Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul

Chapter 34

C34 – Visiting

Upon hearing Jiaang Lin’s words, Jiaang Xiang was stunned.

He had never imagined that the once reticent and meek outcast could now articulate himself so sharply.

Jiaang Xiang found himself at a loss for words, unable to muster any rebuttal.

“Your silver tongue won’t save you today. No matter how cunningly you argue, you won’t escape the family’s punishment!”

Jiaang Xiang eventually spoke, his voice resonating with authority.

​As a direct descendant of the Jiaang family with exceptional talent, he was once favored by many family elders to become the next Young Patriarch.

However, upon returning from a visit to his maternal grandfather, he learned from his father that Jiaang Lin was no longer the family’s disgrace but had become a master at the Body Refining Level Seven Peak Stage.

This revelation caused many of the family’s elders to reconsider their support for Jiaang Xiang as the Young Patriarch.

Determined to secure his position, Jiaang Xiang had been scheming to eliminate Jiaang Lin.

That’s why he had accompanied his father today, to confront Jiaang Lin and seek to incriminate him.

Thus, no matter what Jiaang Lin said, Jiaang Xiang was not inclined to let him off the hook.

Even if Jiaang Gao and the others were not slain by Jiaang Lin, he was intent on pinning the heinous crime of murdering kin on him.

“How dare you accuse my son without a shred of proof?”

A booming voice echoed from outside the courtyard as Jiaang Zhengzu, flanked by several family elders, arrived with a stern countenance. He positioned himself protectively in front of Jiaang Lin, facing off against Jiaang Zhengshan and his son.

“Brother, it’s not without evidence. There are witnesses in the family who saw Jiaang Lin and Jiaang Lang enter the Celestial Peak Valley together.

Now, Jiaang Lang and the rest are dead within the valley, yet Jiaang Lin is unscathed. Surely, there must be some foul play at work?”

Jiaang Zhengshan stated, his face devoid of emotion.

“Someone saw my son and Jiaang Lang entering Celestial Peak Valley. Now, may I ask if anyone witnessed my son killing Jiaang Lang there?”

Jiaang Zhengzu challenged.

His statement left Jiaang Zhengshan, Jiaang Xiang, and the other high-ranking members of the Jiaang family, who supported Jiaang Zhengshan and his son, speechless.

They all furrowed their brows in concern.

Indeed, the family’s disciples had only seen Jiaang Lin and Jiaang Lang enter Celestial Peak Valley; no one had actually seen Jiaang Lin commit murder there!

To convict him without evidence would be a grave injustice.

“Big brother, are you deliberately protecting him?”

Jiaang Zhengshan asked, his face showing his discontent.

“Protecting him? I am merely judging the situation based on the facts.”

Jiaang Zhengzu responded.

“The facts? What facts are you referring to?”

Jiaang Zhengshan pressed.

“Bring up the bodies!”

Jiaang Zhengzu suddenly commanded.

At once, the Jiaang family guards brought forward stretchers bearing the bodies of Jiaang Gao and the others.

“Look closely. The way Jiaang Gao and the others died clearly points to the Azure Demonic Wolf as the culprit!”

Jiaang Zhengzu ordered the white cloth to be removed, exposing the mutilated corpses of Jiaang Gao and the other Jiaang family disciples for all to see.

Jiaang Zhengshan, Jiaang Xiang, and the rest of the Jiaang family’s high-level members could clearly see the ghastly state of the bodies, marred by bite marks and claw wounds.

In that moment, there was a hushed silence. Their experienced eyes could easily discern that the wounds on Jiaang Gao and the others were indeed inflicted by the Azure Demonic Wolf.

“What does it matter if Jiaang Gao and the others were killed by the Azure Demonic Wolf? It must have been Jiaang Lin who lured the beast to them!”

Jiaang Xiang exclaimed, snapping out of his shock, his resolve to see Jiaang Lin punished unwavering.

​”My dear nephew, it appears that while your talents are commendable, you are sorely lacking in common sense,” Jiaang Zhengzu said, giving Jiaang Xiang a cold, mocking look.

​”What’s wrong? Was there something incorrect in what I said earlier?”

Upon hearing this, a cold glint flashed in Jiaang Xiang’s eyes as rage churned within him.

Jiaang Zhengzu had the audacity to mock him for his lack of common sense. Was this not a veiled way of calling him foolish?

“Ask your father! He’ll have the answer for you.”

Jiaang Zhengzu responded, too indifferent to offer Jiaang Xiang any further explanation.

Prompted by the remark, Jiaang Xiang turned to his father with curiosity.

“The Azure Demonic Wolf is a communal Demonic Beast. When it hunts, it does so in packs, ranging from a handful to several dozen.

Each possesses the strength comparable to a Body Refining Level Nine Cultivator. When they attack as a group, even those below the Qi Gathering Stage must retreat.”

Jiaang Zhengshan spoke gravely.

At that moment, his brows were tightly furrowed.

Upon hearing this, Jiaang Xiang had an epiphany.

His father was unequivocally informing him that Jiaang Lin simply didn’t have the means to lure a pack of Azure Demonic Wolves to ambush and kill Jiaang Gao and the others!

This also indirectly confirmed that Jiaang Gao’s death was in no way related to Jiaang Lin.

Realizing the key point, Jiaang Xiang was filled with a profound sense of frustration.

Regrettably, it was likely that no one else present was aware that the demise of Jiaang Gao and the others at the hands of the Azure Demonic Wolf pack was indeed orchestrated by Jiaang Lin.

Yet, this was a secret known only to Jiaang Lin himself, and he certainly couldn’t disclose the truth. If he did, it would give Jiaang Zhengzu and his son the perfect pretext to punish him.

“Ladies and gentlemen, is there anything more I need to say?”

Jiaang Zhengzu addressed Jiaang Zhengshan and the other high-level members of the Jiaang family with a calm demeanor.

The high-level members remained silent, offering no further comments.

“Since Jiaang Lin’s death is unrelated to Jiaang Gao, there’s no reason for us to linger.”

After a pause, Jiaang Zhengshan said solemnly.

With that, Jiaang Zhengzu, accompanied by Jiaang Xiang and several senior members of the Jiaang family, turned to leave.

“Reporting to the Patriarch, Steward Hua from the Dao Artifact Hall has arrived for a visit!”

At that moment, a Jiaang family guard swiftly approached Jiaang Zhengzu, knelt respectfully before him, and delivered the message.

​Upon hearing the guard’s report, Jiaang Zhengzu’s brow furrowed, puzzled by the unexpected visit from the Dao Artifact Hall.

Could it be that they were here to seek retribution for Tang Bei, a disciple of the Dao Artifact Hall?

This thought deepened the gravity on Jiaang Zhengzu’s face.

“Where are the people from the Dao Artifact Hall now?” he inquired.

​”They are currently waiting in the main hall,” the guard responded truthfully.

​With no further questions, Jiaang Zhengzu, along with a group of the family’s high-level members, quickly made their way to the Jiaang Family Main Hall.

He was determined to find out if the Dao Artifact Hall had indeed come to avenge Tang Bei and confront his son.

“Father, this time, Jiaang Lin is sure to face the Dao Artifact Hall’s censure!” Jiaang Xiang remarked from a distance, unable to contain his glee upon hearing of the Dao Artifact Hall’s arrival.

​He was aware that Jiaang Lin had recently injured Tang Bei, a disciple of the Dao Artifact Hall.

Now, with Steward Hua and his entourage present, Jiaang Xiang was convinced they had come to seek justice for Tang Bei and hold Jiaang Lin accountable.

“This is perfect. Since we couldn’t convict Jiaang Lin today, let’s see how the Dao Artifact Hall plans to handle him. If we play our cards right, we might even manage to expel Jiaang Lin from the family!” he thought to himself.

​Jiaang Zhengshan, too, was taken aback by the news of Steward Hua’s visit, but he couldn’t help feeling a surge of excitement.

He also knew about the incident involving Jiaang Lin and Tang Bei.

Considering the Dao Artifact Hall’s reputation for fiercely defending their own, they were unlikely to let this go without a stern reprimand for Jiaang Lin.

This was precisely the scene Jiaang Zhengshan had been eager to witness.

With that, Jiaang Zhengshan, accompanied by Jiaang Xiang and several Jiaang family high-level men, hurried toward the Jiaang Family Main Hall, curious to see how Jiaang Lin would embarrass himself.

​In the Jiaang Family Main Hall, an elder dressed in the Dao Artifact Hall’s attire sat with poise, appreciating the aromatic tea provided by the Jiaang family’s servants. Behind him stood several Dao Artifact Hall masters, each radiating a potent aura and sporting a stern expression, all formidable experts of the Qi Gathering Stage. The elder himself was particularly distinguished; his every gesture displayed the confidence of a true powerhouse, inspiring an involuntary reverence in those around him.

“Elder Hua, my apologies for not greeting you sooner,” Jiaang Zhengzu said as he, along with a group of Jiaang family high-level men, entered the hall. Jiaang Lin and Jiaang Xue quietly trailed behind the procession.

Jiaang Zhengshan followed with another contingent of the Jiaang family’s high-level men. Upon laying eyes on the elder who sat tranquilly in his chair, enjoying his tea, Jiaang Zhengzu approached with hands clasped in a fist and bowed deeply, his demeanor marked by utmost respect.

​He was well-acquainted with the elder before him—Hua Yuru, the esteemed manager of the Dao Artifact Hall in Clear Water Town, a man of significant influence and revered status. Within Clear Water Town, he was renowned as a Super Expert, his strength at the Pill Transforming Stage, surpassing even those at the Qi Gathering Stage.

In all of Clear Water Town, only four individuals possessed the cultivation of the Pill Transforming Stage. One was Hua Yuru, another the enigmatic Pavilion Master of the Myriad Medicine Pavilion, and the remaining two were Patriarch Qiao and the venerable ancestor of the Jiaang family.

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