All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 214 [Bonus ] Damian's Enchantment Shop

The next week was turbulent in Lemoria. Everyone was curious and scared about the recent deaths in the nearby forest, which had become a forbidden zone like the canyon area. To make matters worse, there were also reports of other demonic attacks in different cities. Damian suspected that Miller's army was behind them.

Damian was busy helping the others make the temple decent to live in, and after one week, the place was much better! They had installed lights to brighten the place up, brought new furniture, and cleaned the dust. They had also drained the water from the fissure, and the only thing left was to make a secret entrance to the temple, but that would take some more time to complete.

It was not a big deal that they didn't have a secret passage yet. No one dared to go to the canyon area, and even if they did, only those who Damian allowed could open the temple's doors.

Despite the good news regarding the temple, there was another situation that Damian had to deal with: his debt.

With the current chaos in Lemoria, the illegal fights in the coliseum were not happening, and Damian was counting on them to make some profit.

'I don't want to take Frederic's money… Maybe I should start my own business?'

Damian went to the potion shop to see how it was going, and he was surprised by how many customers there were! There were so many that they had to form a line outside of the shop, waiting for their turn.

"Hey, you! Don't you see the line? You can't just skip it!" someone yelled at Damian.

Obviously, he didn't care. Why should he wait in line if he was one of the owners of the store? Frederic and Raikono were the ones who spent most of their time there, but Damian was also an owner, and it was with his money that the shop was running.

The person who yelled was angry after seeing Damian skip the line like that, but did nothing. Lemoria had strict rules after the recent incident, and anyone who committed crimes like fighting inside the city would go to prison.

"Damian!" Frederic said, hugging Damian.

"Old bones! You look happy taking care of this shop."

"I am, yes. This is a peaceful thing to do, unlike fighting."

They chatted about some casual stuff until Damian asked Frederic about a business opportunity. They were speaking inside the back area of the shop where only authorized people could enter.

"Remember the enchantment shop I told you about? There's not a single one in Lemoria, and I think you have talent with magic considering the spells you know, so maybe it can work?" Frederic said.

That was the idea that Damian had in mind, but he wasn't sure if it would work or if it would only make him lose money.

"You can start by renting a small place. It's not like you need that much space for an enchantment shop. I can help with the promotion, and I can get you some books about enchantment as well. I remember seeing them in the library."

"Thank you, Frederic."

Frederic was very helpful. Damian was truly happy to have him by his side. Anyway, after their talk, Damian went looking for a place to rent while Frederic went on to get the books about enchanting.

Lemoria was divided into several areas, and Damian decided to put his shop in the richer area instead of the central area where Frederic's shop was.

Why? Because an enchantment service was much more expensive than potions, and for that reason, Damian believed that the best place to have his shop was among the wealthiest people of the city.

The main challenge was the price. Renting a shop in the richer area of the city was much more expensive, but Damian was willing to take the risk.

'This is the only way to make some big cash, or else I will be in trouble when they come to collect the money…'

Damian rented a small but cozy place, with marble white walls, huge windows, and a private room for his enchantment process. It looked more modern than the other simple buildings in Lemoria's central part.

The price was steep, but Damian was confident that he could make the money back soon. He met with Frederic after that, and got the enchantment books from him.

"These are the books," Frederic said, giving Damian two books, "you can start by buying a few simple weapons to enchant them. Let me know if you need any help."

Damian's idea was to offer his services to enchant specific weapons that the customers requested, and also to sell some pre-enchanted weapons in his shop for a lower price.

That way, the rich people would pay more to get a unique and specialized enchantment on their weapons, while those with less money still had the opportunity to buy good weapons.

Of course, that depended on Damian's ability to learn how to enchant, as it was not an easy task. Moreover, Damian had little time before they came to collect the money.

'I will spend all of my waking hours trying to get good at this!'

And that's what Damian did. The process of enchanting an item was harder than Damian expected. He needed a weapon or another type of item, the chant for the enchantment, and control over the mana flow to make it work.

Not only that, but he also needed something called 'Elemental Crystals', which were basically mana in an elemental form, to use to imbue the weapon with it.

The first items Damian tried to enchant were a total failure, but after many attempts, he succeeded in making an iron dagger with poison on its blade!

It was a good weapon. Damian could tell that there was room for improvement, making the enchantment more powerful, and that was what he aimed for!

After two weeks, he started selling some weapons in his shop, and offering his services to others. The first customer who stepped into his shop was a woman with red hair and an important identity.


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