All Time Marksman

Chapter 73 - Earnings In The Battlefield

Fang Shirong stood up and kicks the head of the type 1 ghoul. Qi Meili was able to get out of the humvee, as he was getting out of the Humvee he was able to draw arrow by arrow and unleashing her skills "Penetrating arrow" and "Rapid Arrow Fire" which she was able to kill 3-4 type 2 ghouls.

Because of the Penetrating arrow which made the arrow explode once it penetrates the enemy flesh and Rapid Arrow Fire which has an effect that it burns from the inside out of the monster that it hits.

After they were able to kill the ghouls that were rushing towards them a blue tab appeared in front of them. "This system is really is programmed as it is like inside a game no?" Han Zian exclaimed as he gets out of the Humvee and holds his book and whispered "Divine Cross" a struck of light and soon followed the Cross that heals all of them. 

[You have earned 2000 experience, 300 Gold, Ghoul claw 4x, Ghoul Fang x2] "Well I guess we can fund ourselves once again." Fang Shirong looked at the tab that appeared in front of him. And then after the reward tab that appeared a level up appeared in front of him. "Oh, Sweet I am level 20 guys!" Fang Shirong was so excited and happy that he reached level 20. 

"Nice job, Fang Shirong keep it up." Jin said as he gets out of the Humvee."Thank you, Sir" Fang Shirong replied while looking at Jin. 

[You have earned 2555 experience, 200 Gold, Ghoul fang x4] "Well For now I just keep my eyes open for another wave of those scary monsters" Qi Meili grips her bow. "Earlier I saw a different type of Lone Spike Wolf. It has different color compared to the color we are mostly seeing inside the dome. A new variant of a type 2 Lone Spiked Wolf?"

Han Zian looked at Jin and Jin was still looking around. As his Zero Eye Blue Bullet is still in effect, "Alright set up a new formation. A few perimeters, we are assessing the ground because it's too dark, Han Zian tries and check the Humvee if we can use the light." Jin turns around and he can also see their heat signatures. 

And Han Zian replied to him "Alright Sir, I will be moving" Han Zian goes back inside and check if he can turn on the power for the lights. Luckily he was able to, and he opened the light. The light will make other monsters come to them but with the range of the light and because of the skill of Jin they can handle such surge of monsters. 

"We really did not expect this to come to us. Qi Meili, have you contacted EYES?" Jin turned around and looked at Qi Meili. "Sir, I have contacted them but it was still buzzing static on the other side. I think our communication lines have been cut off" 

"If it's cut off that will be a big problem for us and for other operations. That will be a hard one it will take time and right now time is not on our side." Jin looked at her and turned his vision towards the buildings that are surrounding them. "I sense a lot of monsters, now we are going to fight them until we survive, FORMATION!" Han Zian jumps off from the Humvee and moved to his position. Qi Meili draw another arrow, Fang Shirong raised his daggers, Qiao Jiao raised her sword in a thrust position. Jin aimed his FXR-Raven.

"AWOOOOOO" red bloodied eyes, from the shadows, after that a shriek of screeches from the buildings. "They are here, Qiao Jiao takes on the front. Fang Shirong takes on the left-wing I take the Right Wing. Qi Meili takes the rear, Han Zian keeps your eyes open and heal us if we are in a tight situation. Alright, buffs!" 

And after Jin said that all of them started buffing themselves. 

The one to attack was a type 2 Lone spike wolf. The characteristics of type 2 lone spike wolf were large spikes from the back with a red stripe on its body its fang was larger than Fang Shirong dagger. 

The Lone spike wolf attacked Qiao Jiao, immediately it leaps forward, Luckily Qiao Jiao was able to block it with her sword as she already increased her defensive capabilities and the additional buff from Jin's title of commander. Fang Shirong was also attacked by 2,  type 2 ghouls that suddenly pops from the left-wing. 

"Whoa, you got the audacity to attack an assassin with that slow hands of yours?" Fang Shirong grinned and trying to make fun of the type 2 ghouls. But as a reply from the type 2 ghouls, they just shriek their voices to badly hurt Fang Shirong's hearing. "Argghh Dammit these ghouls!" 

[control headquarters tower]

The buzz of static from the screens and the satellite error interface was printed in front of their monitor.

"I hate looking at this static. Officers try to check everything that we boot this communication back online. This will be problematic if it's back as the feed will too many and the calls are too fast that we don't know what is happening because of the delay."

The control officers did all they can as they were all bustling to take action. To do their jobs.

"Deputy, head to the satellite 1 office tell them if they have located the location of the jamming device or the thing they call to disrupt our signal." The commanding officer looked at Tao Jia. 

"Will do sir" Tao Jia runs out of the office, and heads to the office of satellite 1.

[Satellite 1 office of operations]

Tao Jia entered the office and like what is happening at the control headquarters tower. It's all static and buzz frequency all over the office. Even the ops officers were now inside the satellite 1 office to check for a possible breach into the security compound. Because even inside walls communication has also shut down due to low communication.

"What is happening here" Tao Jia looked at Yao Zhu "Well brother this what happens when the whole place has lost communication even satellite 2 and 3 is also down. Affected establishment and government communications turn to localized radio frequency as Satellite 4 is still running. This is one hell of a coordinated attack and this is well planned for those who want to strike us down." 

Tao Jia looked at Yao Zhu. "We have already reported this to the commanding officer and even the HIGHCOM. But there is still no reply to the request for an immediate lockdown of the facility or even the walls. Luckily power lines and supplies were still good, it's just the communication and signal is down." 

"I guess they don't want a panic surge inside the walls and make the citizen feel that we are loss communication for 30 missions outside the walls." Yao Zhu looked at Tao Jia. "You know that there is 30 communication broadcast that has been deployed outside the walls. From Squads to support units right" 

"Yes I do, but because the communications are down all their situations are full blackout and they are on their own. We can't even send surveillance drones or planes because it will lose contact once it is outside of the damn place." Tao Jia looked disappointed. "I should head back and report what is happening in this place" Yao Zhu nodded.

[Control headquarters tower]

"What happened? At the satellite 1?" The commanding officer looked at his deputy disappointed at what happened.

"Well, Sir sad to say that satellite 1,2, and 3 has also shutdown. The ops officers are also there but they also don't know what is happening. We are all clueless if this is some kind of attack of some change once more in this world." 

"Alas, contact HIGH COM if we can send squads outside the perimeter of walls if they can find a device that can ensure the feed can come back," The deputy walked towards the monitor communications. And contacted the HIGH COM secretary. 

[On the ground]

Fang Shirong lowers his body to avoid the claw attack from above. He then thrust his dagger at the left rib of the ghoul and stab his right dagger to its throat to avoid its shrieking voice. After that, he kicked the ghoul and it dropped to the ground as it gushed out a green slimy substance from its throat. 

Qiao Jiao pushes the large Lone spiked wolf as its saliva is slowly falling on Qiao Jiao's arms. "You dirty dog trying to pull something like this on me who do you think you are! RAH!" Qiao jiao pushes the Lone spiked wolf and leaps forward "Iron Slash!"

after shouting that word she swings her sword to the left making a deep cut on the body of the Lone Spiked wolf. After that, she dashed forward and slides underneath the Lone spiked wolf, and thrust her sword up and slashing its belly from underneath. 

Qi Meili Draws two arrows and whispered "Slow Trap!" upon letting go of the string her eyes suddenly change into light orange color and with that it shows a crosshair target onto her enemy and when she lets go of the arrows and fires it, And as it impacted on the two targeted ghouls.

The ghouls dropped to the ground and were stunned the arrows that were fired were pierced directly at their heads. After that, she draws another arrow from her quiver and raised it at the trajectory in which she can land a direct hit.

She lets go of the string of the bow to fire the arrow and the arrow fires towards the two enemies, and when it reaches its maximum height of the trajectory and it changes its angle and increases its speed and acceleration adding critical damage upon impact the arrows disperses as it was "volley arrow ability".. The arrows pierced through the flesh of the ghouls.


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