Alexander The Great Mage

Chapter 55 - Sneaky Old Man

ROAR!! Wywy sent out a loud roar of challenge to her brother. They had finally entered the inner area of the Forest of Elgar, and this was where Wywy's brother had his lair. She had no idea where exactly the lair was, but she trusted that if she made enough noise, he would come charging out to deal with her.

"Too slow." Dubaza commented. He closed his eyes and weaved a tremendously powerful lightning spell. The clouds above them began to gather at terrifying speed and within seconds, the sky directly above them turned dark.


Fat streaks of lightning began to strike down at the forest, killing many beasts indiscriminately. The rolls of thunder travelled for many, many miles in all directions. It was a very unnatural sound to hear on such a sunny day.

Immediately, the area near them erupted in a cacophony of howls of surprise and roars of anger. Combined with the never ending lightning strikes and rolls of thunder, a riotous raucous was created.

Wywy flapped her wings lazily as she flew them around the Forest of Elgar in large circles, occasionally sending out a breath of fire at whatever beast was brave enough or foolish to let themselves be seen by her.

In this forest, Wywy was Queen, second only to her brother in power. The various 4th, 5th and 6th generation Wyverns had smartly chosen to keep their distance, even the dumber than most 6th generation ones. It was a bloodline suppression that the Wyverns could not resist.

"Where's this brother of hers?" Dubaza asked Liz'An. "Is he even in this region?"

"She said he's definitely here. Errr… in milder terms, she said her brother is a lazy, useless, ugly and… really bad son of a… bad Wyvern. I have no idea why she would scold her own mother. Anyway, yes, he's definitely in the area because he would be too lazy to move and conquer a new region." Liz'An reported.

Dubaza had to laugh at Liz'An's innocence. What a little girl. He mused. "Alright, let's make a little bit more noise then. Maybe that'll wake him up if he's asleep."

"Great idea!" Liz'An said eagerly. "Wywy also said that he's most definitely asleep."

Dubaza closed his eyes once more and suddenly, the lightning bolts stopped, and as the final boom echoed in the distance, the area became weirdly quiet as the beasts also stopped their howling and roaring in surprise at the sudden stop in the devastating lightning bolts.

However, even as the lightning bolts stopped, the clouds grew even darker as it expanded in size. Flashes of lightning could be seen from within the darkness of the clouds, signifying that the unnatural lightning shower was not yet over.

"Cover your ears. And your Wyvern's too." Dubaza said.

Liz'An immediately complied, creating a sound barrier around them.


An unimaginably fat lightning bolt the width of 9 elephants smashed down with incredible power. The earth shook as massive chunks of earth, rocks and plants shot out in all directions.

ROARRR!! WHEEEEEE!!! Roars and whines and wails and shrieks from all sorts of beasts rang out in a cacophony of sounds as thousands of them were shocked almost to the point of having heart attacks. In fact, many actually did and died miserably on the spot.



Two more similar lightning bolts struck the ground a distance away from them, to their left and right.

More beasts roared, and a mini stampede began to form. All sorts of beasts began to charge through the forest away from them. Unfortunately, they were charging out in the direction of Zan.

"Errrr, I do not think this is good. Those beasts are moving towards Zan." Liz'An pointed at the beasts nervously.

"Hmmm. Don't worry. I'll handle it." Dubaza calmly replied.



Immediately, two more giant lightning bolt struck the area in front of the beasts stampeding towards Zan. Almost as one, the stampede swerved to the left and right, charging in a different direction, trying to get away from this very dangerous place as fast as possible.


A loud, angry roar could be heard in the distance.

"Ah, here he comes." Dubaza said pleasantly. He stood up and waved his hand. The magic seals which powered the growth of the dark thunderclouds immediately dispersed, and caused the clouds to slowly begin to disappear.

"Why are you dispersing the clouds?" Liz'An couldn't help but ask. "Don't you need them to fight the Wyvern?"

"No, of course not. I told you that I'll only use 10% of my power. I'll make him submit to me without using any power from the sky." Dubaza smiled as he glanced at Liz'An. "Just sit back, relax and enjoy the show, little girl."

Liz'An nodded and smiled back at Dubaza. She'll definitely enjoy the show!

Within moments, the large Wyvern came into view. Unlike Wywy whose scales were a beautiful matte black, the Wyvern was completely bright red in colour. It was also much larger than Wywy. It was at least twenty five meters tall, with enormous horns curved like a devil's.

As the Wyvern approached them, it began to breathe fire, burning the forest beneath him. Thankfully, all the plants in the Forest of Elgar had mutated into a fire-resistant plant, so there was no fear of a forest fire breaking out at all. At the very most, it would be a localized fire which will die out once the power of the fire breath disappears.

"Oooh, it appears to be in a bad mood." Liz'An remarked.

Dubaza nodded in satisfaction. One of the most important aspects of battle was to get into the head of the enemy, making him or her emotional and forcing them to act irrationally, revealing a lot of weakness which one can capitalize and deal a death blow with. Apparently his thunderous lightning strikes had achieved that splendidly.

Though furious beyond measure, the Wyvern sailed into Dubaza's striking range with the utmost grace and elegance. His bright red scales glowed beautifully under the sun. Combined with its fearsome sharp claws, teeth and diabolical horns, the Wyvern was certainly an impressive sight to behold.

Wywy roared at the incoming Wyvern and immediately flew towards it, seeking to close the distance and get into a melee battle.

However, Dubaza had other plans. "Fly away from the Wyvern and let it chase after us. Maintain a distance of fifty meters." He ordered LizAn.

"Yes, sir!" Liz'An immediately responded. Wywy turned around reluctantly and began to fly away. Her brother roared angrily once more and began his pursuit.

Dubaza ignored all that as he quickly pressed something on his arm. A sphere of water energy was immediately released around him. Dubaza weaved that water energy into a spell aiming at the Wyvern's large body. It was a spell which he had not used in many, many years. Water Spear Torrent.

Sharp spears made purely of water began to appear all around Dubaza. After around fifty of them were formed, Dubaza launched them towards the Wyvern.

The angry Wyvern immediately responded with a large breath of fire that obliterated most of the spears. However, at least six still managed to hit their target.

Upon contact with the Wyvern, instead of piercing its red scales as Liz'An anticipated, it actually collapsed upon itself and began to wriggle around. Two blobs of water made their way to the Wyvern's eyes, while the other four made their way to the base of both of the Wyvern's wings. When they reached their targets, the water began to crackle and glow white.

Liz'An's mouth opened wide in surprise. Water magic could be used that way? But whatever for? Thankfully for her, she did not have long to wait before she received the answers to her question.

Dubaza casually waved his hands towards the Wyvern and unleashed a torrent of lightning bolts. Upon leaving his hands, the lightning bolt immediately separated into five and made their way to the five blobs of water on the Wyvern's body.


The lightning bolts hit their targets accurately one after the other. The Wyvern gave a bellow of pain as he momentarily lost his sight and control of his wings at the same time.

Lightning rods.

The water blobs somehow turned themselves into lightning rods that attracted all the lightning Dubaza sent its way. Liz'An was incredibly impressed. He certainly made good on his promise. She figured that he used way less than 10% of his power in the previous encounter. Liz'An clapped enthusiastically.

"Well done, sir! That was really smart of you!" Liz'An exclaimed. In her excitement, she had reverted to calling Dubaza sir.

"Call me Dubaza. Or if you want, you can call me sneaky old man. That's what my fellow King's Guard call me sometimes." Dubaza grinned. "And it's not over yet."

He pointed to the Wyvern that was falling towards the ground.

"That would be an angry, frustrated and still extremely powerful Wyvern which I will need to convince to sign a contract with me. It would not be easy." He warned.


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