All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 106 Ancient Ruin, And Camping

The sounds coming from the nearby woods were that of predators, ordinary animals that would be present in those types of locations.

Damian was not worried about them, but he knew mutated beasts were surely hidden among them, waiting for the right moment to strike.

"Stay close," Damian said, pulling Aurora closer to his body.

He was ready to use his Slime Ring at any moment, and of course, his Telekineses would come out even faster!

They kept moving through the narrow mud path, and despite those sounds coming from the woods, not a single animal or beast tried to attack them.

Perhaps it was fear, or they only wished to find a better opportunity to attack. Either way, Damian and Aurora would not stay around to find out!

After walking for around thirty minutes, the dense forest diminished. The bushes and trees were not as thick anymore, and soon they could see the bright blue sky again, and the scorching sun!

"This feels so much better," Aurora said, taking a deep breath.

Inside the dense forest was even harder to breathe, and people who feared small places would not feel good back there. Damian was not one of these people, but was glad that he left.

"So where should we go now?" Damian asked.

Aurora moved her head to all sides, trying to find a clue to where they were exactly, but found nothing.

"I never came here, but I know the ancient ruins are all over the area without the dense forest. It was like a test back there if we had what it takes to come here," she said.

Damian nodded. The two moved forward, looking for any clues about these ruins Aurora talked about.

If it looked like it sounded, it would be quite easy to find stone structures inside a forest, but the problem was that Damian did not know how was the state of these ancient ruins.

Those things could fall into pieces, having only tiny structures left, making it harder for them to find. That was what he thought at first, but after a few hours of walking around the area, they found it!

It was nothing like what Damian thought!‌ The stone structures were huge, and despite the moss and broken parts, it looked decent, well-preserved.

"This is impressive!" Damian said as he stared at those structures.

The knowledge of dungeons, abilities, and all of those things was rather recent, dating around 70 years prior to Damian's birth.

But those structures he was seeing? Way older than that, and still holding up. It was the skill and knowledge of the ancient people, something that fascinated Damian.

"Could they know about the dungeons way back then?" Damian thought.

Lost in thoughts, Aurora had to be the one waking him up from the daydreams. "Damian, let's go explore this place before it's too dark!"


Damian returned to his senses, and the two explored the ancient ruins. It was a massive stone structure. The stone had moss, other types of vegetation, and some broken parts, showing the passage of time with clarity.

There was a main building, and some smaller ones around it. When Damian and Aurora went to the main building to check, going inside of it, passing through the bushes that had replaced the once floor, they saw it!please visit

"A staircase down? This place looks creepy!"

It was just like the entrance to the dungeon, but Damian believed it was not the case. Most ancient ruins scattered around the world had underground areas like that one, and the historians could not understand what was the reason behind it.

Aurora looked at the staircase and said, "it is getting dark, and we need to rest and eat. Shall we camp first? We can use some of the smaller structures around here."

They had been walking through the forest for hours, and the sun was almost setting. Also, both needed to eat something after spending their energy traversing through the forest.

The two walked around the area, choosing one of the stone structures that were around the main one. There were some bushes inside, but nothing too difficult to cut off.

"A good thing we brought the camping supplies," Aurora said as she unpacked some of the stuff..

They brought one tent, a tiny cooler with some drinks inside, and other snacks, and some tools like knives and so on.

"We lack a decent meal," Aurora said after she checked the cooler.

Sure, there were some snacks, but those things would not fill their bellies. She worried after realizing they did not bring a fishing rod — there were many sources of fishes to catch, even in the middle of the island like they were in.

But then she remembered Damian's ability, saying, "I know how to set up camp. Bring us some fishes for dinner."

Damian nodded, leaving the camping area looking for a pool of water inside the island.

That was a simple thing to find, and there was one near where they were, around 1 km away from their camping spot.

"It makes sense. The ancient civilization would surely build this place near a food source," Damian thought.

He stopped before the river and took a moment to see its beauty. "Let's do this quick to help Aurora with the camping thing."

It was easy to catch the fish. All Damian had to do was use his Telekineses, and the fishes would come out of the river! He grabbed two big ones, returning to the camp right after.

"You are back already?" Aurora said.

She was still placing the camping tent, and Damian was already back!

"The river is nearby, that's why. Want some help?"

The two worked together to set up a decent camping spot, with a tent, and a campfire to warm their bodies and also cook the fishes.

Damian was the one responsible for gathering the wood for the campfire and cleaning the fishes, but he did not mind. It was actually pretty fun!

They sat around the campfire, cooking the fishes — they used branches to pierce it through for better cooking — and watching the sunset together.

It was a beautiful moment, unforgettable. They shared a kiss, watching the sun go down, and the moon take place.


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