Alexander The Great Mage

Chapter 49 - The God Of Magic, Magius

The pure and powerful magical energy which was swirling around High Priest Magos suddenly surged into Alexander. An utterly horrifying amount of energy flooded Alexander's body.

Alexander and High Priest Magos both opened their eyes in absolute shock. High Priest Magos still had his hand on Alexander's shoulder, but his expression clearly indicated that whatever was happening to Alexander had never happened before.

He tried to let go of Alexander's shoulder, but he realized that he couldn't move. His hand seemed glued to Alexander's shoulders as the power of Magius continued to flood into Alexander unabated.

A bright pillar of light appeared above High Priest Magos and slowly grew brighter.  More and more divine power flowed from above into Alexander through his body as the conduit.

Alexander could feel Magius's divine power entering and circulating around his body at extremely high speed. Pure divine power inundated every single corner, every single cell within his body, leaving nothing untouched. Every organ, every fibre of muscle, every drop of blood was utterly submerged in a silvery glow.

It was an extremely comfortable feeling. His entire being seemed to scream in pleasure as his cells wildly absorbed the magical power. After a few seconds, all the cells in his body finally hit a critical milestone.

Bang! All the energy in his cells completely broke out and overflowed. In that moment, it was like Alexander's body had become a source of light, as dazzling silver rays shone out from various parts of his body. Alexander's body began to glow and emit a powerful magical aura, much purer and many times more powerful than even Aleyria's. The aura grew so thick that it began to coalesce into form.

It was a flying beast of some sort, with massive wings spread out behind Alexander's back. A faint draconic roar could be heard coming out from its maw.

A dragon. The power of Magius had taken the form of a dragon around Alexander.

Alexander gasped out in surprise when he suddenly felt his magical power rising very rapidly, doubling in power almost every other second.

"Oh my goodness. This is absolutely amazing! Amazing!" Buccephalas was ecstatic. Although she was in soul form and could not benefit from the deluge of power that Alexander was experiencing, she could feel a deep intimacy with that power. It was like returning to the embrace of her long-lost father whom she had missed very, very much.

Behind him, Fluff-fluff opened one eye to glance lazily at Alexander before closing it once more.

After a minute or so, High Priest Magos suddenly gasped and collapsed on the ground, completely spent. The pillar of light above him disappeared without a trace.

Alexander drew a sharp intake of breath in surprise at the abrupt ceasing of the incredible feeling of pleasure he was experiencing, as well as the sudden stop in the increase of his magical power.

"Well… I guess that's it then." Alexander said with slight regret. He looked at still-gasping-for-breath Magos sprawled on the floor and sent out a tendril of space energy to lift him up and place him on the chair next to him.

"What happened?" Aleyria asked breathlessly.

She had witnessed the vast, torrential power that flooded into Alexander and could sense the incredible amount of power Alexander was radiating. In a blink of an eye, Alexander had transformed from a weak little Black Robe, into somebody she could not even hope of defeating.

Liz'An was a freak of nature with an incredibly large magical capacity. And although Alexander's capacity did not seem like it's as large as Liz'An's, it certainly felt much more powerful.

If Liz'an's magical capacity was like the endless ocean, then Alexander's would be a slightly more reasonable inland sea. Still very large, much larger than Shira or even Aleyria, but nowhere close to being as large as the freak that Liz'An was.

However, if Liz'An was an endless ocean filled with water, Alexander would be an inland sea filled with liquid gold.

The power that flooded Alexander's body was qualitatively different. It was much purer, much more potent than the magical power that filled every other mage in the universe.

Alexander was about to open his mouth to reply Aleyria when a cold voice sounded from the corner of the room.

"He took quite a bit of my power, that's what happened."

Alexander and Aleyria snapped their heads around to look at the source of the voice.

On Aleyria's head, the Fortuitous Cosmic Cat stood up slowly to stare at Magius, The God of Magic.

"Cat. I should have known it's you. Long time no see." Magius nodded at Fluff-fluff.

Alexander's head swivelled to stare at Fluff-fluff, who was staring at Magius solemnly from atop Aleyria's head.

"Meow." She meowed in response.

Magius laughed in a very normal and human way. His voice was melodious and was extremely mesmerizing.

"Why am I here? Of course it's to take a look at the person who was brave enough to take my power in such a brazen manner. To think that it'll be a little human boy. And I certainly didn't expect that you'll be hanging out in Symphonia's backyard, much less doing little boys favors." Magius drawled lazily.

He sat down upon a luxurious sofa that suddenly appeared and began to sip on a glass of wine which materialized in his hand at the same moment his hand moved towards his mouth.

"Meow." Fluff-fluff raised its cute little paws and pointed at the door.

"No, thank you. I'll stay here until I get to the bottom of this situation. And I do not appreciate you helping him steal my power that way. Bad kitty." Magius tut-tutted at Fluff-fluff.

"Meow." Fluff-fluff gave a final exasperated meow and curled back on Aleyria's head, completely ignoring Magius.

Magius gave a sharp laugh of helplessness. In the entire universe, only that cat dared to treat him that way. But it was fine, as only that cat had the capital and power to treat him that way in the entire universe.

Plus, it had rendered very considerable merits in that final battle against Zegaro and Perses. Very considerable indeed. So Magius simply ignored the cat as he turned his head to study Alexander.

"You certainly made a strong impression on the cat, for her to speak up for you so." Magius said very casually.

"Oh? You have the Power of Perses too?AND a dragon soul??" Magius narrowed his eyes as his gaze grew cold. Power began to swirl around him. Without warning, Alexander felt a sharp pain in his head.

Immediately after that, he 'saw' himself in a strange space in his mind. Magius was there as well. But it was not what caught his attention and made his heart skip a beat. In addition to both of them, there was also a white dragon which was perfect in every way.

She was large, as dragons were. But she was also beautiful, as dragons were not. Her white scales were like the purest snow, without a single blemish. Her tail was long and supple, and powerful limbs supported her graceful body as she stood on all fours with her magnificent wings spread out.

Two perfectly-sized curved horns protruded from the top of her snow-white head. Her eyes gleamed with intelligence and deep emotion as she looked at Magius.

A deep chill which Alexander could feel even in such a place emanated from her and an unearthly yet fresh fragrance filled the entire place.

"Flamewing. So it is you." Magius said. "Why are you here?"

"Yo-you know me?" Flamewing stammered as her draconic eyes opened wide.

"Of course. I know every single pure-blooded dragon in the universe. I was there when you were born." Magius gave her an enigmatic smile. "Not in person, mind you. But I witnessed your mighty struggle against that eggshell. Took you quite a bit of time, but you eventually did it."

Flamewing stared at Magius, overcome with deep emotion at the knowledge that the God of Magic, Magius, knew her so well.

Dragons were the favored race of Magius, the God of Magic. But Gods were supposed to be aloof beings, cold and distant. To think that Magius was present to witness her birth was extremely moving. It made her feel very special indeed.

"Your mother named you Flamewing when she laid your egg, because any reasonable dragon would assume that a union of two fire dragons would certainly result in the birth of another fire dragon. You certainly came as a shock to them." Magius chuckled as he continued reminiscing.

Flamewing smiled gently at the memory of her parents. "Yes, they told me that story often enough. Father even joked that I was your child instead of his."

Magius laughed. "Yes, that was certainly your father's favorite story." He suddenly appeared next to Flamewing as a giant comparable in size to Flamewing and placed his hand on Flamewing's shoulder.

"He was a great dragon. I mourned his passing greatly." Magius said with surprising gentleness. There was even an air of sorrow around him as he spoke about Flamewing's father.


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