Chapter 183 Do it right

Chapter 183 Do it right

As the demon guards closed in on the Elf king and vampire king, the vampire king with a flamboyant smile perched on his face drew a hilt out of his side and from it, he conjured a red flowing liquid which soon began to glow ominously red.

With a swing, the red flowing energy extended from the hilt like a whip and crashed into one of the demon guards, sending her tumbling in the air.

When she recovered, a sizzling sound could be registered in the air as her flesh was being burned in real time.

Gritting her teeth in pain, she dashed towards the vampire king once more, this time, with a dark spear armed and pointed towards the king.

Again, effortlessly, like mthe demon guard had put little to no effort, the vampire king parried her attack with subtle ease while at the same time, he got two quick punches in that registered around her rib region and the sound of a bone breaking could be heard.

The demon guard instinctively created some space between herself and the vampire king, surprised and hurt at the same time.

She took one look at her queen who awaited them high up in the clouds and could tell with her keen vision that the queen was not pleased with how it was going.

"You fool, did you think you were up against just any vampire?! I am the KING for a reason!!" The vampire king blurted out and immediately flapped his dark wings, leaving behind specks of red dust as he flew towards the vampire guard who now looked to be in a lot of trouble.

As the sizzling sound of burning flesh lingered in the air, the vampire king, fueled by the red energy emanating from his whip, prepared for the onslaught of the demon guard. Undeterred by her dark spear, he met her charge with an almost balletic grace, deflecting her attacks with a combination of elegant movements and calculated strikes.

The red whip danced through the air, creating an ethereal pattern of scarlet arcs that illuminated the night. The vampire king's flamboyant smile persisted, a testament to his confidence in the encounter. The demon guard, on the other hand, gritted her teeth in pain, her body still recovering from the burns inflicted by the supernatural whip.

Undeterred, she gathered her strength and lunged at the vampire king once more, this time with a renewed ferocity. Her dark spear sliced through the air, aiming for the king's heart. However, the vampire king's response was swift and precise. With a subtle twist of his body, he evaded the deadly thrust, leaving the spear to cut through the empty air.

Seizing the opportunity, the vampire king closed the distance between them. In a blur of motion, he delivered two rapid punches that found their mark around the demon guard's rib region. The sickening sound of a bone breaking echoed through the night as the guard recoiled in pain. Despite the agony, she instinctively created some space between herself and the vampire king, a mixture of surprise and hurt etched across her face.

High above in the clouds, the demon queen observed the unfolding confrontation. Her expression tightened, revealing her displeasure at the guard's apparent struggle. This was not the outcome she had anticipated, and her guards were expected to be formidable instruments of her will.

The demon guard, realizing the dire situation, summoned the remnants of her strength. She conjured a barrier of dark energy, attempting to shield herself from the impending assault. However, the vampire king, fueled by both skill and confidence, effortlessly tore through the magical defense.

The final clash between them unfolded like a choreographed dance of power. The red whip sliced through the air, leaving behind streaks of crimson brilliance. The demon guard fought valiantly, but the vampire king's mastery over his supernatural abilities proved overwhelming. With a final, decisive strike, the red whip encircled the demon guard, binding her in a pulsating embrace of scarlet light.

In that moment, the vampire king emerged as the victor. The demon guard, restrained and battered and tied up, knelt before him, her once defiant demeanor replaced by resignation.

The other guard was, however, having a different fight altogether with her opponent, the Elf king.

The air crackled with tension as the Elf king and the demon guard engaged in a dance of combat. The dim glow of their respective powers illuminated the night, creating an otherworldly spectacle. The demon guard, armed with a dark spear, moved with deadly precision, aiming for vital points. The Elf king, agile and resilient, dodged and countered with a grace that seemed almost ethereal.

A few spear stabs had caught the Elf king, but to the demon guard's surprise, he healed from the wounds almost instantly. It was a testament to the regenerative abilities that elves were known for. The Elf king, unfazed by the attacks, retaliated with a series of swift air slashes. Invisible waves of force cut through the air, putting the demon guard on her toes.

The fight became a mesmerizing display of skill and magic. The Elf king, with fluid movements, used his wind magic to create afterimages that confused the demon guard. She struggled to anticipate his attacks as he seamlessly transitioned between offense and defense. The dark spear whirled through the air, but the Elf king's agility allowed him to evade with almost dance-like steps.

In response to the Elf king's assault, the demon guard summoned shadows to cloak her movements. The battlefield became a canvas of shifting darkness and flashes of eldritch light. The clash of powers resonated through the night, echoing the struggle between the supernatural beings.

As the fight intensified, the Elf king tapped into the ancient magic of his lineage. The air around him vibrated with energy as he conjured a powerful gust, sweeping the demon guard off her feet. She crashed to the ground but recovered swiftly, her eyes glowing with determination.

The Elf king, now with a burst of speed, closed the distance between them. His movements were a blur as he launched a barrage of kicks and punches infused with wind magic. The demon guard, though skilled, found herself overwhelmed by the onslaught. Each strike seemed to carry the force of a storm, and she struggled to maintain her defensive stance.

With a final, powerful gust, the Elf king sent the demon guard hurtling through the air. She collided with a magical barrier that surrounded the battlefield, temporarily disoriented. The Elf king seized this moment, his eyes gleaming with a mix of determination and ancient wisdom.

"Your queen underestimated the strength of the elves. We are guardians of the natural order, and our magic resonates with the very essence of the wind," the Elf king declared, his voice carrying the weight of centuries.

The demon guard, recovering from the impact, glared at the Elf king with a mixture of frustration and resentment. She wasn't accustomed to facing such formidable adversaries. The night, which had witnessed the clash of powers, now held a temporary calm as the combatants assessed each other.

The demon queen, high above, concealed her frustration behind a regal facade. The unexpected turn of events hinted at an underestimation on her part. With a subtle wave of her hand, she signaled her guards to stand down. The fight had concluded, but the consequences rippled through the darkened sky, casting shadows on the intricate balance of power among the supernatural realms.

The vampire king, triumphant and surrounded by the faint glow of his red whip, regarded the demon queen with an air of disdain. "You might want to reconsider your challenges, dear queen. This was merely a taste of what awaits those who oppose me," he declared, his voice echoing with regal authority.

As the demon queen glared down at him, a spark of defiance flickered in her eyes. The balance had shifted, and the consequences of this night's confrontation would undoubtedly reverberate through the realms of the supernatural. The intricate dance of power and politics among the otherworldly beings had taken an unforeseen turn, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of the night.

"If you want something done right, you do it yourself," the demon queen whispered in resignation, her regal coat billowing in the wind as she removed it.

The night air seemed to grow heavier with anticipation as the demon queen descended from the clouds. Her graceful descent was accompanied by an unsettling calm that contrasted sharply with the preceding battles. The moonlight revealed the intricate patterns of her royal attire, each thread woven with the essence of dark magic.

A malicious smile crept up on her face as she landed gracefully before the two kings who had dealt with her guards. The atmosphere crackled with an arcane energy, and the very ground seemed to acknowledge the presence of a supremely powerful being.

The vampire king and the Elf king, though victorious against the guards, felt a chill run down their spines. The air became charged with a palpable tension as the demon queen's eyes, ablaze with an otherworldly intensity, locked onto theirs.

In that moment, the battlefield transformed into a stage for a confrontation that transcended the physical. The supernatural beings stood poised for the next chapter of a struggle that resonated with the ancient forces that governed their existence.

The demon queen's voice cut through the silence like a blade, a velvet whisper carrying the weight of impending doom. "You may have bested my guards, but you face a power that predates the very fabric of your realms."

As she spoke, shadows began to coalesce around her, forming an intricate pattern that seemed to draw upon the essence of the night itself. The air became charged with an oppressive energy as the demon queen prepared to unleash the full extent of her formidable abilities.

The vampire king and the Elf king exchanged a wary glance, realizing that the true test lay ahead. The demon queen, undeterred by the recent setbacks, embodied the indomitable will that ruled over the realms.


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