Chapter 169 Mouth to mouth?

Chapter 169 Mouth to mouth?

"You mean the training kit?"she asked, knowingly. "Yeah, I mean, we're still in normal school hours and I can see you're in some training kit, although, now that I look at it, should I be worried about the ball's wellbeing? Those don't seem like football training kits to me,"Kan pointed out.

Emily chuckled before replying..."You are so funny. Well, actually you are right. I fancy myself as a sports person, you know. So apart from football, I'm also in the wrestling club. I was just going to get an early warm up session before others come around,"Emily explained.

"I see. Can I come watch? I could use learning some few moves too!"Kan asked.

"Sure, we could spa!!"Emily proposed with a spark in her eyes.

[With that bakery behind her? I'm sure she'll win all the rounds!!]"You mean the training kit?"she asked, knowingly. "Yeah, I mean, we're still in normal school hours and I can see you're in some training kit, although, now that I look at it, should I be worried about the ball's wellbeing? Those don't seem like football training kits to me,"Kan pointed out.

Emily chuckled before replying..."You are so funny. Well, actually you are right. I fancy myself as a sports person, you know. So apart from football, I'm also in the wrestling club. I was just going to get an early warm up session before others come around,"Emily explained.

"I see. Can I come watch? I could use learning some few moves too!"Kan asked.

"Sure, we could spa!!"Emily proposed with a spark in her eyes.

[With that bakery behind her? I'm sure she'll win all the rounds!!]

Kan hesitated for a moment, his mind contemplating the idea of sparring with Emily. However, the prospect of learning some new moves was enticing enough to overcome any reservations he might have had.

"Okay, let's do it. I could use some new tricks," Kan replied with a grin.

Emily led the way to the wrestling gym, a space that echoed with the thuds of bodies hitting mats and the occasional grunts of exertion. The atmosphere was charged with the energy of athletes pushing their limits.

As they entered, Kan observed the setup—a large matted area surrounded by walls adorned with posters of legendary wrestlers in various dynamic poses. The air carried a faint scent of sweat and determination, a testament to the intensity of the training that happened in this space.

Wrestling mats stretched across the floor, inviting challenges and showcasing the bruises of countless struggles. The gym echoed with the rhythmic slaps of hands hitting the ground, a percussive backdrop to the physical poetry of wrestling.

Ellie, already in her training attire, approached with a friendly grin. "Kan, ready to test your skills against the mighty Emily?"

Kan chuckled nervously. "Well, let's see how this goes."

Emily, with the confidence of someone well-versed in the art of wrestling, guided Kan through some basic warm-up exercises. As they stretched and flexed, the gym became a canvas for the fluidity of their movements.

Once warmed up, they moved to the center of the mat, assuming their grappling stances. The wrestling bout began, a dance of strength, strategy, and agility. Emily showcased her prowess, effortlessly countering Kan's attempts and showcasing her mastery of the sport.

Despite Kan's athletic background, Emily's experience in wrestling became evident. She smoothly executed takedowns and escapes, her movements precise and calculated. The gym echoed with the thuds of bodies meeting the mat, each impact a lesson for Kan.

As the session progressed, Kan found himself not only engaged in a physical duel but also in a learning experience. Emily, with patience and skill, explained the mechanics behind each move, turning the sparring session into an impromptu wrestling tutorial.

Amidst the grapples and throws, Kan's respect for the sport grew. Wrestling, with its intricate techniques and physical demands, revealed a side of athleticism he hadn't fully appreciated before. The wrestling gym transformed into a classroom, and Emily, with her guidance, became both a formidable opponent and a patient teacher.

The session concluded with a sense of camaraderie. Sweaty but satisfied, Kan and Emily exchanged a friendly nod. The wrestling gym, witness to their struggles and triumphs, stood as a testament to the dedication of those who sought to master the art of wrestling.

As they exited the gym, Kan felt a newfound appreciation for the world of wrestling. The echoes of their sparring lingered in the air, a reminder of the physical and mental intensity that defined the sport. With a grin, Kan looked at Emily. "Thanks for the lesson. I might need some time to recover, but I definitely learned a lot."

Emily laughed. "Anytime, Kan. Wrestling is a journey, and you've just taken your first steps."

And with that, they left the wrestling gym, the echoes of their session fading into the bustling rhythm of the school day.

As Kan and Emily exited the wrestling gym, the school corridor buzzed with activity. Kan, still reeling from the intense wrestling session, felt a bit lightheaded. His steps faltered, and before anyone could react, he stumbled, colliding with the hard surface of a locker.

The impact was jarring, and for a moment, everything went blurry. Kan, wincing in pain, held his head. The bustling corridor became a distant murmur as his vision swayed.

Concerned voices surrounded him. "Kan, are you okay?" Emily's worried tone mixed with the anxious queries of other students who witnessed the sudden accident.

Ellie, who had been walking behind them, rushed forward. Panic flashed across her face as she saw Kan holding his head.

"He hit his head really hard," Emily explained, her eyes wide with concern.

Without waiting for a response, Ellie instinctively took charge. "Move back, give him some space," she instructed, gently pushing the curious onlookers away.

Kan, his eyes closed, felt a throbbing pain in his head. The world seemed distant and muffled. Amidst the haze, he sensed Ellie's presence.

"Kan, open your eyes. Look at me," Emily urged, kneeling beside him. She gently brushed a strand of hair from his forehead, her fingers lingering for a moment.

Kan struggled to open his eyes, the brightness of the corridor causing discomfort. As his vision adjusted, he found Ellie's concerned gaze fixed on him.

"He might be in shock. We need to check for injuries," Emily suggested, kneeling on the other side of Kan.

Just as they were about to assess the situation further, Kan, still disoriented, made an unexpected move. In an attempt to sit up, he miscalculated the distance and leaned too far forward, losing his balance.

The collective gasp from the onlookers filled the air as Kan tumbled forward. In the split second before he hit the ground, Emily's reflexes kicked in. Without hesitation, she caught Kan, preventing him from a more severe impact.

Their sudden proximity ignited a flurry of whispers among the students. Kan, now in Emily's arms, still dazed, felt a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude.

"He needs medical attention," Emily suggested, realizing the seriousness of the situation.

As Emily assessed Kan's condition, she noticed his breathing was irregular. The urgency of the moment took over. Without a second thought, Emily leaned over Kan and initiated CPR. The corridor fell into a stunned silence as Emily performed the life-saving procedure.

The whole time, Ellie watched with a mix of reaction on her face.

Time seemed to stretch as Emily worked to revive Kan. His eyes remained closed, his breathing labored. The hushed tension in the corridor contrasted with Emily's focused efforts.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Kan coughed and took a deep breath. The corridor erupted into a mix of relief and concern.

"He's breathing. Someone call the school healer" Emily urged, breaking the momentary stillness.

As Ellie helped Kan sit up, he slowly opened his eyes, blinking against the bright surroundings. The initial shock began to fade, replaced by a sense of bewilderment.

"Kan, are you okay?" Ellie asked, her eyes reflecting both worry and relief.

He nodded, still catching his breath. The dramatic turn of events left a lingering tension in the air. The hushed whispers of students discussing the incident formed a backdrop to the corridor scene.

[Well played, baby] Hela said in Kan's head.

*Author's note*

Thank you all for joining me on this captivating journey! As we bid farewell to one adventure, I'm thrilled to announce the exciting prelude to my next project. Brace yourselves for a symphony of words, a vivid canvas painted with boundless imagination, and a journey set to enthrall your minds. Get ready to traverse uncharted territories, where the allure of the unknown beckons and tales unfurl like ancient scrolls. Your anticipation is the overture to a narrative waiting to unfold, a realm ripe for exploration. Join me in unraveling the layers of yet another captivating creation, as we dive deep into the realms of imagination!

**New book drops today!!!


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