Alexander The Great Mage

Chapter 93 - Save The King!

"Shira!!" Liz'An cried out in shock!

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?! I AM NOT THE WEAKEST LINK! YOU ARE! YOU AND YOUR WHOLE FAMILY IS THE WEAKEST LINK!" Kan-Dari shouted angrily. Shira's response was definitely not what she had expected!

"Dari!!" Liz-An cried out once more in shock. She was totally at a loss at what's happening.

"HA! You're definitely the weakest link! You just said so yourself! Weakest link! Weakest link! HAHA!" Shira laughed uproariously.

"Shiraaa!!!" Kan-Dari lunged at Shira and began to tickle her.

"HIYAAAA!!" Shira dodged easily. She was, afterall, a powerful Sword Mistress of the Orchid. Shira grabbed Kan-Dari and began to tickle her back!

"GAHAHAHA!! STO-STOP IT!! GAHAHAHA!!" Kan-Dari squealed inelegantly.

"Take this! And this! And this!!" Shira tickled Kan-Dari mercilessly.

Next to them, Liz'An sighed deeply. These two girls were certainly a handful. But there was nothing that she could do. Without Princess Aleyria, the two of them were free to do anything they wanted, and their childishness had immediately shot through the roof.


Firestorm growled lightly. Immediately, Shira and Kan-Dari stopped their childish fight.

Liz'An frowned and communicated with her Wyvern as well.

"Undead!" Shira cried out loudly.

"Shira, Dari, go on ahead and scout them out!. I will follow up at the rear with the Wyverns and the trolls!" Liz'An quickly said. "And also, send the signal to Isabella and the others!"

Shira nodded and shot out several highly compressed fireballs to the approximate locations of the other Archmages.


They exploded magnificently.

Fire by Shira meant "Enemy ahead, prepare to engage!"

"Go!" Liz'An said urgently. "I will brief the other archmages when they arrive."


Liz'An's Wyvern roared out a loud battlecry.

Immediately, thirty thousand Wyverns roared out their battlecries as well!


The sky resounded with their angry roars!!

Shira leapt back to her Wyvern, and together with Kan-Dari, they accelerated and went into a high speed dive into the clouds to get a view of the situation on the ground.


Shira and Kan-Dari finally burst out from the clouds.

The scene they beheld shocked them to their very core.

Thousands of people were in the plains, running as fast as they could away from the direction of the City of Rin. Dispersed among them were several Wyverns. Far, far too few in number. Merely a tenth of The Royal Dragon Battalion, by the looks of their uniform.

However, what shocked them the most were the number of undead that were rising out of the ground. They were EVERYWHERE!

Grrrrr. Firestorm gave out a low growl. Shira patted her gently and glanced at Kan-Dari. "We need numbers." She said softly. "And we need them now."

The Royal Dragon Battalion were doing an excellent job, but they were fully on the defensive. They had many sick, elderly and pregnant mothers on their Wyverns, and were very limited in mobility. Additionally, they had to focus on saving the ones that were in danger. Massive undead bodies threw themselves upon blue and red barriers, trying to reach their prey within.

At the moment, along with the mages that were dispersed with the civilians, they were holding.

However, without external help, the situation would devolve into pure massacre very, very soon.

Kan-Dari nodded. She took a deep breath and pointed downwards. Hundreds of golems rose out of the ground alongside the undead. Immediately, they engaged the undead, giving the civilians some much needed room to escape.

However, it was far from enough. Hundreds of golems could not deal with thousands upon thousands of undead.

"Princess, you too." Kan-Dari said softly.

Princess Yellow glanced down at the undead coldly and released her magic as well. Instead of golems, however, large earthen Wyverns rose out of the ground and began to engage the undead as well.

Shira frowned slightly as she fired off hundreds of weak firebolts towards the undead monsters below. Her strength was mass destruction. And she couldn't fully unleash her power with so many civilians among the undead. In situations like this, the impact that her power could deal was significantly lowered.

Although each firebolt managed to kill one undead, there were only so many firebolts that she could control at the same time.

After a few agonizing seconds, the first blue barrier began to collapse.

Kyaaaa!!! The first death cry of a civilian pierced through the din and the noise.

Very quickly, like a pile of dominoes, one blue barrier after another cracked and crumbled. And as the barriers fell, so did the civilians.

"No!!" Kan-Dari screamed out in frustration. She had summoned as many golems as she could, and Princess Yellow had done the same too. But still, for every undead they managed to kill, two would rise from the ground to take their place.

Whoosh!! Whoosh!! Whoosh!!

Like gargantuan arrows, one Wyvern after another burst forth from the clouds and swooped down to attack and destroy the undead.

Undead were enemies of all living beings, both troll and Wyvern hated them to the core as well. Thus, the thousands of Wyverns and trolls waded into battle with great enthusiasm and eagerness.


Thousands of Wyverns landed and many more thousands of trolls leapt down from the backs of those Wyverns. Although they weren't troll soldiers and were not armed as such, they did not need any weapons aside from the ones nature had blessed them with.

Sharp tusks, elbow blades and powerful arms, the trolls were natural killing machines, and that day, the undead of Rin experienced their lethality to the full.

Three hundred thousand trolls was an extremely large number, and they took up even more space.

The battlefield that was previously sparsely populated with the thousands of men and women and thousands more undead was almost immediately jam packed.


If the trolls each managed to release three slashes each, that would be almost a million strikes. All the undead in the wide open plains of the Valgorn Mountains were wiped out within a few short seconds.

However, more continued to burst out of the ground!


The Wyverns roared and began to hack, slash, bite and stomp the undead to smithereens.

Still, as endless as the undead seemed to be, they were dependent on the number of corpses and skeletons that were available. Within minutes, the fighting ended as quickly as it had started as the trolls and Wyverns and golems overwhelmed all the undead that had managed to arise.

The sudden disappearance of all the noise from the fighting was extremely jarring.  However, all Kan-Dari and Shira could feel was an overwhelming amount of gratitude. Grateful that the situation did not devolve into a full massacre.

"Archmage!" A captain on a large Wyvern approached them and saluted smartly to Shira and Kan-Dari. "The City of Rin is under attack by a group of powerful mages! King Aloxandros is currently engaging them in battle, and he commanded us to evacuate. Almost the entire population of Rin evacuated out towards Turah, and if the undead appeared there as well…"

The captain did not get to finish his sentence.

Shira released a massive fireball which shot out into the sky and exploded.

"More civilians require our aid! Fly towards the City of Turah!" Shira bellowed.

Kan-Dari did not even say anything, she had already shot forward as fast as she could in the general direction of the City of Turah.

Isabella, Liz'And and the other King's Guard echoed Shira's commands, and immediately, the trolls clambered on their Wyverns once more, and they rose to the skies in a mighty air.

"I will be leading the other King's guard to find King Aloxandros. You lead the Wyverns and save the civilians." Isabella shouted to Liz'An.

"Acknowledged, Archmage!" Liz'An shouted back.

"King's Guard! Protect the King!" Isabella shouted grandly.


Nine giant Wyverns broke from formation and shot straight towards the City of Rin.

With Dubaza away, Isabella quickly took charge. She led the other King's Guard in a magnificent arrowhead formation with her at the lead.

However, before they could fly far, semi-darkness fell suddenly upon them and a powerful jolt of energy struck every single Wyvern and sent them reeling in the skies.

However, wave after wave of absolutely horrifying energy began to beat down upon them and sent the Wyverns falling down to the ground.



The Wyverns all let out deafening roars of shock as they began to lose control of their bodies and smashed onto the ground heavily. Many trolls fell off their Wyverns, and a few unlucky ones were even squashed by their own rides.

"What's happening?! Shira! Dari! Are you both alright?" Liz'An shouted.

"I'm fine!" Shira screamed amid the pounding waves of energy. "Dari! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Upon receiving silence as an answer, Shira began to panic. "DARI! DARI! ANSWER ME!"

"I'm here… I'm fine!" Kan-Dari finally replied. I just bumped my head, and got dizzy for a little bit."

"Thank goodness…" Shira breathed out in relief.  It was extremely dark, and she couldn't see where the others were. But knowing that they were safe was good enough. For now.

Thankfully, the phenomena did not last long. After a few scary seconds, the darkness disappeared.


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