All Time Marksman

Chapter 201 - Enemy In Disarray?!

"Anyway, where is the Guild leader?" the Vice leader looked at the Lion Pride officer that was standing in front of him. "Sir, the Guild Leader is summoning the 3 sub guild leaders for a meeting regarding Jelkala." The lion pride officer replied.

"Wait, what? 3 did we have 4?" the Lion Pride officer was quiet, but he still replied. "Sir, the last one merged with the 3rd sub guild because the last one, the Guild leader, killed their sub guild leader of that 4th sub guild"

"Ahh, I forgot about that," the vice leader tried to clear his collar from the uniform that he was wearing. "Aren't I going to be invite in that kind of meeting?" he asked. "The Guild leader is not calling for your presence Sir" the Lion Pride officer reply after that he turns around walked back to the door.

[Inside the meeting room]

"You are telling me we lost Jelkala City, and you three did not reinforce it back as the loyalist forces were losing their ground, huh! Are you giving me a reason to kill all of you! And merge back your members into the main!?!" the Guild Leader Draxus slammed the table as he glance at each of his sub guild leaders. "Sir, they did not ask and there were no orders," reasoned by Methaiel the sub guild leader of Roaring Lion Pride.

The Guild leader walks up to him and grabs him by his collar. The guild leader shows his shark-like teeth in front of him while he dragged him up.

"They don't need to it's our job to protect them no matter what!?! Got it!" he furiously shouted, then dropping Methaiel back to his chair. "I should have not stated those words I felt death knocking to my door damn" Methaiel clears his throat as he looked on the table while saying those words in his mind.

"Why not we retake Jelkala City when they least expected it. We still have the tunnels operational we could do that. Those loyalist forces just need a boost of morale coming from our forces they will surely fight once again." Ravenus the guild leader of the Red Sun Lion Pride sub guild leader, stated as he put his hands on the table.

"I can also lend more muscles when we take over. Lets first take the eastern and western sector those two sectors are vital as we have the hidden depot of weapons there we could actually retake Jelkala from those armored pants- Knights they have" Dragonov of the Red Sun Lion Pride sub guild leader stated as he looked at the Guild leader with passionate eyes for the progress of the guild.

"At least you guys can think of a plan to retake Jelkala we are going to attack them by midnight tomorrow we are not waiting for more days. I want those Maskarian city boys to get out. And let them know that Jelkala is a Guild owned city. And to add the Golden Lion Pride will also provide more muscles. Am I clear, Methaiel?"

Draxus looked at Methaiel's faces as he felt the oppression of aura coming from the guild leader.

"Yes, Guild leader, I will provide my men to support with the attack in Jelkala." Methaiel responded to the order of the Guild leader. "That is all you are all dismissed from this talk." Draxus leans back in his chair of the meeting room while the other sub guild leaders stood up and walks out of the meeting room.

[Vice guild leader office]

"So he really did not invite me over to their discussion, is that it. Dammit! GARUDA!" and the door opened. Then an armored suit officer walks in. The armor of the armored man has a logo of the Main guild which gives a marking that the man has a high rank among the military.

"Sir, how can I help you Vice guild leader?" the large buff man in the suit replied. "I want you and your men to train harder from this day on and recruit 10 more for the group. I want them to reach 90 members when go next month for my private force. Am I understood Garuda?"

the Vice leader looked at the armored man in the suit. "Yes, Vice Guild leader" after that, he turned around and quickly rushed out of the office.

"I want to be part of the credits. I won't stay long as your Shadow Draxus I don't want to." The Vice guild leader turns his chair to his window where he saw the overview of the city.

[Inside the barracks]

"We are going to leave by tomorrow morning I have to arrange a flight back to Maskara and we are going back to Delta in the Eastern region. After we look at what happened really in Safe Zone Delta." He paused and added,

"We are going back to the place where the actual monsters that we fought are stronger and aggressive. The place we grew from simple soldiers to hardened warrior, I am sure the recent appointed commanding official in the new establish Safe Zone Echo will be excellent on his job and I am hoping for that."

"Sir, I don't think we need to have a high expectation for those people we will meet there. Because that position is base alongside with politics, that is why they attain such ranks. Work hard and credits for killing monsters and completing mission are the ones they looked down upon. They hate us Squad leader."

Fang Shirong commented while he was playing with his daggers. "Anyway, I want all of you to get a rest and shower. As you are all smelly," Jin stated and turns around and walked to the door where his quarters are. After he said those words, all of them were laughing and having fun. Jin entered the room and when he step inside, he collapse on the ground.

He was back to being in the void, was nothingness. There was no light, and it was cold. He felt the loneliness. There was no warmth of a person he needed the most.

"Mother, I am already going to reach the top and soon find and finish this kind of battle with these monsters and with those factions trying to destroy humanity!" Jin shouted at the top of his voice, but the void seems to just bounce back the sound that he was creating.

"What the heck is this place! Why is my mother here!" he shouted Jin cried as his tears drip from his cheeks. After that, a sudden pull brought him back to reality. He stood up and wash his face until he saw the face of a haggard and tired face at the mirror. He let out a heavy sigh before saying, "What am I seeing a face of a killer" Jin opens the faucet and once again washes his face.

[back at the underground base.]

"Alright Li Ye, we are going to focus on the monsters that will attack the middle." Cai Dinxiang stated as it engulfed both of his arms in Demonic fiery flame. Its black violet fire made it deadly for some monsters.

"Alright, we are going for a teamwork fight. Don't lose hope we are here to win this damn simulation once again." He stated as the first spawn of 6 type 2 Lone spiked wolves appeared and began their charge. The first one to cover it is the 2 swordsman at the vanguard Qin Shanyuan and Li Xiaosheng. After the wolves have appeared, 10 type 3 ghouls have appeared and also charged forward.

Qin Shanyuan was now fighting 2 Lone Spiked wolves, Li Xiaosheng is fighting 3 Lone spiked wolves and Zhong Zian was fighting 1 Lone Spiked wolf and 3 type 3 ghouls. "Oh, you want to play with me dogie we shall play with my sword rahhh!" Qin Shanyuan swings her sword and easily cuts the chest of the Lone spiked wolf.

With the increase of her strength and defense, she leap forward and shouting "Iron Slash!" and her sword gave out an orange glow and when the sword came bearing down the lone spike wolf. The sword easily cuts the flesh of the Lone spiked wolf. Slicing its thick skin, then internal organs and gushing out the blood.

It splash and stained Qin Shanyuan gear, but it was nothing. The Lone spiked wolf dropped on the ground She then looked at the other Lone spiked wolf. But before she could react, she got slashed from the side by a type 3 ghoul then shrieking in front of her, calling for a battle cry.

Its gigantic mouth made an opening for Qin Shanyuan,thinking of stabbing its mouth so the sword would pierce through its head. And that is what she did, easily thrusting her sword forward to the ghoul's mouth. And to what she thought it succeeded, the sword pierced through the gums of the ghoul and straight to its brain, which kills the ghoul. The Ghoul dropped into Qin Shanyuan.

She then pushed it back up and to the other side, but the Lone Spiked wolf that was earlier staying at the back now tries to leap attack onto Qin Shanyuan, which was the position where she had her blind spot.

But when it leaps onto Qin Shanyuan, then it got hit by 4 demonic fireball which knocked the lone spiked wolf to the ground. Qin Shanyuan stood up and there she felt healing, so she turned around and saw Zia Tengfei.

Li Ye then raised his hand and creates the ice floor so he will can now create ice spikes to eliminate the other ghouls. While on the other side, Li Xiaosheng was not quite worried because he was facing three Lone spiked wolves. "Well, with my sword in my hand, I don't think you enormous wolves would try to take me down." He charged forward, and the 2 wolves that were on either side also charged forward.

Li Xiaosheng whispered "Defiant call" and his whole armored gave out a soft glow of pink, which the effect of the buff was to increase his defense. And a follow up "Last Sword Call" which gave out his sword a darker glow of pink. And when he was about to reach the 2 lone spiked wolves, he then whispered.

"Whirlwind of Destruction." He swings his sword, and the sword created whirlwinds with exactly heading towards the 2 Lone spiked wolves and the last one at their back.

The whirlwind ate the two wolves and now swirling around before slamming them on the ground, stunned and can no longer move. Li Xiaosheng smiled and stabs his sword onto the neck of the two Lone spiked wolves. He also looked at the last one, who he also stabbed in the neck.


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