AI Cultivation: Reborn as a Sword

Chapter 28: Wealth of the Forest

Chapter 28: Wealth of the Forest

The forest is deep and dark. Even in the pre-dawn light it remains treacherously absent brightness. For a cultivator, this is a small inconvenience. Beyond the sight one has with their optical receptors, they can also sense their surroundings with their spirit, not to mention sense killing intent, or the presence of another creature that cultivates Qi.

For me, light or dark makes no difference. I perceive the world in the same detail in total darkness and in absolute brightness, the only difference it makes is the light I measure.

This is an old, old, old forest. I am aware of its ancientness as if it was one, combined organism. But even in the minute detail, where I observe the trees with its ancient bark, I can sense that some of them have lived multiples of hundreds of years.

The story Lan Xiaohui told me how this forest became the Forbidden Ancestral Hunting Ground I can now detect that its origins are true. With my enhanced consciousness, I can penetrate beneath the bark of the trees, and detect a wood that is much stronger and more vital than the trunk that came after it. Even the roots are deeper and more profound nearer the surface. It is something that I make known to Lan Xiaohui, and every now and again, she stops to collect the wood within the trunk, or dig up some of the roots.

Were this forest not such a desolate, brutal place, cultivators wouldve likely come here often to collect valuable materials for the various refining processes involved in the construction of heavenly treasures, formations and medicine.

Certainly, some are foolish enough to try and this might be the simplest explanation behind the Golden Core cultivator Wukong brought to me over a month ago.

On our way we come across many medicinal fields with wild growth that even Lan Xiaohui notices. She has a deep knowledge of medicinal plants, not only because of her interest, but also because of her expensive, royal cultivation until recently.

This is Midnight Ice Lotus, she says, pointing at the cluster of flowers that grows nearby. When refined into a paste, it can nurture a Yin constitution, or be used in other medicine.

She waits, as if to see if I would bring up an objection, and then proceeds to stuff it into my internal storage.

Why would I object? Lan Xiaohui has discarded the conveniences of her Humanity in this place she is as much a demonic beast as all the other creatures, or, at the very least, she must become one. To survive here and achieve her goal, she must use everything the forest provides.

We come across more strange and powerful growth.

Blood Ginseng, Spirit Mushroom, Nine-Turn Grass, Stargazer Jade Lily, and more. All of various, but advanced grades. These herbs and plants have spent a hundred years here at least, basking in the sun and moon, absorbing Qi and growing.

Not all of them were fortunate to be left alone, as in many other places we have found low-grade ones that have once upon a time been eaten or trampled.

Here, the duality of life is at its most pristine and purest form. One either thrives or becomes the foundation for another organisms evolution.

For a while, well into the dawn, and then past it into noon, it seems like an encounter would be unlikely. I cannot be certain, as my perception radius only extends sixty steps, more or less. However, I notice that Lan Xiaohui often changes directions. It is possible that she sees the mountain range in the distance through a break in the canopy of trees, but it is also possible that she is avoiding unnecessary conflict.

Even though my perception is absolute in this radius, I do not possess the same instinct or long-range spiritual sense that Lan Xiaohui does.

Early in the afternoon, we come across a river likely the same river that Lan Xiaohui described to me and she stops briefly to drink water.

She washes her hands first, expelling the dirt and earth that had accumulated on them, and then finally takes several sips of the fresh water.

At the same time, I sense something approach and enter my perception radius.

It is a wolf with white fur that towers at about the height of Lan Xiaohui, just slightly shorter. It resembles more a small bear than a large wolf with its bulky, threatening body. Its cultivation depth is clear to me and rests at the Late Qi Refining realm. It is a serious threat to Lan Xiaohui, who is only in the Early stage of Qi Refining.

It occurs to me that it is slightly strange that we havent come across any creatures sooner, but then again, the monkeys could only bring me sacrifices once in three to five days.

Lan Xiaohui sighs, and straightens her back.

You have been following us for a while now, she says, revealing that she was aware of the wolf. This comes as a learning experience to me too, and what organics would call an eye opener. I make a mental note to continue my perception training as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

The wolf growls. Its snarling is so deep that the earth feels like it rumbles. It leaves the shroud of the receding forest-line and enters into the light of the sun.

An opponent like this, in theory, would not be unbeatable were it another cultivator. But demonic beasts here prioritize cultivating the body over cultivating their Qi. Qi cultivation, in that sense, is a side-product of their deep body cultivation.

If this wolf is in the Qi Refining realm, then that must mean that its body is likely in the equivalent of the Foundation Establishment stage.

Lan Xiaohui turns to face the approaching wolf, and she stands tall and proud. There is not a hint of fear on her features, nor hesitation. In the wolfs eyes, she too must seem like something that has a [Tyranny] ability. Her imposing form is threatening and domineering, especially when she turns her body, and tucks me behind her back, my body pointed upward and fully concealed from the wolfs vision.

I will give you this one chance to leave with your life. Continue to intrude on me again, and I will slaughter you. Again, there is no hint of fear in her tone and no hesitation. She stands, truly, like a sword brandished and eager to be used, while her words search for a peaceful resolution.

The wolfs claws extend from its paws, gleaming silver white in the sun, as if made of metal, and carve into the ground. Its jaw opens wide, revealing multiple rows of metal teeth, all sharpened like stakes. Eight dots of black, like pupils, swim in its amber eyes, focused murderously on Lan Xiaohui.

Happily, I become aware of something new and reassuring. With my sea of consciousness, I can detect the wolfs primary motives, and, more than that, calculate its surface thoughts. Though this creature is only defending its territory, and is hungry, it also fears Lan Xiaohui.

Its course of action is rather predictable: Strike fast. Aim for the neck. It is risky. A moment of hesitation or inaccuracy, and it would be the one to die.

The wolf roars, loud enough to cause the leaves on the nearby trees to fall off. Even Lan Xiaohui has to narrow her eyes slightly, as the loudness threatens to deafen her. In this brief moment of distraction, the wolf charges forward and leaps from nine steps away, its arc more than enough to propel it the rest of the distance towards Lan Xiaohui.

Naturally, I do not plan to let my wielder die here. It is enough for her to gain valuable experience, and maybe some severe injuries.

The moment the wolf jumps, I bring my sentience down upon it in the reverse process of what I discovered before, about not allowing my [Tyranny] to seep through my consciousness and I clearly see the wolfs eyes widen, and a change in bestial expression that signifies it had an affect.

But it appears to be for nothing, because even so, Lan Xiaohui calmly steps to the side, and unravels like a blossoming flower she turns her body to the side, and slashes me upwards through the air, leaving a bright red tracery of Qi in the wake of my tip. I carve through the wolfs neck cleanly, decapitating it as easily as if I was cutting paper.

[ Life consumed: +184 BP ]

This time, I sense my aperture open and devour the wolfs corpse, which shrivels away into black smoke and sinks into my black jade. Lan Xiaohui does not even seem surprised.

Of course, I told her I was a demon sword.

It is a shame, she says, exhaling coldly. There is no pride in her achievement, and no conceit. As if this was the natural outcome. We could have used its parts. Demonic beasts have a lot of resources useful to us cultivators.


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