All Things Are Contracts

Chapter 290: The Thousand-Eyed Peacock

Chapter 290: The Thousand-Eyed Peacock

In the valley, flowers were in full bloom and the fragrance was overwhelming. Zhanyue and Yunyao stepped into this fairy-like place again, and they had that feeling once more – the demon beast was not here.

However, they knew that this strong suspicion precisely indicated that this place was the sealing ground of that demon beast.

“Let’s search. I want to see what tricks this demon beast has up its sleeve this time,” Zhanyue smiled slightly, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and anticipation. He knew that each confrontation with a demon beast was a brand new challenge and an opportunity to enhance his own strength.

Although the valley was not large, for Zhanyue and Yunyao, two powerful cultivators, every inch of land was filled with the unknown and danger. They carefully searched every corner, afraid of missing any clue.

Finally, in an inconspicuous corner, they discovered that demon beast. It was a giant peacock, its feathers colorful and beautiful enough to take one’s breath away. Its huge tail was covered with countless peacock feathers, and the patterns on each feather were like eyes, making people feel dazed just by staring at them.

Although this peacock demon beast had tried its best to hide its aura, the demonic beast aura on its body was ultimately impossible to conceal. Zhanyue and Yunyao could clearly feel that powerful aura. It was like an invisible mountain pressing on their hearts, making them not dare to be the slightest bit relaxed.

The peacock demon beast seemed to have sensed the approach of the two. It suddenly spread its magnificent tail feathers and let out a deafening cry. The eye patterns on the tail feathers seemed to come to life, flashing with a profound light, instilling fear in people’s hearts.

“Be careful. This demon beast is not simple,” Yunyao reminded, her hands tightly gripping her weapon, ready to deal with any sudden situation at any time.

The peacock demon beast suddenly launched an attack. It flapped its huge tail feathers, stirring up a gust of wind. Sharp wind blades were mixed in the wind, howling towards Zhanyue and Yunyao.

The two quickly dodged while also launching attacks. Zhanyue’s sword energy was like a rainbow, directly attacking the demon beast’s vital points; Yunyao also wielded her sword. The two of them attacked from the left and right.

Although the peacock demon beast was powerful, under the joint attack of the two, it had no choice but to retreat step by step.

The battle lasted for a long time. The roars of the demon beast and the clashing sounds of weapons echoed in the valley. Although Zhanyue and Yunyao were powerful, facing this cunning peacock demon beast, they also felt a bit of pressure.

Being unable to take down these two for a long time made the thousand-eyed peacock a bit angry. It directly jumped back, opening up distance from the two. At the same time, on its tail, endless eyes came to life, shooting out beams of cyan light. No matter how clear Zhanyue and Yunyao’s figures were, the density of such light had already exceeded that of the mirror-holding monkey back then. Soon, the two were hit.

They felt as if their minds were split into four or five parts, as if they had developed schizophrenia. Not only that, each personality put forward their own tactics and opinions. None could convince the others, and they even started fighting in their minds. These personalities, each one of them didn’t trust the others and only believed in themselves. They simply couldn’t unify their opinions.

From an outside perspective, Zhanyue and Yunyao suddenly froze as if they had crashed.

The peacock looked at the two people who were as still as wooden chickens and walked over arrogantly. It only needed to walk up to the two and peck their heads to pieces.

However… just as it was about to deal with the two, an invisible arrow hit Zhanyue.

When the arrow hit him, those split minds instantly vanished like smoke.

Then, he repeated the same move and shot an arrow at Yunyao.

The two quickly woke up and fled at high speed.

Seeing the two figures turning into streaks of light, the thousand-eyed peacock let out a helpless cry towards the sky. It hadn’t broken the seal yet and couldn’t leave the valley.

“This demon beast is indeed formidable. How did you feel just now?” Zhanyue asked.

Yunyao truthfully said, “I only felt that my mind split into countless mes. They didn’t trust each other, and no one was controlling my body. I could only watch us argue with each other while being conscious. By the way, you should have had a similar feeling, right? How were you able to move?”

Zhanyue calmly smiled. “Because of it.”

Zhanyue’s avatar walked over. It was the one who had just shot an arrow at Zhanyue with a longbow, allowing Zhanyue to return to normal.

“Although the various personalities in my body couldn’t reach a consensus due to endless arguments and couldn’t take action, my avatar wasn’t hit. It has a part of my rationality. It’s that simple,” Zhanyue explained.

“So you had a backup plan and didn’t even tell me in advance,” Yunyao understood. She had seen Zhanyue’s avatar before. It was truly amazing.

“It seems that monster is similar to the mirror-holding monkey from before. They both rely on that kind of mysterious light. Now that we have divine artifacts in hand, we have nothing to fear from that divine light. How about you take the lead and I’ll provide support from behind? If you unfortunately get hit by the divine light, I can also shoot you from behind. As long as we do this, we don’t need to fear its tricks,” Zhanyue suggested.

Yunyao pondered the feasibility of Zhanyue’s plan. “Alright. You have the Earth Traversal Technique. With preparation, it won’t be easy for that divine light to hit you. You also have your avatar as a backup. I’ll still be the main attacker this time.”

After discussing the plan, the two attacked again. As soon as they entered the valley, the two felt that their plan was unreliable and probably wouldn’t succeed. Fortunately, their will was firm, so they weren’t deceived by that false suspicion again. The two secretly sighed at how terrifying this demon beast was. It could actually influence people’s state of mind without them noticing.

The two people and one beast fought together again. This time, Yunyao was in the front, while Zhanyue assisted from a distance by controlling flying swords.

Soon, the peacock used its old trick again. Yunyao was too close and had nowhere to dodge. It was an attack that was very difficult to avoid even with spatial abilities. Fortunately, Zhanyue had enough time to react. As soon as those eyes showed any movement, he had already traversed underground.

Not long after, an invisible arrow made Yunyao recover. Yunyao, who had come back to her senses, attacked the peacock demon beast again.

Zhanyue wasn’t idle either. He curiously shot an arrow at the peacock as well. The arrow hit the eye pattern on the peacock’s tail feathers, directly blinding that eye.

“It worked?” Zhanyue was overjoyed. He only now discovered that attacking with this bow was more effective than controlling flying swords.

Just like that, Yunyao attacked from the front while Zhanyue assisted from behind. Whenever Yunyao was accidentally hit by the divine light, Zhanyue would provide timely rescue, not letting Yunyao suffer the slightest bit of damage. The two cooperated skillfully. The eyes on the tail feathers became fewer and fewer, and in the end, they couldn’t even hit Yunyao.

Finally, the magnificent peacock let out a mournful cry and collapsed to the ground.

The sixth demon beast was “easily” eliminated by the two in such a manner. But the two also understood that if they didn’t have divine artifacts in hand and their tacit cooperation, they probably wouldn’t have been able to take down this demon beast. Zhanyue had shot Yunyao a full seven arrows, which also meant that Yunyao was hit seven times. It was enough to witness the formidability of this demon beast. Unfortunately, reality was not a one-on-one duel.

“Weren’t you afraid that I wouldn’t make it in time to save you and you would have your head pecked to pieces by the peacock?” Only now did Zhanyue have the mood to joke.

Yunyao just looked at him without answering. Naturally, it was because she trusted Zhanyue. One, she trusted Zhanyue’s strength; two, she trusted that Zhanyue wouldn’t scheme against her. At some unknown time, she actually dared to place her own safety in someone else’s hands, but she had never realized this point.

Taking down the sixth pair of eyes, Zhanyue said, “Let’s go back to the Dreamland of the Immortals to refine these eyes. The whereabouts of the last demon beast and the last divine artifact are not easy to find out. We should first enhance our strength a bit.”

Yunyao naturally wouldn’t refuse. Although she knew that the two of them had already stayed in this world for too long, but… the seventh demon beast was definitely not so easy to deal with, let alone the whereabouts of the seventh divine artifact being unknown.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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