Almighty Summoner System

Chapter 56 - I'll Take Them All!

"Shut up! You stink!" The guard stated as he pinned him down with a knee.

The scammer guard still struggled but he could do nothing with two guys pinning him down like that. His Monster Summon could also not help as it was also being pinned down by the two guards Monsters.

"You brought this upon yourself! Just where did you get the courage to offend a Gold Rank Adventurer? The hell, that's already the same level with our Guard Captain, you must be insane!" 

The two detained and tied him up tightly with his hands behind his back. The two guards could only endure the offensive smell that keeps on assaulting their noses. 

Sometime later, the two guards bowed again in Ban's direction wanting to apologize for the scammer guard's behavior. They also promised Ban that he would be dealt with accordingly and that he can rest assured. 

Ban only nodded his head as he dismissed them with a wave of his hands. 

He then turned around and beckoned for George to continue leading the way. 

George gulps a mouthful of saliva as he walks in front without saying anything. He was still in shock by what he had witnessed earlier. 

The guards might not have known of it, but he clearly knew what happened earlier. 'Dimensional Storage Ring!' 

He heard one of his passengers talking about it before. According to them, a Dimensional Storage Ring is a magical ring that can store various things inside of it as long as the space inside allows it. And what's more terrifying about it is that items that are stored inside a Dimensional Storage Ring would no longer have weight, and the owner would only feel the weight of the ring on his fingers. 

His passengers stated that those who own such items are extremely wealthy and powerful individuals. And according to them, the city lord of the city after Eagle City was supposedly rumored to have one. 

And when George thought about it, he could not help but imagine that the 'Sir Leon' in front of him, might be the City Lord of that city. 

He kept gulping a mouthful of saliva in nervousness as he walked in front of Ban. 

Ban noticed it and he could not help but inquire about it. "Are you okay? You seemed to be a little out!" 

For Ban, he was just concerned about George as he might have been extremely shocked by the events earlier. Especially when the scammer guard attacked him suddenly. His Summoned Monster, Swift Snail was, after all, parked alongside with his carriage. 

And even if it was there, it could do nothing much as it doesn't have any combat ability, or at least, that's what they thought. 

However, for George, Ban's question was akin to him standing on a judgment platform. Especially with his voice that sounded as if it was far yet near at the same time. One wrong word and he would be executed immediately. It's as if Ban was asking, "Did you realize something? Will you shut your mouth or I'll shut it?" 

George breathed slowly to calm his frantic heart. 'It's no use getting nervous, I'm only a guide, nothing more nothing less!' 

George readjusted his mindset as he thought that he had nothing to worry about. The higher-ups should think of their problems and he should just continue doing his work regularly and he will be good to go. 

He nodded his head as he said, "Yes I'm alright, you have nothing to worry about. I won't tell a single soul about it!" 

Ban was confused at what he was saying but he thought that as long as he's fine, then that should be good.

"Sorry Sir Leon, but where do you want to go again?" 

"Find me a shop that purchases Beast body parts." 

"Alright, I know exactly such a shop!" George declared as he went ahead to lead the way. 

The Adventurers Market has the format of a bazaar. However, the shops were bigger and their goods were displayed inside their shops instead of just being displayed outside. 

Even though with its wide street, the Adventurers Market was still crowded. 

All kinds of Summoners in different outfits and status roamed the street freely, trying to find the respective items that they needed. 

Sometime later, after a few turns, George finally stopped in front of a shop, named, I'll Take Them All!

It was written messily and it seems that the owner of the shop doesn't really care about the appearance of their shop. 

"This is the shop I'm talking about, Sir Leon! Although it may not look like it with its shabby appearance, this shop was actually one of the famous ones around here." George introduced the shop with a certain doubt in his voice. He also had some trouble accepting the truth when he first heard of it. 

Ban nodded his head without thinking too much about it. After all, Kuys Bar also looked shabby but the dozens of customers visiting there every day are proof of how good it is. 

Of course, Ban was not on the right place to comment about appearance, after all, he doesn't even know before that there are other kinds of buildings as he only thought that as long as there's a roof and wall, and you wont get wet during the rain, then for him, that's a house.

And besides, he was not educated by his gramps about one's appearance. He even thought that his gramps did not consider him meeting other people. After all, if that incident didn't happen two years ago,he might even still be at that place right now, training and having fun times with his gramps.

"Let's go!"

Ban said as he walked towards the shop's door. 

Just like the shop sign above their head, the door was also a little dirty. However, Ban did not mind it as he always helps in cleaning the Kuys Bar and it could be said that he was already used to it.

His hand reached the handle but before he could twist it open, the door was suddenly pulled away from him. Ban hurriedly retracted his hand lest he got pulled along with it. 

Ban looked up and saw a woman in front of him.

"Oh, a new customer? Are you the one who said that my shop has a shabby appearance?"



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