All Things Are Contracts

Chapter 6: All Things Are Contracts

Chapter 6: All Things Are Contracts

The World Library was the largest bookstore in Sun City, boasting a collection of 100,000 books covering various subjects including astronomy, history, literature, and geography – exactly what Zhanyue needed most.

Zhanyue spent a full hour inside, selecting more than ten books. The printing technology in this world was equally advanced, with good quality paper and clear text and images. This delighted Zhanyue; the world he had transmigrated to was neither barbaric nor backward, but had long since developed its own advanced civilization.

The dozen or so books were thick and heavy, and when placed on the cart, they indeed made it more difficult for A’pan to pull.

“A’pan, here,” Zhanyue took a piece of candy from his pocket and handed it to A’pan.

A’pan was very curious about the candy’s packaging, with writing he didn’t recognize. After opening it, there was still a thick black shell. He was a bit scared, but when he sniffed it, the sweet smell was very tempting.

“Go ahead and eat it, it’s a Snickers, good for replenishing energy,” Zhanyue said.

The taste of the candy was extremely wonderful. “Brother Zhan, this must be expensive, right? I’ve never had anything like it before.”

“Of course, once it’s eaten, it’s gone,” Zhanyue laughed. After spending a day together, he had become quite familiar with the boy.

“It’s a pity I’m just an ordinary person, I haven’t awakened a contract. Otherwise, I wouldn’t get tired like this. But if I had awakened a contract, I wouldn’t need to pull rickshaws anymore. My father was a weapon contractor. His hard work allowed my mother and me to buy a house and settle down in Sun City, but unfortunately, he went missing on the battlefield and his fate is still unknown. Although we have a foothold here, we still have to fend for ourselves for food and clothing,” A’pan said with some sadness.

“Maybe your father will come back someday?” Zhanyue consoled.

“I really envy contractors like you, Brother Zhan. I don’t know what my contract object would be, or if I’ll ever have a chance to awaken in this lifetime,” A’pan continued.

“How did you know I was a contractor?” Zhanyue was curious. As for his contractor identity, he suspected it had something to do with his watch.

“That’s easy. All contractors have a bright spot between their eyebrows. Although it’s not obvious, you can still distinguish it. Moreover, the strength and size of the bright spot can indicate their realm, unless they have a way to hide their cultivation,” A’pan, though not a contractor himself, knew quite a bit from having a contractor father.

After wandering around for a day, Zhanyue had gained an initial understanding of Sun City. Before returning to the inn, he gave A’pan a purple crystal coin as payment, making the boy extremely grateful.

“By the way, A’pan, you said the illumination Goddess statue is so important, why aren’t there any guards around it?” Zhanyue hadn’t forgotten that palpitation.

“Uh…” A’pan explained, “The illumination Goddess statue is so big, could it be stolen? Besides, there are restrictions around it. If anyone gets close, the restrictions will naturally trigger an alarm, so there’s no need to arrange guards.”

Zhanyue nodded and made a note of this. After saying goodbye to A’pan, he returned to his room and eagerly absorbed knowledge about this world.

“Introduction to Contract Objects and Contractors”, “Common Knowledge of the Myriad Spirits Realm”, “1000 Wonderful Uses of illumination Stones” and other basic introductory knowledge were exactly what Zhanyue urgently needed. The bookstore owner even gave him an extra book, “The Legend of the illumination Goddess.” Zhanyue eagerly opened “Introduction to Contract Objects and Contractors”

“Contracts are heaven’s blessing, and everyone is born with a contract. At the moment of birth, an innate contract object awakens, usually appearing near its owner, but there are exceptions – unfortunate individuals whose contract objects appear in extremely distant places. When the owner meets their contract object, they can awaken as a contractor, so becoming a contractor is very much a matter of fate.

Everyone is born with a contract. Contract objects can be weapons like knives, spears, swords, and halberds; animals like tigers, leopards, bears, and snakes; or even elements like wind, thunder, water, and fire; or everyday items like rice, oil, and salt. Of course, humans cannot be contract objects, and there has never been a case of a human being a contract object. Awakening as a contractor is not difficult, one only needs to touch their contract object. The difficulty is that before awakening, people don’t know what their contract object is. When a person approaches their contract object, there will be some special reactions. Some people experience rapid heartbeat and palpitations, others blush, and some feel an unbearable itch in their hands. Different people have different reactions, but there is always some reaction, which makes it a bit easier for contractors to awaken.”

Reading to this point, Zhanyue almost jumped up. He had experienced obvious heart palpitations when approaching the illumination Goddess statue. Could his innate contract object be near the goddess statue? Did he, an outsider, also have a contract object? No, his watch should be his contract object. Could he have multiple contract objects?

“Three iron laws of contract objects: First, a contract object can never be human. Second, a contract object will not display any special properties before meeting its owner and awakening. Third, one object cannot be the contract object of multiple people, but a contractor may possess multiple contract objects. Such contractors are called Chosen Ones, and their occurrence is extremely rare.”

“Chosen Ones? In this world, one person can have multiple contract objects? Then I…” Zhanyue became more and more excited. His watch had given him the ability of ‘state reversal’, but it couldn’t be used for combat. If he had other contract objects and abilities, that would be incredible. “I definitely need to find time to go back to the area around the statue. My contract object is likely nearby.”

“If the contract object is destroyed before the owner finds it, that person can no longer awaken as a contractor. Such people are called dead contractors and are the most unfortunate category. Other ordinary people at least still have the possibility of awakening as contractors, but they don’t even have that possibility anymore. All those who become dead contractors develop a head of gray hair that remains unchanged even after death.”

“So in this world, dead contractors have absolutely no possibility of cultivation?” During his tour of Sun City today, Zhanyue hadn’t seen a single person with gray hair. Where were these dead contractors?

“According to the different contract objects, contractors can be divided into spirit contractors, beast contractors, weapon contractors, and miscellaneous contractors. The rarest and least common are naturally spirit contractors. Their innate objects at birth are intangible spirits like water, fire, wind, and thunder. They are also the group most likely to become dead contractors.”

“Wait? Thunder can also become a contract object? Lightning flashes and disappears in an instant. Wouldn’t that person immediately become a dead contractor? Where’s the chance to form a contract?” Zhanyue was puzzled, but the book immediately gave an example.

“The legendary god-level expert Thunder Lord was a thunder contractor. It’s said that he was born in the wilderness, and at the moment of his birth, a bolt of lightning struck him directly. Coincidentally, that lightning was his contract object, and he awakened as a contractor at birth.”

Zhanyue widened his eyes and smiled bitterly, “So it can happen like that? It’s really frustrating to compare oneself with others. Some people might never find their contract object in a lifetime, but this Thunder Lord had his contract object come to him actively, and it was the strongest spirit contract.”

“Below spirit contracts are beast contracts. As the name suggests, beast contractors’ objects are various animals. These animals can be ordinary animals or powerful creatures, including dragons and titan beasts! Beast contractors who form contracts with these powerful creatures are no less powerful than spirit contractors, but those who contract with ordinary animals shouldn’t be underestimated either. After becoming a contractor, not only does the contractor evolve, but the contract object evolves as well. It’s rumored that the City Lord of Sun City in the Eastern Kingdom is an eagle contractor, but he once defeated a fire contractor.”

“Below beast contracts are weapon contracts. Their contract objects are various weapons. If one can contract with a divine artifact, they could crush most beast and spirit contractors, ranking at the top of all contractors. But the probability of having an innate divine artifact as a contract object and then finding and touching that artifact is extremely low. However, even weapon contractors with ordinary weapons possess extraordinary combat power.”

“Below weapon contracts are miscellaneous contracts. Their contract objects are diverse and strange, possibly a kettle, an embroidery needle, or even a pair of underwear… The abilities of miscellaneous contractors are also varied, but generally, they are at the bottom of the contractor hierarchy. However, there are always exceptions, and exceptionally powerful miscellaneous contractors have appeared in history.”

After reading this content, Zhanyue eagerly opened “The Legend of the illumination Goddess” beside him. This fictional mythological novel didn’t have much useful content, but Zhanyue opened it because of the statue.

“The illumination Goddess was indeed a spirit contractor, and her contract object was actually sunlight…”

“I need to find time to go back to the statue and look around. Perhaps my second contract object is nearby,” Zhanyue pondered.


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