All Time Marksman

Chapter 53 - Tell Your Last Breath

Fang Shirong charge towards the two Red Spincers that were near to him. While the 3 others were now crawling towards the two who were at the front to back them up. Fang Shirong twist his body and as he landed on the ground both of his daggers were now piercing into the shells of the two Red Spincers that were at the front.

Their shells were easy to break as their weakness was their top shell that was covering their inner organs which is the shell that mostly not to is touched and one of the most fragile shells. The only defense of the Red Spincers was its two huge pincers that are sharp and deadly.

Luckily for Fang Shirong, his flexibility helps him to twist his body to the other way around protecting himself from the attacks of the Red spincer.

And as he pierced through the shell it was followed by a gushed of blue slimy substance that was inside the shell of the Red Spincer. "Come on, you really need to make my hands dirty like this. And it also stinks!" Fang Shirong go into a furious rage so he also charged to the incoming 3 Red Spincers.

"Come let's play with my daggers you damn shells!" Fang Shirong whispered "Paranoia" and the ability skill objective was to make the 3 Red Spincers back off from him and retreat from their attack. As he releases a dark kill intent aura from his body. Fang Shirong grinned and easily killed the last 3 remaining Red Spincers. 

[Radio: T1 this is T5 I have cleared the floor I will be finding the hostage over]

[Radio: Proceed for the search T5, T1 out]

Jin aimed his XDR-rifle and sprays his bullets on the volcanic crawlers that were rushing towards him. As they were killed one by one by the bullets that were being released from the XDR-rifle they would shriek and twist themselves before dying completely. 

[Radio: T5, can do it faster because these enemies are damn a lot we really need to evac as soon as possible]

After Fang Shirong hear that from his radio he started kicking doors. And soon he found Qi Meili sitting on a chair.

"Alright do you have a weapon?" he asked Qi Meili, And she replied "Yes, I do" After that, both of them get out of the room and head towards the hallway. Upon arriving at the hallway towards the stairs they were met by 3 Lone Spike wolves. "You can gonna be kidding with me" 

[Radio: Be advised I have seen the other hostage on the 6th floor of the other building over.]

[Radio: T1 this is T5 we are currently engaging with Lone Spike wolves and from what I notice that the control is increasing the number of enemies on this building. We need to regroup over]

Jin heard that plead of regrouping so he kicked the Red crawler that was near to him and aim the XDR-rifle towards the place where the crawlers were increasing. [Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Ray Gun Burst]Jin pressed the trigger and it fired with its compacted power that quickly been generated and materialize at the end of the barrel.

The red beam of light fired through and burned all of the Volcanic crawlers but it also destroys a wall. Making a  hole out of it, "these damn Volcanic crawlers really like someone like me." Jin moved towards the 5th floor and he also saw Fang Shirong and Qi Meili and they were about to fight the 3 Lone spiked wolves.

Jin reloaded his weapon and aimed his XDR-rifle, "blind aim" he whispered and [Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Dual Burst] and the compacted power that was being generated at the end of the barrel was getting stronger. And Jin finally pressed it and as he clicked it the two Lone spiked wolves leap towards Fang Shirong but at the same time behind the Lone Spiked wolf was the beam of light that was being fired from the XDR-rifle.

The two Lone spiked wolves were disintegrated as they were hit by the beam of light. Only the ashes of the Lone spiked wolves were the ones that landed on the face and body of Qi Meili and Fang Shirong. 

Jin once again aimed his XDR-rifle at the last Lone spiked wolf who is now looking at Jin as if its furious blood was raging to click Jin. And rip jin apart, the Lone Spike wolf charged in and Jin compacted power from the XDR-rifle was completed and as he going to pulled the trigger the Lone spike wolf leaps towards his position.

"Oh- the wrong aim!" But from behind the Lone Spiked wolf, a penetrating arrow was fired and it was exactly aimed at its heart. The penetrating pierces through as the Lone spiked wolf was about to land on Jin.

As the Lone spiked wolf mouth was wide open as if it was about to take Jin whole eating. But it was stopped by the force and power of the penetrating arrow. The Lone spiked wolf has flown away and slammed its body on the wall. It tried to stand up but the force and impact of the Penetrating arrow were so critical it instantly made the Lone spiked wolf dead in just 20 seconds. 

"Alright, let's rescue the other two on the other building. Let's move we are out of time there is only 1 hour left before we fail this training mission." Jin exclaimed as he reloaded his XDR-rifle and turns around and runs down the stairs. Jin was firing his XDR-rifle with normal bullets as it can kill normal ghouls with a headshot. 

[On the other side]

"So the hostage is on the 6th floor. Let's go Han Zian and let's finish this battle and get out of this place" Qiao jiao Exclaimed as she swings her sword and so that it would remove the bloodstains that were on her sword. "Alright, let's go then" Both of them rushed towards the stairs, and as they were about to climb up they saw a lot of Volcanic crawlers.

Qiao jiao raised her sword and said "Last Sword Call!" after shouting that her body felt that she gain an amount of power and a tab appeared in front of her. And her sword aura change to pink same with her arms it has a pink aura emitting to it. 

"Being a Player and having a class and level is all damn exhausting but this is fun! Killing some Volcanic Crawler!" Qiao Jiao swings her sword left and right and she was able to kill a couple of Volcanic crawlers with her sword. Some slimy substance was gushing out as she slices from left to right. The Volcanic crawlers were about to get finished. 

"Han Zian let's go are you giving up?" Qiao Jio said as she smirked so that Han Zian will take up the challenge and increase his speed. Soon enough they reach the 6th floor, as there were only a few stranglers being dealt with earlier.

"Are you ready to face the enemy behind this door Han Zian?" Han Zian replied with a smirk and said

"You tell me because if the monster behind that door is a damn volcanic minion o sure we are going get wrecked without the others, but we can fight it."

Qiao Jiao and Han Zian laugh at each other as Qiao Jiao opened the door. And as they opened the door they were surprised that there were no monsters on the floor. 

"No Monsters? This is impossible, be alert and be on standby maybe it an enemy we have never had face before" Qiao Jiao said as she grips her sword tightly.

"Come out come out whoever you are!" Qiao jiao shouted, Han Zian felt that there is someone behind him. Qiao Jiao slowly turns around and saw a Naga Slaughterer behind Han Zian.

Qiao Jiao dashed forward and shouted "DUCK DOWN!" and Han Zian sitting on the ground and Qiao jiao blocked the incoming trident that was about to decapitate Han Zian.

"Damn you get up and help with this monster!" Han Zian crawled and stood up at the side he then raised his sword and shouted "Divine Cross" and lightly struck on the middle of them and a Divine cross drops down from the light. And that Divine cross can now heal and recover Qiao Jiao's strength and defense. 

The Naga Slaughter raises its trident once more and smashes it onto Qiao jiao but because of the extreme training regime that Jin implemented she was only back off a little and she was able to handle the impact of the trident on her body. 

The sword and the trident clashed  *CLING CLING CLING CLANG* their weapons sparked as it clashed together. 

[Radio: this is Team 2 we're engaging with a new monster on the simulation we don't know what is this but it looks like a snake with a body of a human its weapon is a trident like a weapon is Poseidon.]

[Radio: this is Team 1 we have recovered Qi Meili and we are heading towards your floor so hang in there.]

"Argh grhh~" Qiao Jiao tried to fend off the attacks of the Naga Slautherer because the Naga slaughterer built was really heavy for Qiao Jiao and is also due to the sheer strength of its weapon. She can take a few heavy strikes from the Naga but she cannot fight with it.

She can only do two things it's either she fights but no defense or she defends without any offense. "How come we have this kind of monster in this place I have never seen this monster before." Han Zian said as she saw the way that Qiao Jiao was fighting was so intense.

Qiao Jiao was being backed inch by inch by the heavy force that was being inflicted on her sword. But every time the Naga Slauthered smashed its trident on the sword Qiao Jiao was able to handle it.

[Control Panel]

"What an amazing swordsman we have here. Most of the Swordsman I have seen on the battlefield like this already fled and left their healer on the death. But here we are looking at a strong woman that is using her sword to deviate the strength of the Naga Slaughterer." The control officer stated as he was looking at the large screen in front of him.

"That is because you have seen our candidate swordsman and those swordsmen were not trained properly, that is because this squire phase is really, based on the only test upon test phase doctrine. They are being tested if they are suitable for training and if they are not suitable for training they should only be put to the support unit."

The officer in charge replied to the statement of the control officer.


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