All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 108 Exploring The Underground Ancient Ruins

Damian and Aurora stood to the side, watching the two statues fight against each other. All the three statues had similar power despite using different type of weapons, so Damian, watched it closely to see what statue would die first.

The sounds of the stone weapons colliding echoed inside the room, and stone pieces rolled on the ground. An  arm, leg, small chunks of the statues fell each time a strike landed on them.

"Your idea was fantastic," Aurora said.

She currently had the same ability as Damian, the Telekineses, but she could not control the mind of those statues. Why? Aurora did not have the mind strengthening passive Damian had, and that thing made a huge difference in his mind control.

After ten minutes of straight clash between the two statues, both were almost dying, having their bodies completely destroyed by each other. Damian and Aurora took the chance to last hit the statues, ending their lives at the same time!

What they thought would happen was a resting period before trying to face the last statue, the one with the bow, but it was not the case. The moment the two statues fell, defeated in combat, a passage opened up at the central part of the room.

The stones on the wall moved like a technological mechanism, or perhaps the usage of an Earth Binding ability, like the one Vanessa had, but either way, a passage was before their eyes.

"Will there be more enemies inside?" Aurora asked, moving her gaze from the passage to Damian.

"I have no clue, but we must continue forward. This ancient civilization is getting me curious," Damian said.

They moved toward the passage, which was a tunnel. It was not as long as they thought, and after less than five minutes, an incredible sight was right before Damian's eyes!

It was like an entire underground city, with houses, plantations, and even a lake! The aspect of it was way different from a cave. It had green everywhere, and even the ceiling was the bright blue sky!

"What is this?" Damian said as his mouth gaped in surprise.

The place looked unreal. If Damian did not pass through all of that to get there he would think it was outside of how real the sky looked!

What was most impressive was the sun, which worked in that underground city, making the vegetation grow.

"Aurora, have any idea of what we are seeing here?" Damian asked.

"I-I don't know. It surprised me as well!"

"Maybe the work of abilities? Just like the statues back there."

"It has to be the case, but did we humans discover the abilities recently? And the dungeons appeared recently too!"

That was exactly why the place intrigued Damian. The serum to grant abilities and the dungeons were less than one hundred years old, so it was virtually impossible for such an old civilization to have it!

But there was no denying if the facts were right before their eyes. There was no type of technology to recreate the sky and the sun, so it had to be something related to abilities.

"We can only find out more after exploring this place to its fullest,"‌ Damian said.


The only way they could find answers was by exploring that place, and based on the looks of it, as well as the statue trial, Damian and Aurora were the only ones who went there in a long time.

That was a chance they could not miss. The knowledge that ancient civilization had was valuable, even more now that Damian was certain they had the knowledge about the abilities 1000 years ago!

They walked to the center of the city, following the cobblestone road which looked pretty decent considering how old it was. The houses looked even more conserved than the stone structures outside, and when Damian went inside to check, the wooden furniture was still there, looking decent even after many years.

"Did they use abilities to conserve this place? There's no way termites would not destroy these furniture in all these years."

The more Damian explored the place, the more evident became the fact that ancient civilization was far more advanced then he thought, at least in terms of abilities.

He walked around the area checking all the smaller structures that were mostly houses, and they all looked decent.

"Damian, did you see the houses too?‌ This place is incredible!‌ How can it last all those years?" Aurora said.

"Abilities, maybe. I think humankind had abilities and dungeons way before we thought."

But if that was the case, where was everyone? How did the ancient people have abilities and dungeons, yet it disappeared throughout the years?

Something was not adding up, and Damian hoped to find answers in the biggest build in the underground city, which looked like a palace.

They moved toward it, going up a staircase with more than one thousand steps! By the end of it, both wanted to rest and eat something before going inside that place.

The snacks inside the cooler were more than enough for the two. After a pause, Damian and Aurora moved toward the main building looking like a palace.please visit

A massive double door, big enough to fit a giant through! It was majestic, and anyone passing through it would feel like a fly.

"So how are we supposed to open this?" Aurora said.

Damian had no idea, and was about to answer just that, but then he noticed the symbol on the door: a golden key. It was just like the one he had tattooed on the chest.

"This key teleported me to the dungeon, and now the symbol is here too. What exactly is this thing?" Damian thought as he touched his chest.

He had a feeling inside, urging to touch the door. Damian did that, and the moment his palm touched the door, it moved! It was like the key was finally there for the door to open!

"It worked!"


"So this is the place?"

"Yes. This is the ancient site that may have valuable things inside. Let's go!"

Two men wearing black were on the surface in the same ancient ruins Damian and Aurora went. If one had any knowledge about the underworld they would see the symbol on their chest area: a dark hand with creepy looking fingers.

It was The Fingers organization, one of the strongest if not the strongest underworld organization that existed. They were known for their shady businesses, and those two men had the task of exploring the ancient site.

There weren't that many ancient ruins scattered around the world, at least not in a decent condition and with treasures inside. No one up to that moment had found any book or treasure from the ancient era.

"We will be the same, hehehe. Hey, take a look at this," one of the man said, pointing at the ground.

"It looks like someone recently cut this thing. Maybe to place a tent?"


A huge corridor awaited Damian and Aurora after they opened the door. It was like the entire place was built for giants, or the ancient people were just boosting about their money and power to build such a big place.

"The furniture has normal size, so no giants," Damian thought as he saw the paintings and the counters along the hall.

It was a fine palace with a red carpet, chandeliers on the ceiling, and not built using normal rocks but a white one, looking like marble!

The passage of time was non-existent inside the palace. It looked exactly like it was a thousand years ago, as if time had yet to pass inside that place.

Damian was astonished by it, and his eagerness to find more about that ancient civilization grew after each step he took.

"This is a kitchen area," said Aurora as she opened up one of the doors in the corridor, going inside to check, and then heading back to meet up with Damian again.

There were many doors inside the palace, but Damian and Aurora only checked them quickly, as they wanted to first find the main room, as that should be the place with the treasures, or at least some information about the palace.

Damian was not chasing the treasures. Sure it would be nice to get his hands in some valuable objects, perhaps weapons, but the most valuable thing he wanted was books!

The books containing knowledge about the ancient civilization were priceless. Their experience, their abilities, and more importantly, more information about the dungeon!

That was what he wanted, and hoped to find as they reached the door of the main room.

Just like in the entrance, there was a symbol of a golden key carved on the door, making Aurora wonder how exactly was Damian the only one capable of opening the doors.

With a simple touch, the door opened, and before his eyes was a red-carpet, going straight to a huge throne on the middle of the room.

Different from the furniture in other places of the palace — those still had a normal-size to them — the ones inside the main room were huge!

It was like they were designed for a giant, just like the throne!

"What exactly is this place?" Damian said.


"Look, someone broke these statues, and there's a passage there!"

"Let's go! I think someone is inside this place with us!"


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