All-rounder Artist

Chapter 290: 272 Standard of a Tool Man_1

Chapter 290: Chapter 272 Standard of a Tool Man_1

“Any issues?”

Lin Yuan looked at Wu Yong.

“What the hell with Sun Yaohuo and Jiang Kui! Especially Sun Yaohuo!”

This was Wu Yong’s internal outcry.

But he dared not say it.

He simply tried to maintain a rigid smile, looking at Lin Yuan and said:

“Mr. Lin, let me analyze the situation for you. The company’s task is to push out two A-list singers. If we choose singers like Zhao Ying Ge, whose momentum has been very good in recent years and are well-known to the public, we can easily push them into the A-list category. However, if you choose to cooperate with singers who are not as popular, we will have to work much harder. If we don’t meet the quota, we’ll bear the consequences, which will affect our department’s performance next year…”

He didn’t understand.

Wu Yong really didn’t understand.

If Jiang Kui was a surprise, then picking Sun Yaohuo was downright shocking!

Wu Yong had to spend a few seconds in deep thought before he could recall the image of the singer in his mind!

Such a big surprise!!

Even compared to Jiang Kui, Sun Yaohuo is still a long way off from becoming a top-tier artist!

Raising Sun Yaohuo to the A-list?

Was this adding difficulty to the game?

This singer doesn’t particularly stand out.

He’s not particularly handsome nor ugly, tall nor short. In short, he’s very ordinary with no distinguishing features.

His voice is nice enough, not repulsive to the ears.

But when did “not being repulsive” become a standard for a good singer?

Even though he worked with Lin Yuan twice and both performances were good, the songs were more popular than the singer –

This was a strange situation, hard to explain.

Some singers just find themselves in this situation.

The song might be well-known, and everyone likes it, but the public just don’t really care who the singer is.

Just like the “old hen theory” Lin Yuan mentioned on his Tribe, which proved to be quite popular.

Sun Yaohuo was the type of “old hen” that could lay eggs – eggs that tasted fine – yet the public didn’t really care to know him.

Promoting such a singer would be much more difficult and costly than choosing singers like Zhao Ying Ge.

Every floor of the composition department had their preferred choices, but Zhao Ying Ge was essentially the main choice.

Wu Yong was sure of it!

No floor would have Sun Yaohuo on their list of candidates.

Moreover, there was another problem with Sun Yaohuo…

Only the songs Sun Yaohuo collaborated with Mr. Lin on became popular!

And only the songs were popular, not the singer!

His collaboration with other composers was average and reaction was mediocre.

Seeing that Lin Yuan had no reaction, Wu Yong boldly said, “Could we reconsider Sun Yaohuo? We can work with him, but is it a bit… for us to focus on cultivating him?”

“It’s him.”

Lin Yuan insisted.

He had always wanted to collaborate with senior Sun Yao Huo again, but due to a series of unfortunate events, it didn’t happen.

Senior Yao Huo had a dream of being a musician.

When he heard Senior Yao Huo refer to himself as a singer at the hot pot restaurant last time, Lin Yuan felt a pang in his heart.

He didn’t know what moved him, but he made a decision to again work with senior Yao Huo.


After all, Mr. Lin had the final say in each of the composition floors, and Wu Yong naturally would not argue with him over this.

“What about Jiang Kui?”

Wu Yong sighed, “Why not choose Zhao Ying Ge?”

Lin Yuan said, “Both of them are good.”

Wu Yong helplessly said, “Since both are good, I still think we should focus on training the most promising one. Zhao Ying Ge has an inherent advantage as she came from a talent show. ‘Bloom’ has a good viewer base, and Zhao Ying Ge has worked with you before, so she should prefer working with our department…”

Seeing that Lin Yuan still remained silent…

Wu Yong could only say, “Actually, Jiang Kui was also within my considerations, but she was only my third choice.”

“Who’s the second choice?”

“Xia Fan.”

Lin Yuan paused for a moment, then shook his head.

Of course he saw Xia Fan on the list. Her name was in yellow.

But it wasn’t that he didn’t want to choose Xia Fan, it’s just that she had told him a while ago that she wanted to venture out on her own.

Lin Yuan didn’t understand Xia Fan’s rationale, but he supported her.

Therefore, he chose Jiang Kui.

Seeing Wu Yong’s confused face, Lin Yuan explained, “Jiang Kui has a better cost-effectiveness.”

The basis for Lin Yuan’s judgment was:

Jiang Kui took less commission than Zhao Ying Ge, but her singing skills were not weaker than Zhao Ying Ge’s. If that was the case, why not choose Jiang Kui?

Regarding the basis:

Lin Yuan believed that as long as the song is good, they could promote the singer with one song or two. With an entire year ahead, they would be able to push someone forward.

Others might have reservations about writing, but Lin Yuan didn’t.

Upon hearing this, Wu Yong’s eyes widened.


This was certainly not a new term.

Many composers would mention “cost-effectiveness” when discussing singers privately.

But mentioning “cost-effectiveness” typically implied that the singer is a tool!

Only when choosing a tool would a composer consider cost-effectiveness.

When cooperating with top-notch singers, this idea of ‘tools’ didn’t apply.

But this time, the company’s task was to cultivate A-list talent!

Who would use the criteria for choosing tools to select the key talents to cultivate?

This isn’t a beginner’s game!

Wu Yong looked distressed and said, “The selection is for improving our performance. Can choosing these two people, especially Sun Yaohuo, help us reach our performance goal?”

“I’ll do it.”

Lin Yuan interrupted.

Wu Yong seemed much more at ease, and asked unsurely, “Will Mr. Lin get personally involved?”

He subconsciously dismissed the fact:

Mr. Lin is a highly productive composer!

While other departments band together to write songs, in the ninth floor composition department, Mr. Lin enjoyed getting personally involved!

If Mr. Lin agrees to compose, the lack of a good foundation doesn’t really matter…

And besides, the company’s requirements are quite high.

Wu Yong was confident that although other departments also have two choices, it will be enough if they can develop one A-list singer.

Becoming an A-list isn’t easy after all.

If Mr. Lin puts in more effort to support Jiang Kui, they should meet their target performance. Whether Sun Yaohuo qualifies isn’t the main issue.

Finally realizing this,

Wu Yong felt completely reassured. He nodded seriously and said,

“That’s all then.”


Ps: The last two chapters were a 6000-word guarantee, this chapter is an extra for our biggest donator, Yuanyu. They slid into my DMs, so they get the extra. I have to give it to them.

Now I can knock off work.


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