All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 222 Wizard In A Tower

Damian had just opened his shop; therefore, he wasn't angry about closing it again. One hour late wouldn't make him lose clients. People might see him as an important figure who enchants few but precious items.

"Found the killer? Do you mean the one terrorizing the city? I was skeptical you were telling the truth about your servant seeing this killer," Damian said while closing the shop.

Emma looked proud of herself, "My servants aren't the ordinary ones you find around. Anyway, we must go to the authorities now!"

The servant was outside waiting for Emma and Damian. When she looked at Damian, she did not recall a thing, and her facial expressions looked normal.

"Sr. Damian," she said, slightly bowing.

Damian was relieved that things worked, at least the first part of his plan. They hastened their steps, going toward a tower which was the place where the current rulers of that city lived.

There wasn't an actual ruler who commanded all the tenth floor, at least not for now. Humankind was still getting used to living there. Cities, organizations, and these sorts of things were still being created and expanded.

But one person cared for Lemoria, an older man with a big white beard. He lived at the top of the tower, and it wasn't hard for Damian and Emma to meet him.

They both had a high reputation, Emma for being noble, and Damian, a new skilled enchanter who would be treated well anywhere he went.

"Follow me," one guard at the tower's entrance said.

The walls and floor inside the tower were white, and everything was clean and arranged. It was easy to spot the servants' work to keep the place like that. Damian was impressed by it.

They followed the guard until something which looked like an elevator, yet it worked with magic!

'The ruler of this place is a native to the dungeon?'

With the current flow of people going straight to the tenth floor, almost all humans were from Earth except a few who weren't.

But Lemoria's current ruler was a native from the dungeon! It was still unknown why some humans lived indefinably inside the dungeon.

Anyway, they stepped inside an elevator that went up with wind magic! It wasn't that fast but steadier than Damian imagined, and the ride to the top went smoothly.

The current ruler lived on the tower's last floor, and people had to have authorization to go there. There were not even guards around the area. 

"He's waiting for you two," the guard said, leaving immediately.

Emma, Damian, and the servant were feeling anxious about the situation. Emma and the servant because they wished to catch the murderer, and Damian because the thought of everything going wrong still lingered inside his head.

They approached the double door, opened it, and what was on the other side wasn't a throne room with fancy things but a wizard house!

Damian saw a lot of books, flasks with potions, and even things related to the craft of enchantment! The current leader of Lemoria was not a simple person.

But there was no one there. They walked inside the living room, where the guests would usually sit to meet the ruler, looking at all the different artifacts and mysterious things inside.

Emma grabbed a flask with a green liquid and said, "What do you think this does, Damian?"

Then, a voice came from the other side of the room, "This is a powerful potion which makes the drinker nauseous, throwing up non-stop for hours. A good one for pranks."

When they turned around, an older man was smiling at them. He had long robes, similar to a mage's, and had a long white beard and hair.

Damian did not know that person was the current ruler of Lemoria, but Emma did. She slightly bowed, and once she did that, Damian realized who that person was, so he bowed as well.

"No need for that. Emma, you know I don't like this quite well, especially coming from my granddaughter."


That was a shocking piece of news. Damian couldn't quite understand at first. Was the man telling the truth? The two did not look alike.

"In case you're wondering, he is called Ingram, and he's not my real grandfather. I mean, he is but not bonded by blood."

Ingram went toward a table and started preparing a drink for them, "Emma's grandfather and father have known me since a young age. I think an accident happened while Emma was still young, around four years old, and I am the only family she has left."

Damian could feel the sadness in Ingram's voice when recalling the tragic event. He did not ask what it was because that would be indelicate.

"Ingram took care of me; for me, he is my real grandfather."

Emma did not care if they weren't from the same bloodline. She loved Ingram, and he cared for her, treating her like his granddaughter.

"And who is this handsome young man?" Ingram asked, "Don't tell me you are getting married?"

"M-Married? Of course not. Why would I be marrying? He's just a friend," Emma said with a shaky voice and red cheeks.

"He's just a friend… classic line."

Damian had a pretty good impression of Ingram, and seeing such an older man made him remember all the bullshit the government said to everyone who lived on Earth.

It was stated that the dungeons were a recent creation, just like the serum which gave humans abilities. That was a lie. Damian knew that because of the memories he got from his bloodline.

But what about the rest of the population? The regular folks did not have any truth to attach to.

Ingram could be that truth! He looked old, and Damian guessed he had to have at least 80 years of age or even more. He was a native of the dungeon, and his father and so on lived there as well!

That could only mean humans had abilities since long ago and explored the dungeon. There wasn't any other way for human families to start in a place there, right?

'Our history seems… strange?' Damian thought.

"Tea?" Ingram offered, "Don't worry, there's no love potion in it. Because you two don't need one! Love is in the air, love is in the air, hahaha!"

Ingram sang, and Emma's cheeks turned redder.


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