All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 92 A Murder

<Damian, is it truly you?>

<Yes, it is me. How are you, Aurora?>

<I am doing fine, but I miss you *heart emoji>

<I miss you 2. Is it safe for us to talk here?>

<Yes. My phone is untraceable>

<Are you one hundred percent sure about this? One mistake and they will come after me>

<Yes, I am. Also, how did you get my number?>

<Joffrey gave me>


Damian and Aurora spent hours that night talking to each other, sharing all the things that happened while they were apart.

He was not scared of sharing it, as Aurora's parents made sure her phone was impossible to track since the first day they bought it for her.

Aurora could not believe Damian was inside a noble castle, and she was pissed about the stealing part!

<Why did you steal the things from that school? What Darius wants with this stone?>

<I do not know, but it is mine now. Can you perhaps search for some information about this blood stone when you have a free time or after you return to Garmony?>

When Damian touched that subject, Aurora did not answer immediately.

<I am not returning to Garmony. Me and Magnus agreed to leave the school and find you>

<What? No, that would make finding jobs harder for you two!>

<I am from a noble family, so that does not apply. And Magnus is, well, Magnus. Also, aren't you inside an organization? Just get us two spots>

<I… I… Fine, if you two want this>

Deep down, Damian was happy to have both Aurora and Magnus inside his organization. He wanted to be close to his friends, going on adventures with them, and that was impossible if the two remained inside the school for two more years.

<Can you come here to visit me after you are done?>

<Absolutely. Hey, I gonna sleep now. Good night, Aurora *kissing emoji>

<Night *kissing emoji>

Damian put the phone beneath his pillow and fell asleep like a rock, roaring the entire night.


The next morning turned out to be a good one, as Damian was happy after getting the chance to speak with Aurora.

He went to the bathroom right after waking up for a quick pee and teeth brush, and when he opened the door of his bedroom, Astrid was also leaving hers.

"Good morning," she said, shyly.

Astrid was still thinking about what had happened between the two last night. It was just a kiss, but it meant a lot to her.

But, like a silent agreement, the two did not speak about what had happened.

"Good morning. Wanna come with me for breakfast?"

She nodded, and the two went down the stairs, looking for the breakfast table. Yes, they had an enormous table for dinner, a huge one for breakfast, and another one for lunch.

Why? Damian did not know, as they could use the same one for all those occasions. He guessed they just wanted to use their money with something.

There were two people at the breakfast table who arrived earlier than Damian and Astrid, Joffrey and Neil.

Joffrey had finished eating as Damian arrived, and the only words the two exchanged were good morning, and nothing more. It seemed he did not want to talk about what happened last night, so Damian did not push it either.

"So you are watching Astrid's training this morning, right?" Neil said as he picked a slice of bread to eat.

Damian indeed would do that, but why did Neil want to know about it? Then, he realized the motive.

"Don't tell me you are her coach? Can you even run?" Damian joked about it, making Astrid chuckle.

Neil also laughed, and did not mind the joke, "if you speak too much, I will put you in a spar training with me."

They were all talking with each other while eating, until a guard showed up, telling Neil that someone wanted to talk with him.

"Send him in," Neil said.

Soon, a man wearing a fine clothing appeared before their breakfast table.

"Sr Duke, what are you doing here?"

That person was a duke called Hagrid, and he lived in a castle 100 kilometers away from there. One could say he was their neighbor, also someone from a noble family.

"I am sorry to bother you this early, but something happened last night, and I am afraid I will need your help." Hagrid said.

"Spit it out."

"A murder! Someone killed one of my servants last night, leaving a letter saying it was only a matter of time until they went after my son. Neil, I need your help to figure it out who the killer is! Can't Astrid use her powers to figure it out?"

"I am afraid not. She has recently used her powers, and there is a lot of preparation and requirements for her to succeed."


"No but, I will help you. This young man right here is a close friend to my family, and he is a skilled person who can help you. He will go to your castle tonight, hidden, without catching too much attention to not scary the murder away. What do you say?"

"If you say he is skilled, then it must be the truth. Thank you for this, Neil."

The man then left the castle, a little less worried now that someone would go there to investigate the murder.

As for Damian, he was still somewhat clueless about the situation, and did not understand why they had put him in an investigation!

"I am no detective."

"I know, but you are skilled, and we, the noble houses, like to deal with our problems ourselves. So just go there and find the culprit. I know you can. But first, come with me to the gym!"

The whole idea of investigating a murder did not seem easy, especially when one considered it was a murder inside a noble house, so Damian had to find the culprit no matter what.

"This sounds like a test for me to see if I am truly the man Astrid saw using her ability. Well, I will prove to them I am even better than that!"


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