AI Cultivation: Reborn as a Sword

Chapter 208: World Realization (2)

Chapter 208: World Realization (2)

The central square platform is lively and packed with disciples. The ranked matches of Inner Disciples, at least in this case, draw both the attention of Inner Disciples, but also Core Disciples. Though not all of them wear the sect uniform, all of them even Lan Xiaohui have markings on their outfits that denote their rank and area of cultivation focus.

With these markings, it is a simple matter to distinguish Inner and Outer Court disciples, but also alchemists and refiners. The only exceptions are those disciples who also belong to one of the palaces or factions, where that identity replaces the denotation of their function.

The sect elders are an exception to this dress code, therefore the elder standing in the middle of the platform is unfamiliar to me.

The two-hundred and eighty-fourth ranked match will begin shortly. The challenged party is the first-ranked Xie Zhiqiang of the Night faction which practices the Life-Severing Sword sect inheritance, the elder announces, just as an individual with short black hair begins ascending the stairs on the opposite side of the platform, and casually walks toward the center of the platform.

His aura is faint, not because it is weak, but because it is tempered. Even so, to me, Xie Zhiqiang appears as a warlord with hands that are eternally covered in the blood they have spilled I even perceive the faint outline of a sword behind him; the very one that spilled all that blood to begin with. Of course, this impression of Xie Zhiqiang is only based on the faint trace of aura I detect on him, as otherwise, he appears well-mannered, with a mild demeanor and appropriate style.

An enigma.

Xie Zhiqiang joined the Galaxy Sword sect during the last entrance examination and has since shown promising skill with the sword, rising through the ranks and even defeating Tian Li who was previously ranked first, the elder continues as Xie Zhiqiang approaches the center of the platform and then stops.

No one dares to loudly interrupt the elder, but a few disciples quietly whisper among themselves, ridiculing the notion that his skill is merely promising. Even though the ranked matches are only between Inner Disciples, these disciples are still some of the best on the continent; to defeat every one of them is by no means a task adequate for someone who only possesses promising skill.

The party issuing the challenge is ranked fiftieth: Zhu Xuelian of the Starsword Peak. She joined the Galaxy Sword sect at the same time as Xie Zhiqiang. Within the Pagoda of Introspection, she conquered a respectable six floors. Though Zhu Xuelian does not belong to a faction, she practices the Empty Moon Prana sect inheritance.

It is a telling difference when the elder announces my owner, who now walks up the stairs and heads toward the center of the platform. A majority of the crowd does not react; not even to whisper venomous ridicule at the notion that conquering six floors of the Pagoda of Introspection is in any way respectable.

Further evidence to the reason why so few find the elders words to be laughable is the fact that no one has challenged Lan Xiaohui yet. When someone from outside the top fifty challenges someone within them, if the one ranked below fifty loses the match, they will be demoted to rank fifty-one regardless of which rank they held previously. In order to return to the top fifty, it would be easiest to challenge Lan Xiaohui or Wu Yulan who both hold the ranks forty-nine and fifty, respectively.

But they choose to challenge those ranked forty-eighth and below instead.

For Wu Yulan, the reason why she is not challenged is fairly straightforward; she cleared all the floors of the Pagoda of Introspection, and she is the so-called princess of Star City. Whether it is because they do not wish to offend her, or that they are not confident in their skill, in all cases, it is far more advantageous to challenge someone else.

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As for Lan Xiaohui, it is a bit different. Few can forget the tyrannical way in which she defeated a disciple of the sect who had an entire cultivation realms advantage over her. That story had likely spread far and wide within and possibly outside the sect. On top of that, Elder Qin the elusive master who refuses to become anyones master called Lan Xiaohui a direct disciple of hers, further increasing my owners prestige and perceived threat level after all, no one knows if Elder Qin had taught Lan Xiaohui the [Sun Calamity Sword] or the even more mysterious [Myriad Oblivion Arts].

It is because of this that, at the very least, a few disciples mutter in quiet conversation amongst themselves.

Empty Moon Prana? What a useless inheritance. At least the Life-Severing Sword has useful techniques, even though it is incomplete.

Zhu Xuelians master is Elder Qin. Forget about the Empty Moon Prana. If her master taught her even one move of the Sun Calamity Blade, there could be a new first ranker.

Nonsense, another disciple interjects. Xie Zhiqiangs Life-Severing Sword is unbeatable.

Tian Li was smart to forfeit his match against Xie Zhiqiang, another disciple adds. How many people has he killed so far in ranked matches? More than I have fingers on my hands.

As Lan Xiaohui approaches the center of the platform, the elder looks at both of them, his gaze briefly lingering on my sheathed form hovering over and behind Lan Xiaohuis right shoulder.

The rules of the ranked match are as follows: There is no time limit. You may surrender if you feel you are in danger. The battle continues until first blood, unless you have an objection to this ruling.

Elder Huang, I object, Xie Zhiqiang says, eyes becoming half-lidded.

The elder looks at Xie Zhiqiang.

As you have already stated, I practice the Life-Severing Sword, Xie Zhiqiang continues. Sometimes this leads to injuries to myself and my opponent and it would be inconvenient for the judge Elder Huang in this case to make a fair ruling on this matter. I request that we fight until surrender or incapacitation.

Elder Huang nods to Xie Zhiqiang again.

What a load of! He just wants to kill Zhu Xuelian a disciple in the crowd remarks.

I wonder if Zhu Xuelian knows what Xie Zhiqiangs intentions are?

Elder Huang looks at my owner next. Do you object to this?

My owner shakes her head. I do not, she says and then looks at Xie Zhiqiang. As long as we decide here and now that, regardless of the outcome, no one pursues the matter on our behalf.

Xie Zhiqiang laughs. You dont have to worry, Zhu Xuelian; if you accidentally kill me or cripple me, no one will come looking for revenge. He looks at the elder next. Elder Huang, you have witnessed this Death Pact?

Elder Huang nods. I have witnessed it. Regardless of the outcome, no one may pursue this matter on behalf of either party; if either party breaks this pact, everyone involved will be exiled from the sect, and crippled or executed.

She fell into his trap another voice in the crowd whispers.

What if shes confident in her sword?

Nonsense. Xie Zhiqiang is one of the best swordsmen the Galaxy Sword sect has ever seen. Who can be confident in their sword when standing in his shadow?

Elder Huang nods one more time and takes a step back. You may go to your designated positions, and begin whenever you are ready.

Xie Zhiqiang smiles to Lan Xiaohui and inclines his head. I wish you good fortune in battle, he says with a polite smile.

Likewise, Lan Xiaohui says, turning away and heading several dozen steps to the side before turning toward Xie Zhiqiang again who has also reached his position at the same time.

Without further delay, Lan Xiaohui draws my vessel from its sheath and begins to paint a black, empty circle in one smooth motion. The moment the empty moon is complete, a collective gasp rises from the crowd.

Moon Mirror? How is that possible?

I thought she joined the sect recently. How is it possible that she can draw the Moon Mirror?

Perhaps she practiced the inheritance before joining? It takes at least a decade to advance this far with that cultivation method.

If that were true, it would explain why she was allowed into the sect, despite her result at the Pagoda of Introspection.

Perhaps she is a relative of one of the elders?

On the other hand, Xie Zhiqiang frowns at Lan Xiaohui, but still calmly draws his sword and assumes a stance. I am ready, he says. You may begin whenever you wish.


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