All Things Are Contracts

Chapter 17: Ghost Fruit

Chapter 17: Ghost Fruit

“I am a mighty Nightmare Lord, how dare you insult me like this!” The black shadow turned back, instantly condensing into a liquid monster as black as oil. Its entire body could freely stretch and transform, and it could also split at will.

“The Nightmare race are spiritual beings, extremely difficult to destroy,” the illumination Goddess reminded.

“But a trifle.” Zhanyue flew towards the black shadow at a speed difficult to capture with the naked eye, light condensing into a sword in his hand, stabbing into the black shadow’s chest cavity. The black shadow shattered into five parts, shooting black light beams from different directions.

The wings on his back easily blocked these light beams, but also became tainted with a layer of black. The blackness kept spreading, seeming to want to devour Zhanyue.

“Hmph!” Zhanyue let out a light snort, his body bursting with light again, the blackness melting like snow under the light. Five chains of light shot out from Zhanyue’s body, directly binding all five black shadows, then pulling them towards Zhanyue.

Zhanyue’s light-emitting fist smashed into the black shadows.

“One, two, three, four… five!” Five punches were thrown out, and all five incarnations exploded. Finally, they gathered back together, with the black shadow a whole circle smaller than before.

“Wow, would you look at that. It seems you can be injured after all? It’s just that your injury manifestation is different from humans.” Zhanyue coldly smiled at the now smaller black shadow.

“What a terrifying battle talent. I haven’t taught him any techniques yet, but he can easily handle this Nightmare Lord just with his battle instincts,” the illumination Goddess praised.

“Who… who exactly are you? How could the human race produce someone like you? Didn’t they say the illumination Goddess was dead?” This Nightmare Lord was very frightened, violently crashing against the light wall, wanting to escape.

“If I kill it now, will it affect our situation in the real world?” Zhanyue asked.

“From what I know of the Nightmare race, even if it dies, the aura of a Lord will take a long time to dissipate. Those nightmares won’t dare to come in,” the illumination Goddess explained. “But I’m curious, it’s been sealed here, and other Nightmare races surely know. Why haven’t other Lords tried to rescue it? After all, my seal isn’t invincible. They could naturally break it if they worked together from inside and outside.”

Zhanyue flashed again, suddenly appearing in front of the black shadow, once again gripping it with one hand. The powerful Nightmare Lord was now like a little chick in front of Zhanyue. It deeply regretted invading Zhanyue’s dream at this moment. This was a thorough trap. In the real world, Zhanyue wouldn’t have any way to destroy it.

“Isn’t your Nightmare race supposed to be far more united and reliable than humans? Why haven’t other Lords come to save you?” Zhanyue pressed.

The black shadow was stunned, then laughed, “You think I would tell you? I will never betray the Nightmare race, betray the Corpse Emperor! Since you don’t intend to let me leave, then let’s die together! Blood Night Withering Song!”

The originally black shadow turned blood red. It was going to curse Zhanyue at the cost of its own life.

“Be careful, it wants to perish with you. Kill it before it completes the curse!” the illumination Goddess warned. The Blood Night Withering Song was an extremely powerful curse. Only Lord-level beings in the Nightmare race could use it. It would sacrifice its own life to make everyone who heard the ‘song’ fall into madness and eventually commit suicide. But preparing the Blood Night Withering Song took a long time.

“Then…Die.” A great light burst from Zhanyue’s hand, emitting light brighter than the sun. The light instantly devoured the blood shadow, the entire blood shadow melting like ice. The current Zhanyue could use most of the Goddess’s power in the dream.

“So frustrating! I’m not reconciled, I’m not reconciled! There were only a hundred years left of my sentence, I’m not reconciled!” The mysterious Nightmare Lord completely dissipated from the world in its unwillingness.

After its death, a purple, heart-like fruit floated in front of Zhanyue.

“What is this?” Zhanyue curiously looked at this fruit.

“Ghost Fruit? How could it have a Ghost Fruit in its body? This fruit has only been digested a little bit. Could it be that its constitution wasn’t fit to enjoy this fruit?” the illumination Goddess wondered.

“Ghost Fruit? Can it exist in my dream world?” Zhanyue was even more curious. How could a fruit exist in this non-physical world?

“A Ghost Fruit isn’t originally a physical entity. It’s a soul fruit existing in the ghost realm. Humans can’t pick it, but it’s a great tonic for the Nightmare race. Usually, only the kings of the Nightmare race are qualified to eat it. This fruit can greatly enhance spiritual strength. Although I don’t know how it ended up in this Nightmare Lord’s body, it’s ultimately benefited you. Under normal circumstances, humans would never be able to obtain it,” the Goddess explained.

“So, this fruit is beneficial to me?” Zhanyue smiled, his eyes now returning to their original state, full of excitement.

“It’s not that easy to digest. But this Lord was sealed here by me over three thousand years ago, it should have long digested this fruit. Why did it eat it but not refine it?” the Goddess was puzzled.

“Never mind that, it’s my gain anyway. If it’s not easy to digest, I’ll digest it slowly.” Zhanyue chuckled.

“By the way, what about the cold poison in that little girl’s body? She’s a light contractor after all,” Zhanyue suddenly thought of this matter. If not now, when?

“Although the Sun Crown could solve her cold poison, both you and I need the Sun God Crown right now, we can’t give it to her. Having one more light contractor among humans is a fortunate thing. I have a divine-level technique here. If you pass it on to that girl, practicing this technique will be more than enough to suppress that cold poison,” the illumination Goddess said. She instinctively had a good feeling about this young light contractor.

“Di… divine-level technique? I don’t even have one yet! Although I also think highly of this girl, it seems too easy to just give her a divine-level technique,” Zhanyue said helplessly. He himself didn’t have any techniques yet.

“It’s not that I don’t want to teach you techniques, it’s just that I don’t know what kind of contractor you are exactly. The techniques I practice might not be suitable for you. Techniques can’t be practiced carelessly, otherwise it will be counterproductive. Don’t worry, I’ll try my best to find a suitable technique for you to practice,” the illumination Goddess explained.

“Fine, let’s consider it as buying a stock. Next year, this girl’s strength and status will surely be extremely high. I hope she won’t forget today’s kindness.” A stream of information flowed into Zhanyue’s mind.

“‘Great Sun Traversing Heaven Technique’? What a powerful technique, indeed suitable for light contractors. It’s a pity that I’m ultimately not a light contractor, only able to borrow your power.” Zhanyue looked regretful, having a top-tier technique in front of him but unable to practice it.

Soon after, Zhanyue woke up, and the sky was beginning to dawn.

The girl hadn’t slept all night, just guarding Zhanyue, nervous and scared, but fortunately, nothing happened throughout the night.

“What are you smiling about?” Zhanyue saw the girl with a smile on her face, as beautiful as the morning glow.

“What dream did you have last night? You were crying one moment, angry the next, and then grinning foolishly,” the Holy Maiden asked curiously.

“That was… quite an extraordinary dream.” Zhanyue suddenly asked with a serious face: “Silly girl, I found a master for you in my dream. Are you willing to take her as your master?”

The Holy Maiden was stunned, then smiled, “From childhood to adulthood, it’s always been grandfather teaching me. I don’t need any master, after all, there are no more light contractors in the world.”

“How could I deceive you? This person is indeed the most suitable to be your master in this world. I have something I want to give you, but the premise is that you must take her as your master. What do you say?” Zhanyue asked again. The saying goes that the dao cannot be lightly transmitted. How could he let this Holy Maiden in front of him obtain a divine-level technique so easily? If she took the Goddess as her master, she would be considered one of their own. It’s just a pity that Zhanyue couldn’t reveal the Goddess’s identity at the moment.


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