She couldn't find it in herself to reject him. He instantly enveloped her in a tight embrace. The air left her lungs. He always hugged her like his life depended on it.

Killorn buried his face into her hair. He let out a low, guttural groan. Breathing in her scent, he kissed her fondly on the side of her head.

"Next time, you talk to me before making a decision that involves our relationship," Killorn mumbled into her skin.

Ophelia wondered if there will be more fights in the future. "N-next time, w-will you c-communicate w-with me?"

"I don't mean to cause communication problems, I just..." Killorn pressed his lips together. "Just like you can't say much, there are also a lot of things I can't tell you or don't know if I should."

Ophelia's shoulders drop. She couldn't even blame him, for she was also struggling with these kinds of things.

At her silence, Killorn decided to change the subject.

"You smell delightful, Ophelia," Killorn snaked his arms around her even more. He refused to part with her, not after he wasn't able to see her the whole day.

"Did you miss me?" Killorn stroked his knuckles down her spine. She shivered, her lithe body arching against him. Immediately, his rod hardened, until it began to poke her stomach. He heard her visible gulp.

"D-did you?" Ophelia grumbled, her face a bit hot, for she wanted to tell him the truth, but was still too shy.

"I asked first." Killorn gave her a squeeze. "Tell me you did," he suddenly added.

Killorn ran the very same hand up her nape, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"U-uhm," Ophelia could only struggle for something to say. Then, she pulled back to look up at him again. Instantly, she had his full attention. The speed startled her.

Ophelia offered him a slow, but hesitant smile. Her brows etched together in fear, but her face was still warm for her husband.

"I-I did," Ophelia shyly admitted.

Ophelia breathed through her nose and then let it out her mouth. She repeated that at least three times. Swallowing hard, she made sure to control her tongue.

"Welcome home," she whispered in a teeny tiny voice.

Killorn's heart lurched. His tense body was suddenly enlightened. He had never seen something more marvelous than her. And immediately, he lowered his head. He was going to kiss her one way or another, even if he had to force the request out of her.

"Give me my welcome back kiss then, my sweet wife."


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