Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 46 Poisonous Flowers

Killorn opened his mouth to talk more, but was rudely interrupted.

"Alpha! There you are, the members were waiting for you…" Gerald trailed off. He paused and saw an awkward scene. Then, he turned on his heels, attempting to sneak back down the stairs to the training center.

No one wanted to be a third wheel in a couple's argument.

"Gerald, why are you walking down the stairs? I told you to find my brother—oh." Mirabelle blinked.

Ophelia paused for a brief second. She saw Gerald had been accompanied by Mirabelle, who was surprisingly sweating, with a sword strapped to her waist and a bright glimmer in her eyes. Ophelia realized Mirabelle must've slipped away from tutoring to train with the soldiers.

"Right on time," Killorn muttered. "I had Cora bring some merchants for you to decorate the garden as you wish. They should be here by now. Mirabelle, guide Ophelia to the drawing room."

Ophelia didn't even want to protest. She was still in a daze about the information, but was grateful for the distraction. Mirabelle looped her arm around Ophelia's. Ophelia's eyes widened in shock, for this was an intimate act between great friends. Ophelia had only met the young lady for less than a day and this was already happening. She wasn't sure if she should be relieved or worried.

"Ah, Cora will be scolding me if I'm nowhere near the castle. Let's go, Ophelia, I'll take you," Mirabelle energetically said with a welcoming grin.

"T-thank you…" Ophelia mumbled, causing Mirabelle to wave her hand and let out a soft laughter

"You are just so cute, sister-in-law." Mirabelle began to pull Ophelia down the hallways. "Oh and if you see Cora, please try to shoo her away as one does to an obnoxious fly."

Ophelia nervously laughed. She didn't think she'd have it in her to ever do such a thing.

- - - - -

"Announcing the presence of Her Grace, Lady Mavez and Young Miss, Lady Mirabelle!"

Ophelia's face burned at the inquiry. She walked down the grand staircase to see the merchants vibrantly talking to a stone-faced Cora. She saw the merchant's eagerness to please the head housekeeper.

"I am not the one you should butter up, it is Her Grace," Cora sternly said whilst turning to bow deeply.

"Y-Your Grace!" the merchants greeted whilst taking off his hat and dipping in a greeting as well. "And Lady Mirabelle."

Ophelia offered a welcoming mile. She hoped it didn't come off too wary.

"W-welcome to the Mavez Castle."

The merchants' brows raised at her stammer, but she was a valuable customer and they dared not say anything.

"C-come this way, gentlemen, we shall d-discuss in the tea room," Ophelia determined, despite not knowing her way.

Mirabelle perked up and subtly guided her in the correct direction. In the meantime, Cora departed, most likely to fetch tea for the guests. Eventually, they arrived at the tea room, where both ladies sat down with the merchants facing them.

"How can we help you, Your Grace?"

"I'll need a t-team in charge of different t-things," Ophelia began. She glanced around for a quill and paper, but found that there was none.

"Tell me," Mirabelle whispered. "I have the best memory you can possibly imagine."

Ophelia rapidly blinked. Such an ability existed? Suddenly, there was a gentle knock on the door and Cora stepped in with a tray of tea and biscuits with Janette accompanying them.

Ophelia nervously licked her lips, realizing she had come down unprepared. This was a bad first impression for her.

"C-Cora, please p-prepare the p-pen and ink as well," Ophelia instructed.

Cora calmly nodded her head and bowed to excuse herself. Ophelia was going to pour the tea, but Janette quickly came forward and merchants immediately helped themselves. She innocently turned her head to Mirabelle.

"You are the lady of the house," Mirabelle said in the lowest voice possible. "You do not make a move."

Ophelia's heart skipped. She didn't know proper etiquette. Nervously, she bit her lips and began her explanation as the men started to drink their tea.

"E-each one o-of you will be t-tasked with different things," Ophelia stammered.

"We function as a team, my lady," one of the merchants informed her. "We can source you anything you wish, but we all have our own specialty in it, of course, to ensure the maximum guarantee."

Ophelia naively blinked. "I-is that so?"

"You're not trying to scam us, are you?" Mirabelle stated in a joking manner, but her eyes are quite serious.

"Of course not, my lady!" they exclaimed.

Mirabelle chuckled and waved her hands, as if cracking a joke, but it was just a tactic to make them scared of her.

"What would you like to order, your grace?" they quickly asked, turning their attention to the stammering lady.

Ophelia wasn't ready. She initially wanted to craft a list before meeting them.

"F-flowers for the garden, uhm," Ophelia tried to remember. "Bright and welcoming decor for the castle."

"Such as, Your Grace?"

Ophelia blinked. She nervously glanced at her hands. "C-curtains, t-table cloths, b-bed sheetings…?"

Ophelia's heart skipped at their raised brows.

"Would you like some time to collect your thoughts, Your Grace?"

Ophelia's cheeks burned. Even Janette, who was pouring tea, paused. She glanced at Mirabelle who softly frowned at the suggestion.

"What kind of plants would you like for the garden, Your Grace?"

"O-ones that bloom in W-winter?" Ophelia mumbled.

"There are many species, is there one you have in mind? Or, would you like some suggestions?" the merchant asked.

Ophelia opened her mouth, without even realizing they had dropped the proper title.

"There are wide varieties that can bloom beautifully during winter, but we would need more details. What is the color scheme you have in mind? Is there anything that you are allergic to? Or, a species you'd prefer? How many do you wish to order?"

Ophelia's head spun at his never ending questions. She had never purchased something of her own free will. She didn't even know what to respond.

"W-well…" Ophelia awkwardly trailed off, her face burning. She felt like an idiot in front of the stone-faced Janette and sympathetic Mirabelle. They both glanced at her worriedly.

"I-I like yellow flowers?"

​ The merchants blinked. Well, that certainly narrowed down the list, didn't it?

"How about winter aconites? They are gorgeous yellow flowers that bloom even under thick snow and would be pleasing to the eye in the frigid winter, for they spread quickly," the merchants offered. "I can have a shipment come in less than a week."

"H-how does it look like?"

Hurriedly, the man shifted through his bag. Then, he retrieved a book and presented the piece to her.

"What do you think?"

Ophelia's gaze widened the lovely flower. They were tiny and had no stems, but were as beautiful as yellow tulips with enclosed leaves. She let out a breath, marveling at the dazzling of it.

"When the snow melts over it, the sun will shine upon the flowers, making them appear like topaz, you will love it!" the merchant emphasized.

"L-let's get it, then," Ophelia decided with an eager gaze.

Mirabelle's eyebrows scrunched together. "What did you say the name was?"

"Winter aconite," the merchants repeated with a strange tone.

"And the scientific name?" Mirabelle pressed.

The merchants nervously glanced at each other. "It's just Winter Aconite."

"It's Lady Mirabelle to you, and Your Grace!" Mirabelle hissed, watching as their face paled. She glowered at them with disdain.

"And that's not the scientific name for those puny flowers,," Mirabelle narrowed her eyes. "They're Eranthis hyemalis!"

Ophelia blinked. What's the difference? Weren't they just flowers?

Mirabelle sharply turned to Ophelia. "They form large colonies to the point of being invasive. Yes, it is beautiful during winter and will grow even in the harshest snow, but every inch of it is deadly! The leaves, flowers, stems, and tubers are poisonous to animals and can cause vomit and visual disturbances."

Ophelia's face paled. "I-I…"

"You almost tried to sell us poisonous flowers disguised as dainty little things," Mirabelle snarled. "How dare you?"

The merchant's brows shot up. "We were not aware, Lady Mirabelle. How could we possibly fathom—"

"We will have this conversation another day, gentlemen. It is late and time for Her Grace's afternoon tea," Mirabelle sharply told the merchants.

Without another word, Mirabelle rose to her feet with Ophelia. Immediately, she took the flustered woman towards the door.

"J-Janette, p-please escort the guests out," Ophelia stated whilst Mirabelle dragged her out of the room.

Once they were down the hallways and out of earshot, Mirabelle spun around.

"You must be careful," Mirabelle softly said. "Every merchant is a vulture at heart. If you are not ready and prepared, they will peck every inch of money from your palms."

Ophelia shamefully nodded her head. She felt guilt nip at her skin, for she had made a grave mistake of nearly getting scammed.

"Not to mention, earlier had you ordered that flower, it could've harmed the pups who don't know any better and will nip at the gardens!" Mirabelle let out a sigh of relief. "It is a good thing I noticed the flower before you ordered a large and non-refundable shipment of it."

Ophelia's shoulders became even smaller. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Mirabelle said. "You don't know any better, it's fine. Next time, please be more prepared."

Ophelia quickly nodded her head. She was beyond embarrassed at her lack of knowledge. Not to mention, what would the merchants think of her? And Mirabelle? What about Janette? They must've thought she was a fool. The merchants would think she's just an empty brain woman with a heavy pocket.

Immediately, Ophelia saw her wrongdoings. Not only was she unprepared, but she didn't think straight. The second she heard about something beautiful, she wanted to purchase it.

"I-I'll do better," Ophelia whispered.

"Yes, that would be for the best," Mirabelle responded with a slight frown.

Ophelia felt even more guilty. She had nearly wasted her husband's hard-earned money. This mistake could never happen again…

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Author Note (June 17, 2022): After being knocked down by a fever, flu, and food poisoning, I've made it back! It's been a crazy few weeks for me and I'm still recovering. Updates will be 1 chapter for this month and resume to double updates in July. Thank you for your patience and understanding! I really appreciated your warm wishes, thank you <3


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