All Time Marksman

Chapter 92 - Daring Fights Need Guts

"Marks-" the Black-hooded man was not able to continue his words as the bullet pierces through his head and comes out of the other side of his head.

After the bullet comes from the other side of the head the blood followed gushing out from the hole.

The whole body of the Black-hooded man dropped on the ground. The other hooded rebel cell looked back as they saw how the Black-hooded man dropped dead on the ground. 

All of them were stunned as the other rebel cell marksman was not able to do that kind of precision and accuracy. They were like seating ducks. "What the heck was that! We need to retreat!" one of the rebel minions shouted and started running back outside of the gate. But the others which are players and some swordsmen pursued to attack head-on.

And Because of that Fang Shirong and the other Swordsman were now engaging with players. *CLING CLANG CLING* their swords clash and it sparks as their swords came to each other. "You think you can kill someone like me you low-class support unit HA!"

One swordsman stated as he dodges the left strike swing of the swordsman which the swords gave an opening wide enough for him to be killed. And the Hooded man saw that and with a quick and swift movement, the hooded man thrust his sword into the left rib of the swordsman. 

The swordsman spits out blood as he was stabbed deep, and as the swords get deeper blood gushed out from his mouth. The hooded man pulls out his sword and kicks the swordsman support unit.

And after kicking the swordsman support unit he leaps forward and raised his sword up in an iron slash stance and when he was up in the air he then shouted "Iron Slash!" upon shouting that word the sword lightens its emitating aura to orange.

The swordsman support unit saw the shadow face of the hooded man. But then an arrow struck the hooded man. And then the body of the hooded exploded after the arrow struck its chest. The support unit swordsman looked at his back and he saw the archers that were to support them.

He nodded at them but it was too late he was already bleeding a lot of blood. Luckily Han Zian was quick to respond to the location of the sowrdsman and was able to give a few first aids. 

"Attack them players!" the Yellow hooded man shouted as he raised his arms and point them towards the 29th Squire Squad. "Users attack!" the Red hooded man shouted as he pointed to attack the gate behind them. 

[Outpost Tower]

"Ensign Sir, this place will not hold out. We need to evacuate every personnel we can. We need to call Safe Zone Alpha for support or else we are going to get killed in this place!" Kong Guiren stated as he was worried that he will be killed in the fighting if the rebel cell were to break the 2nd gate of the outpost.

The Ensign was looking at the monitor and he knows that the 29th Squire squad will not be able to hold out for that long and they also need to retreat. But due to the outbound command, it will be really problematic.

"Call for Safe Zone Delta HCT and if they are able to respond to us quickly we will be under inbound control but if they cannot address our current situation we will talk to Safe Zone alpha and we will be under outbound command."

The Ensign ordered as he looked at the operator that was for communication. The operator nodded and quickly called for the Headquarters Communication Tower of Safe Zone Delta.

[Radio: BlitzKrieg-1 to MOUTH do you copy]

[Radio: (Response was static buzz)]

[Radio: I repeat this is BlitzKrieg-1 to MOUTH do you copy]

[Radio: this is HCT MOUTH to BlitzKrieg your signal is buzzing]

[Radio: (Response was static buzz)]

[Radio: This is HCT to BlitzKrieg do you copy]

[Radio: (Response was static buzz)]

And the operator from the outpost tower only can hear a buzz static signal. "Sir the signal and communication to HCT is disruptive we cannot connect into a specific channel to communicate to them, Sir"

The operator turned around as he reported what he was hearing the entire time. The Ensign was wiping his sweat from his forehead, as he was seeing how his outpost was slowly being destroyed by the rebel cell.

And then Ding Geming said as he looked at the Ensign. "Sir we need to evac now or else it will be too late. We need to send a distress signal to Safe Zone Alpha to be safe. Or else we are going to die in this place. We need to face the reality that we cannot win against this a lot of rebel cell suddenly attacking us." 

The Operations sergeant nodded and the Ding Geming looked at all the operators except for the communication operator. "All of the operators start protocol Data clean up, communication push the button for an emergency distress signal to Safe Zone Alpha." And the operator nodded as Ding Geming said that.

And the operator did what Ding Geming said he tapped the distress call button to the Safe Zone Alpha.

[Safe Zone Alpha Communication tower]

"Sir, We have been receiving a distress call from the Blitzkrieg outpost near our border that is under the Safe Zone Delta. What shoulder we do Sir?" the Communication officer that was on the monitor reported to the commanding officer that was at the back.

"A Distress signal?" the commanding officer asked and the communication officer replied, "Yes, Sir they are sending a distress signal to our tower as of right now and still continue to call for us." 

"Officer change the monitor to the current situation of the BlitzKrieg outpost" the commanding officer ordered as he looked at the satellite officer. And the satellite officer flashed what is currently happening in Outpost BlitzKrieg and they saw it's being covered in dark smoke and there are a lot of rebel cell signatures that are currently surrounding the whole location.

"What is happening, contact HCT of Delta and tell them that outpost BlitzKrieg is on the verge of collapsed" the commanding officer looked at the communication officer. And what the communication officer did was to quickly contact the HCT of the Delta.

[Radio: this Alpha-1 to Delta-1 do you copy over]

[Radio: This is Delta-1 we copy you Alpha-1 how can we help?]

[Radio: check your Blitzkrieg outpost they have been sending us distress call. We are waiting for your Greenlight to respond over]

[Radio: Alpha-1 please re-verify, the current location of the distress call outpost BlitzKrieg am I correct over]

[Radio: Delta-1 Verified and cleared the location is outpost Blitzkrieg near the borders of Alpha and Delta over]

[Radio: Alpha-1  wait for further orders over inbound command is under effect over]

[Radio: Delta-1 Copy that]

[Headquarters Communication Tower Delta]

"Sir, the Alpha tower has been receiving a distress signal from outpost Blitzkrieg. Even though they are under inbound control sir" the communication officer looked at the commanding officer that was behind him.

"Wait.." The communication officer said before the commanding officer was about to speak. "What is it, communication officer. The Outpost blitzkrieg has contacted us earlier but due to the bad communication line I only heard buzzing static noises and nothing else." 

And the commanding officer said "Give the order to Alpha to rescue the people in the outpost BlitzKrieg as we don't have that many forces to let out as of now. We can provide air support send the strike force wing 7 for helicopter support on the ground." 

"It will be done Sir" the communication officer replied to what the commanding officer said.

[Radio: Air Defense Corps, this HCT do you copy.]

[Radio: This is Tower 1, we hear you loud and clear Sir]

[Radio: Send out Strike force wing 7 to location. SEVEN NINER LIMA INDIA TANGO TANGO HOTEL ECHO MIKE UNIFORM PAPA]

[Radio: HCT verification of order to Strike Force wing 7. SEVEN NINER LIMA INDIA TANGO TANGO HOTEL ECHO MIKE UNIFORM PAPA]

[Radio: verification clear over]

And from that, the pilots were now scrambled to the location of the outpost Blitzkrieg. 

[Radio: Alpha-1 this Delta-1 do you copy over]

[Radio: this is Alpha-1 we can hear you Delta-1 loud and clear over]

[Radio: Green Light to Operation Safe course over]

[Radio: Green Light Authorization code from Commanding officer over]

The communication officer looked at the commanding officer. As he felt disappointed that they cannot save the people that were under them. "Authorization code OCTAGON 2" and the communication officer goes back into the radio.

[Radio: Authorization code Oscar Charlie Tango Alpha Golf Oscar November Two]

[Radio: Greenlight authorization complete]

[Safe Zone Alpha Communication tower]

"Sir, we have the green light the verification authorization code has been verified with double authentication sir and we are now allowed to safe those people from the outpost Blitzkrieg."

The communications officer looked at the commanding officer that was behind him. "Order the stand-by force to act on the outpost immediately and notify the outpost that we are coming." 

And the communication officer nodded.


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