All My Disciples Suck!

Chapter 26: As the Sect Master, it's reasonable to be fully armed, right?

Chapter 26: As the Sect Master, it’s reasonable to be fully armed, right?

“Hold the grass. We’re going to fight!”

“Do you think Brother Ming can do it? These Murlocs are amazing! One vs. eight, can Brother Ming win?”

“Hold the grass. My Brother Ming will lose? You are thinking of fart!”

“Shhh, be quiet, let Brother Ming show off!”

“This Murloc attacked Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu’s level is gone! He fell back to the Body  Forging Stage again!”

“Brother Ming, come on, kill them!”

Players hid behind the grass and watched the battle!

“Late Spirit Vein Realm?” The Murloc leader was startled.

He Yiming was so young, but his cultivation had already reached the late stage of Spiritual Vein Realm. It was even one level higher than himself, which the Murloc leader did not expect. But so what?

Judging from the previous battles, each of these human cultivators stood still like fools after being attacked.

This human cultivator in the late Spirit Vein Realm was a waste!

“Pick one. Go kill him!” With a wave, a Murloc in the early stage of the Spiritual Vein Realm behind him nodded and strode out.

“Are you a Sea Race from the endless sea in the east?” He Yiming didn’t rush and asked.

“Yes, we are Ironscale warriors. Weak human cultivators, obediently kneel and surrender. I can give you a good time!” The sea warrior in the early stage of the Spirit Vein Realm said arrogantly.

“Sure enough …” He Yiming’s heart sank.

This was a very deserted area. It was known as a place where human cultivators could not survive.

To the east of the sect, there was an endless sea with countless Sea Races living in it.

These Sea Races often came ashore, and the human race was losing ground in the confrontation with the Sea Race.

These Sea Races in front of He Yiming were probably just an advanced team!

“Really? I understand, then you can die!” He Yiming said lightly, and the strength of the Azure Emperor Immortal Body immediately started to work.

“Looking for death!!!” Ye Himing was furious. He raised his bone spear and threw it out like lightning!

“Brother Ming, be careful!” Several players who were killed by Bone Spears hurriedly reminded him.

This bone spear pierced through his armed defense with one blow. It was a strong one!

However, He Yiming raised his left hand, and the black war pattern condensed! The Colored Arm far beyond the player’s level was directly wrapped around He Yiming’s left hand!

The bone spear from the flying snake hit He Yiming’s left palm, but it was like hitting an unshakable mountain!


With a crisp sound, the bone spear forged with the bones of the powerful Spirit Vein sea beast shattered!

“What?” The captain of the Sea Race was taken aback.

He Yiming seemed to cast the same black body protection spell as other human cultivators.

But it’s mighty, but it’s so bad? He Yiming’s heart moved, his feet were directly wrapped in the Colored Arm, one of them exerted force!


The ground directly collapsed in a small pit, and He Yiming’s figure was like a sharp arrow that rushed in front of the Sea Warrior.

“So fast!” The Murloc leader didn’t expect He Yiming’s explosive power to be so terrifying, even faster than his speed in the sea!


He didn’t give these Sea Races a chance. He Yiming punched, his jet-black fist was entwined with the Colored Arm, and he directly pierced Za Yi’s chest!

The Murlock leader was from the Iron Scale clan, his whole body was protected by extremely hard iron scales, the iron scale skin that no ordinary sea beasts could bite through!

But in the face of He Yiming’s punch, he was vulnerable!

“The first one!” He Yiming said lightly.

“Let’s go together!” The leader of the Sea Race was shocked, and then he realized that he underestimated the human cultivators too much, so with a wave of his hand, all the Sea Race simultaneously waved their bone spears and attacked He Yiming.

He Yiming arrived with lightning, but he was surrounded by the Sea Race. This round of attack came quickly, and it was too late to hide!

“Hold the grass. Brother Ming will suffer!”

“This jumps directly to the middle of the battle group. This is the end!”


“Have you forgotten something? Why is Ming brother armed?”

The players were also very tight! But an even more shocking scene happened!

“Colored Arm!!!” He Yiming spoke faintly, his whole body was covered with black armed color!

The player’s Body Forging Realm cultivation base, how could they be better than He Yiming who was in the late Spirit Vein realm?

What’s more, He Yiming’s Azure Emperor Immortal Body was perfectly controlled, and the power of the Azure Emperor Immortal Body was used to display the Colored Arm, and the power was naturally to the next level!

Crack, click, click!

The sound of cracking one after another, the bone spears of seven or eight sea tribes stabbed on He Yiming’s body fiercely, and they all broke!

All the Sea Warriors were stunned.

This human race … Is he made of steel?

How can the physical body be so strong?

“Grass! The plan is too shameless to step on a horse!!! Just copy my Colored. You’re better than me!” Seeing this scene, Wang Lufei couldn’t help but jump out and shout.

Wang Lufei’s eight-fold cultivation base in the Body Forging Realm was amazing, he could wrap his arm around his.

He Yiming, the whole body was direct! And the intensity of every place beats itself! This was too shameless!

“This is a full-body Colored Arm! Hold the grass, has our Ming brother practiced the Colored Arm to perfection?”

“I’ll go, even if you plan to copy our Luffy brother’s armed color, you have to step on the horse to strengthen it! This is cheating!”

“Made, did I enter the wrong game? Isn’t this a game of cultivating immortals? How come a four-emperor class exists?”

The player was also a fryer.

Because of the limitation of the cultivation base, the player could almost only wrap the Colored Arm around a small part of the body, such as fists, such as feet.

But now, He Yiming suddenly showed a full body Colored Arm!

This was too shocking!


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