All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 110 Giant Ancestor

The flying mosquito was massive, like all the trees, flowers, and bushes inside that garden. It was as if everything was the playground of a giant!

Damian was the first to notice the mosquito flying toward them, and when all the others did, they gathered their strength, trying their best to stop shaking at the sight of such a creature.

"This is disgusting! Small mosquitoes are a pain in the ass. Imagine this thing!‌ Rubber, let's work together to kill this!"

Salamander spread his legs in an odd position, and then opened up his mouth, aiming toward the mosquito. His belly increased in size, like a type of frog, and then a burst of fire came from his mouth, directly toward the mosquito!

Damian could feel how hot it was from afar, and could not even imagine receiving a hit like that in the face.

Rubber, who was always close to Aurora, moved forward, standing beside Salamander to fight against the beast. They weren't that concerned about Damian and Aurora fleeing, because it would be impossible to escape their sight.

Well, that was not the case! Damian moved toward Aurora without catching too much attention. Salamander and Rubber were more focused on killing the mosquito, which was still alive and kicking after receiving the breath of fire.

When Damian was right beside Aurora, he grabbed her by the waist, pulling her closer to his body. He then covered her with the cloak, turning both invisible!

Damian's Telekineses had never been so valuable, flying up toward the sky, leaving the two men behind to deal with the other creatures that were coming their way.

"We finally killed this thing! Wait, where are the two?"

They turned around to see where Aurora and Damian were supposed to be, yet no one was there. It made little sense!‌

"How can they leave without making noises, or leaving tracks? Impossible!" Salamander said.

"Don't worry. We will find them," Rubber said.

Damian and Aurora turned invisible with the help of the cloak, and then they flew away from Rubber and Salamander. It wouldn't be bad to remain with those two seeing how dangerous that place was, and working together would bring them benefits, but both did not feel safe while staying with them, so they left.

"I think we can talk now," Damian said after he realized they were far enough.

"Finally, we are free from those guys. Damian, what is this place? It feels like we are in a giant's garden!"

"Yeah, that might be the case. Perhaps whoever ruled this place had an ability to turn into a giant or something? That would be the only explanation. That or it was not human," Damian said.

The view they had from up there after using the Telekineses was privileged, and it was easy to see that it looked like a normal garden, except that everything was way bigger!

One of the scariest things Damian had ever seen: a gigantic centipede!

A shiver ran down his spine just by looking at that thing, and Damian was glad he was up there, in the sky, and not on the ground!

Not that the sky had nothing. No, it did. Mosquitoes like the one they had faced, and many other flying bugs.

The good part was that they did not notice his presence beneath the invisibility cloak, and those bugs weren't looking to attack either. That mosquito wanted blood, and that was why it flew toward them.

But those other bugs looked friendly. Damian and Aurora hoped so, at least.

"Where should we go from here? You couldn't open the door back then, meaning we are trapped!" Aurora said.

Damian scanned around, trying to find anything resembling a way out, yet found nothing. "I don't know, honestly. But it has to be a way out of here. Look, if I can open all the doors while they can't, it means we leave this place."

Aurora was a little frightened by the whole situation, but hearing Damian speak with the confidence he had relaxed her.

"You are right."

They knew being scared would do them no good, and a rational mind would be necessary to think well and find the way out. But where to start?

"Look there," Aurora said, as she pointed to the horizon.

Damian followed her finger, noticing a huge wooden shack behind the bushes and the trees. It was a massive big cabin, but the size of the vegetation there was even bigger, hiding the place.

The only reason they saw it was because of their aerial vision. "Let's go there to check. This is the only building we saw so far inside this garden, so it must be important."

It looked like the shack was the gardener, or whoever took care of the garden stored their tools, and perhaps chilled for a while. So perhaps that place would have some answers Damian looked for.

Despite the speed of their flight, it still took a while to reach that shack, but when they did, a similar door to all the rest appeared before their eyes.

"The same golden symbol…"

Damian placed his hand, opening the door just like he did with all the others. Then, the moment he did that, a voice spoke inside his head.

He glanced to the side to see Aurora, and based on her looks, the voice was only inside his mind and not inside hers, too.

"If you are listening to this message, you are my descendant."

It was a male voice, a deep one.

"I am not human, but a race from the deepest parts of the dungeon, a giant!"

"Only those who shared my blood can open these doors,"

"I can share some things with you, but I am recording this message in the year 7, so depending on how long it takes for my descendant to reach this place, then the things I know may be obsolete,"

"Starting with the golden key symbol on all walls. I carved it to remember my people to not get their hands on this key. The Golden Key is a legendary artifact that is in the hands of the King of the Underworld, a terrifying demon who you don't want to mess with,"

"So, if you ever find this key, don't touch it, or else it will fuse with your body. If that happens, the Underworld, which is one of the deepest levels of the dungeon, will come after you!"

"Well, my descendant wouldn't be that stupid, so I should not worry about this."


"Damian, what happened?" Aurora said as she noticed Damian was standing still.

He made a hand gesture for her to wait. She noticed something was about to happen, so she did not say a word, and only waited.

"The humans developed a serum with the beast's blood. It happened this year, in the year 7, but the dungeons are around this planet for a lot longer, but humans did not find it, and the beasts remained hidden,"

"You, as my descendant, cannot receive the serum. It will not grant you abilities, and neither did it to your father. Why? We giants have our own power! The beast's blood cannot give it to us because we are superior to all the normal beasts!"

"But your bloodline is locked. I know because I locked my son's bloodline myself so that he can hide among humans, and continue his life. Something from the deepest parts of the dungeons killed our race, and I couldn't let my family vanish…"

"They are attacking my palace as I am speaking this, and perhaps by the end of this recorded message I may be dead, but I will leave anything that can help you inside this shack, a place no one will bother to come looking."

"Remember, stay away from that key, and be careful as up till this point I do not know what thing is killing the giants, or why!"

After that, the message ended, leaving Damian with many questions inside his head.

"Serum and dungeons in year 7? That's like over 2000 years ago!‌ This is even older than I thought! But why did they lose the serum, or all humans with abilities? What exactly is happening here?" Damian thought.

"And I am a freaking giant? That was because my dad and granddad got no abilities at all!‌ But why did I get one? Also, the golden key may be a problem…"

Damian got a few answers, but there were still many questions. "Let's go inside. I can share what happened later."

Aurora nodded, not asking questions. They both went inside, and what waited for them was not a cabin with gardening tools, but a library!

It had many bookshelves, all of which had the normal size, as if the person who built it knew a 'human' would find it.

But what caught the most attention was the massive person sitting on a massive chair!

It looked dead, and way bigger than a human being! Its feet were bigger than a building!

Damian was uncertain, but it must be his ancestral — the giant who shared that message with him to help.

"Rest in peace, ancestor."


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