All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 236 What Are Your Goals?

The mansion harboring the pirates exuded an eerie stillness as night enveloped its premises. In a secluded corner, three individuals donning identical uniforms gathered, their voices hushed.

"I have reservations about this course of action," Marcus expressed, his hand absently scratching his head.

Seline placed a reassuring hand on Marcus's shoulder, her voice infused with determination. "I understand that you have grown accustomed to the absence of freedom in this place, but we must seize the opportunity to break free."

Relenting, Marcus sighed, conceding, "Alright, alright. Remind me again of the plan. What makes you so certain there is a hidden passage?"

"Trust me, Marcus," Seline insisted, conviction lacing her words. "I stumbled upon an ancient map that hinted at the existence of a concealed passage within this mansion."

While the two engaged in their conversation, Damian observed them closely. Marcus appeared to possess a trustworthy nature, unlikely to betray their cause. However, Damian harbored reservations about Seline, his instincts urging caution. Nonetheless, he decided to go along with their plan, biding his time.

His strength restored, Damian pondered his options. With his newfound vigor, he possessed the ability to take flight and escape the confines of this place if he so desired.

They chose that specific night to take action because the pirate leader had an issue to address at the island's harbor, providing them with a window of opportunity to escape. However, infiltrating the pirate leader's chamber, where the alleged secret passage lay, proved to be a formidable challenge.

A contingent of vigilant pirates stood guard, preventing any prisoners from gaining access to the room. Seline pointed to a distant door, questioning their next move. "That's the room, but there are two pirates stationed in front of it. What should we do?"

Taking cover behind a nearby wall, Damian, Marcus, and Seline peered cautiously at their destination. The two guards seemed unlikely to leave their posts anytime soon.

"Allow me to handle this. Do you have a knife?" Damian inquired.

Marcus frowned and replied, "Of course she doesn't have one. Why would she carry a weapon in this place?"

Without hesitation, Seline retrieved a hidden dagger from behind her back and handed it to Damian. "Why do you need it?"

"Wait and observe. Stay put," Damian instructed.

Grasping the dagger, Damian unexpectedly stabbed himself in the abdomen, intentionally avoiding vital organs. The shocking act left Marcus and Seline bewildered.

"What the...?" Marcus started to say.

Before their astonishment could escalate into a torrent of questions, Damian emerged from their hiding spot and approached the guarded door, feigning the appearance of a wounded victim.

"Hey, look! Someone is coming towards us...stabbed?" one of the pirates remarked.

The pirates, indifferent to Damian's life or death, recognized the potential threat within their stronghold. Their leader would not tolerate violence against their servants, and failure to address such an incident could result in severe consequences. Consequently, they advanced towards Damian, seeking answers and eager to resolve the situation.

This was precisely what Damian had anticipated. With swift and precise movements, he seized both pirates by their necks, applying enough force to kill both.

The two pirates fell lifelessly to the ground, their bodies making a resounding thud in the corridor. Marcus and Seline, who had been observing the scene from a distance, couldn't believe their eyes.

Since when did a seemingly harmless young man possess such power within him? They quickly approached Damian, their gaze fixated on the wound in his belly, and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Oh, this?" Damian said, looking at the dagger embedded in his abdomen. "No big deal."

He grasped the hilt with his right hand and pulled it out, blood staining both the blade and his belly. However, beneath his clothing, the wound was already healing at a rapid pace, visible to the naked eye as the flesh closed before their very eyes!

"Are you sure you're okay?" Seline asked once again, her voice tinged with concern.

The apprehension in Seline's eyes didn't escape Damian's notice. It was a different kind of fear, not just for his physical well-being, but a realization that he possessed a strength far greater than what met the eye.

"Could there be a hidden agenda behind her actions?" Damian pondered, his suspicion growing.

The peculiar behavior Seline had exhibited since their first encounter fueled his doubts. He couldn't shake the feeling that the whole notion of a secret passage might be a fabrication, or worse, a ploy to orchestrate their demise.

Yet Damian couldn't help but find it all rather amusing. Seline lacked the power necessary to challenge him, and any attempt to do so would be nothing short of foolish. Perhaps witnessing Damian dispatch the two pirates with ease had made her reconsider her options. Or maybe, if she dared to cross him, she would meet a cruel fate of her own making.

They cautiously pushed open the doors to the captain's quarters, greeted by a sight of opulence. The room was adorned with top-quality, luxurious furniture, and the bed looked as soft as a feather, a stark contrast to the almost stone-like beds found elsewhere in the building.

As Damian surveyed the room, his eyes fell upon several safes, their presence hinting at untold riches within.

Eager to find the secret passage without wasting precious time, Damian broke the silence. "Where was that secret passage again?"

No one responded. Startled, Damian turned around and found himself face-to-face with Seline. She held a gleaming knife to Marcus' throat, her expression hardened.

"Don't move or try anything foolish," she warned, her voice laced with a dangerous edge.

Caught off guard by Seline's sudden betrayal, Damian couldn't fathom her motives. After all, she should have known that he was no ordinary person. He chuckled, trying to conceal his true thoughts.

"I must admit, Seline," Damian said, his laughter tinged with irony. "You've chosen an interesting approach, using Marcus as a hostage. But I must ask, why go to such lengths? I hardly know this middle-aged man."

Seline tightened her grip on the dagger, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Why are you laughing?" she demanded.

Damian met her gaze, his own eyes cold and unyielding. "You seem to underestimate me, Seline. I'll play along for now, allowing you to believe your plan is succeeding."

His voice dripped with calculated confidence, leaving Seline momentarily taken aback. Damian seized the opportunity to press further.

"So, pray tell, what is it that you hope to achieve with this act, Seline?" he inquired, a subtle flicker of challenge in his tone.

"I-I just want to escape with all this money and create a better life for myself," Seline gasped, her breath heavy. "Please, don't make it harder for me. I don't want to harm Marcus."

Damian felt a wave of relief wash over him upon hearing Seline's true motives. It turned out she simply desired to keep the money from the safes inside the captain's room for herself. However, Damian still had his own ambitions.

He took a step closer to Seline, moving slowly and deliberately. "How about this? We split the money equally between you, me, and Marcus. It's a fair deal," Damian proposed.

Seline shook her head, her eyes filled with determination. "No way. I want all the money. I'm warning you," she said firmly.

With a swift motion, Seline pressed the dagger closer to Marcus' neck, causing a tiny droplet of blood to trickle down.

"Damn it, you foolish woman! I was trying to be generous, offering you half of the money. This is outrageous," Damian cursed, his frustration mounting. He aimed his hand towards the knife.

Startled by Damian's sudden movement, Seline's hand trembled, and she inadvertently positioned the blade towards Marcus' throat. However, no matter how much force she exerted, the dagger remained motionless.

Unbeknownst to Seline, Damian's telekinetic abilities had come into play. The dagger flew towards his hand, while Seline herself began to rise, defying gravity.

"W-What is happening? What are you doing?" Seline stammered in fear and confusion.

Seline stood there, her eyes wide with disbelief as she witnessed powers beyond anything she had ever seen. The fear of the unknown coursed through her veins, making her heart race. Marcus, relieved to have escaped her embrace, couldn't help but be plagued by worry about what the future held for both of them.

"Will you... will you kill her?" Marcus asked, his voice filled with a mix of pity and uncertainty.

Despite everything Seline had done, Marcus couldn't bring himself to believe that she deserved death. He believed that sparing her life would elevate Damian into a greater man, a testament to his mercy and compassion.

However, Damian had always been one to defy others' expectations. He possessed a resolute determination, guided solely by his own will. Without hesitation, he unleashed the full power of his mind, shattering every bone in Seline's body. The sickening sound of creaking bones echoed through the air, searing itself into Marcus's consciousness like a never-ending nightmare turned reality.


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