All Time Marksman

Chapter 58 - Days Upon Days

[2nd day of the 150 days]

Jin woke up by the alarm he have set last night. He woke up like he was tired from all of the happening yesterday. Two people that he knew from the past have now appeared in front of him.

The first one was a close friend that cannot believe he was able to pass the Squire Squad position of Squad leader. And the other one was a person who is still interested in him but also wants to provoke him to do something that might get the whole Squad Leader course a roller coaster ride. 

Jin sighed heavily and get off from bed, he heads to the shower to freshen up. After that, he was already fixing his uniform when the alarm for all Squad leaders have been sounded. The sound in his room was also automated, the room that was given to each squad leader is pretty nice.

One bunk bed, a closet, and a private comfort room. ''They really did baby the Squad leaders of this kind of treatments. What about the Squad members under me… still thinking about them.''

[On the training barracks of Squad members]

A finely built woman officer stood in front of them all. Fang Shirong looked straight ahead as he felt that he will be the main target of the Woman officer so he keeps his head straight and did not bother to look at her eyes.

The Woman officer was only wearing a t-shirt of black and camo pants. It also wore a green beret, the woman glanced in each of the candidates that were in front of her. And said "I am Senior Specialist II Zhan Ju and I will be the instructor for your 5-month training for physical and ability training. For those who are not yet ready, the gate is over there and you may leave"

The sun was already giving them all a warm hot welcome. "What an amazing view is it" Fang Shirong whispered to Han Zian. "Shut it! I don't want an exercise like this, This place is grueling hot even water evaporates quickly in this environment" 

"I guess we are all going to have some fun are we gentlemen!" Zhan Ju looked at Fang Shirong. "You! From 29th Squire Squad." Zhan Ju pointed his finger at Fang Shirong. And then Fang Shirong replied with "Yes, Ma'am?" and the officer said

"I have many things that have not been cleared yet by my assumptions on your squad. According to my information, you are the squad that has excelled in all aspects. I want to see that, I have also heard that your Squad leader is also one of the brilliant minds in the whole batch. Now I expect highly of the squad so make sure. That you know what you are doing and not talking while in formation." 

And Fang Shirong replied back "Yes, Ma'am" And the exercises started their bodies were the primary lesson with the grueling sunlight and the exercises they have excreted a lot of sweat from their bodies that they have consumed. "Alright, you maggots get some water to drink I want every one of you to drink 2 liters of water am I understood I want them fully drained from that bottle, not even a little to remain!" 

All of them drunk their water bottle like a monster, their dried lips turns back to the moist one. Their dried body now have consumed 3 liters of water that will give them enough liquid for their body to get enough strength to push their bodies. 

[Back at the  Squad leader course]

Jin was the first one inside the designated room for all Squad leaders. The second one was from the Squire Squad from 13th. Jin was able to determine their specific Squire Squad because on the patch and on the sidearm. Then the 13th Squad leader walked up to Jin. And said

"You are the famous one right, I expect a good rival from you" He then smiled after saying that. "I am Zou Yong, and I am a Magician class. And if I were you, you need to know where you are stepping in. No alliance, not even a person to talk-" and Zou Yong was cut off by Sun Xue who was beside him. "Hey, Ru Jin is the seat beside you taken?" Sun Xue politely asked as she also looked at Zou Yon but her look at him was irritability. 

"Remember what I said Ru Jin of the 29th Squire Squad" Zou Yon then goes back to where he was sitting. "So who is that person do you know him Ru Jin?" Sun Xue asked as she looked at Ru Jin with an intimate look. "No I don't" Jin looked back at Sun Xue but he was weirded out and felt a bit awkward so he turned his view back to the board in front of them. 

''There is no problem if I use my abilities here'' Jin grinned as he felt using the Zero Eye Blue Bullet ''Argh I can't I don't have an open on me, but I can use the player inventory am I right`` Jin then felt an excitement once again. Jin then whispered "Open Inventory"

And a blue tab appeared in front of him and within his inventory were the bullets and the magma pistol. Jin looked at Sun Xue who was fixing her table. Jin then asked, "Hey Sun Xue are we allowed to equip weapons?" Sun Xue turned to Jin and replied "I think for all of us we are allowed to equip ourselves without secondary weapons like small blades, a small crossbow that I have. Why you ask?" Jin then turned back to the board and said "Well I was just thinking of something." 

And Sun Xue gets a bit interested in what is Jin thinking as she looked at Jin. "So what is it?" Jin looked at her once again and so close to her face and said "focus on the teacher and don't focus on my face got it?" Sun Xue blushed and flustered her face turned red as if she was being teased by Jin. 

And then Tan Shan entered the room as it was almost full by the candidates." Welcome candidates," the rough voice walked in, It was Tan Shan. The Candidates stood up in attention before Tan Shan ordered "Be seated". Tan Shan turns around and wrote the word `Tier 1` on the board. "Now, Not all of you I mean all of you are not familiar with Tier 1 monsters." And a hologram suddenly materializes a volcanic minion in front of them. 

"Now this volcanic minion as you all know its primary weakness is the arms, legs, and its nape. Most Volcanic Minion can cast spells and those are the fire Volcanic minion. And that monster belongs to the Tier 1 monsters." 

Tan Shan continued to discuss further Tier 1 Monster. And their weakness, with that Jin, was able to understand its way of fighting. 

[On the training barracks of Squad members]

"Right we are fighting monsters right Fang Shirong" Han Zian stated as he looked at Fang Shirong that was fighting multiple Lone spiked wolves. "These dogs are really some pain in the ass you know man sometimes I am going to make these dogs run to their mothers! RAHH!" Fang Shirong stated as he fights the 4 Lone spiked wolves, 

Fang Shirong was dodging the claws and bites of the Lone Spike wolves, he also tried to leap at the same moment when one of the Lone Spike wolves was about to go onto him. Luckily because of Han Zian's healing capabilities. Fang SHirong survived and he was able to use his Ability skill ghost dagger to pierce the fur of the Lone spiked wolf and be able to kill it with a slash straight. 

"One down 3 more to go Han Zian keep me healed I am going for an all-round these dogs will miss me if I were to be gone in this place they won't see my handsome face! RAHHHH!"

Fang Shirong stab his dual daggers on the neck of the Lone Spike wolf as it was about to jump onto him. But Fang Shirong was able to twist his body and then leap on top of the Lone Spiked wolf and then stabbing its neck. And when both of them slammed their bodies on the ground. Han Zian was far from the fighting and his practicing his long-range type of healing.

"You know Han Zian it is not funny when your healing is getting weaker you know to stay focused because monsters are adding up and I need that heal." Fang Shirong tried to challenge Han Zian to increase his Ability power output. "Hey don't push our healer we need him more than you do Fang Shirong"

Qiao Jiao stated as she was able to kill 4, type 2 ghouls in mere 30 minutes not bad for a swordsman in a level of 19. 

Then an alarm sounded and all of the monsters vanished, and a woman with a rough tone of voice was hear at the dome.

"You 4 did an amazing record as of the day. Well done but this kind of improvement must be kept up I am not saying you should lay low. 29th Squire Squad you are the lowest of the bracket. Next time keep your heads up at the scoreboard you are losing many monsters."

They were all gasping for air their sweat and dust has covered their face. They are unrecognizable, and then fang Shirong looked at the others as he lay down on the sand floor. "How come we suffer like this and our Squad leader needs to learn those kinds of stuff why not we are the ones who learn those stuff. And he is put here, what do you guys think?"

And Qiao Jiao looked at the haggard Fang Shirong. "If that happened then he will be a one-man army and we won't be needed so don't keep your mind close and focus on fighting these monsters.. This training is for us to live. His training is for us to get successful" 


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