Ah! The Villains I Forced to Turn Evil Can Read My Mind

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Qiao Chuchu quickly waved her hands: "It's nothing, just a small favor. You don't have to worry about it."

Although the system had told her that this was a real world, she still felt that her life and the lives of those around her were like a novel designed to pave the way for someone else's romance.

【If it weren't for me, Weisheng Yucan would have really died. Originally in the plot, Yucan's death was also very contrived. She would have collapsed on the road, her head hitting the ground, and the wheel directly crushing her skull. Her head would have been flattened. Just imagining that kind of death is horrifying.】

【A beautiful and powerful figure, dying so tragically and so unnecessarily. It's all just a plot device.】

【Most importantly, after Weisheng Yucan's death, the Weisheng family inexplicably began to decline, and was mysteriously acquired by the male lead, Ji Yanchuan.】

【It's as if the legendary Weisheng family was forcefully dumbed down, voluntarily giving away their advantages, one by one, all falling victim to Ji Yanchuan's aura.】

【The male lead, Ji Yanchuan, became the world's first global billionaire, nourished by the Weisheng family, the Pei family, the Lou family, and several other powerful figures. Xia Xuechun became the global billionaire's cherished wife, and also a renowned philanthropist, sponsoring many small animals and people in poverty-stricken areas. She was hailed as spreading love across the world and became a sensation online!】

【It's really the male and female leads being born useless, with all the greatness coming from the supporting characters paving the way!】

【But now that I've saved Weisheng Yucan's life, the plot for the Weisheng family should be fine, right? After all, the most powerful member of the Weisheng family, Sister Yucan, has been saved by me.】

The Pei family instantly became alert.

Was Weisheng Yucan also part of the plot?!

Then Weisheng Yucan must also be able to hear Qiao Chuchu's thoughts?!

They looked at Weisheng Yucan and her siblings, Weisheng Huailing, with caution.

Weisheng Yucan's expression remained calm, still smiling warmly at Qiao Chuchu.

Weisheng Huailing also looked at Qiao Chuchu with genuine sincerity, showing no signs of being able to hear her thoughts.

Even Yucan signed to Huailing: "This girl saved me. I was almost hit by a car just now, and she helped me."n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Huailing's eyes lit up, and he became even more grateful, signing to Qiao Chuchu: "Thank you for saving my sister. You are really excellent and amazing!"

Qiao Chuchu felt a little happy: "It's nothing, no need to be so polite."

Yucan smiled: "Chuchu, I see you two get along well. Why don't you go out for dinner and a movie with my brother? Let him properly thank you on my behalf."

Pei Youchuan was shocked: "A deaf-mute person watching a movie? Can he hear the dialogue?"

Yucan gently rebutted: "Can't deaf-mute people watch movies? Besides, your sister can hear, so it's fine. Whether my brother can hear or not doesn't matter, as he's just accompanying Qiao Chuchu on my behalf."

She looked expectantly at Qiao Chuchu: "Right, Chuchu?"

Lou Tingsi cleared his throat and stepped out from the crowd: "Chuchu, my son was very traumatized today. You know he almost got into a car accident, and he really wants to see you. I also heard that you were involved in a kidnapping earlier. How about you come to my house tonight and stay with my son, or I can have my son stay at your place. That kid sleeps very quietly."

Qiao Chuchu: "?"

【Stay with Lou Yuejue?】

Weisheng Yucan seized the opportunity: "Oh, Chuchu, I almost forgot. This time for a movie and dinner might be a bit too late. Why don't you come to my house and stay? Do you like small animals? I have cats, dogs, and everything at home. It's a good chance for us to get to know each other better."

She gestured to Huailing: "Invite Qiao Chuchu to our house to play! Don't you want to play with Qiao Chuchu?"

Huailing nodded vigorously, poking Qiao Chuchu's shoulder and signing eagerly: "Come to my sister's house and stay with us siblings. I just came back from abroad today, and tomorrow a Chanel salesperson is coming to my sister's house with clothes and bags. Whatever you like, just point at it, and my sister can give it to you."

Qiao Chuchu was overwhelmed with gratitude: "No, no, it was really just a small favor. You don't have to be so polite."

Having been in the wealthy circle for so many years, she still hadn't gotten used to their extravagant ways of making friends.

Yucan's eyes curved into crescents: "What do you mean, just a small favor? You saved my life! Come to my house. My brother doesn't have many friends, and there are very few people who can communicate with him through sign language! ~"

Lou Tingsi chimed in sarcastically: "Is Weisheng Huailing's circle of friends small? I believe even if his friends are not deaf-mute, they can sign as fluently as casting spells. After all, who wouldn't want to curry favor with the crown prince?"

Weisheng Yucan's smile stiffened, her eyes narrowing like a cat as she looked at Lou Tingsi: "Lou Tingsi, it's been a long time. Why are you speaking so sarcastically? Is there something I did to upset you?"

Lou Tingsi chuckled: "I just mentioned that my son isn't feeling well and needs Chuchu's company, and Sister Yucan immediately wanted Chuchu to stay at her house. Isn't this clearly trying to steal my person?"

Weisheng Yucan smiled charmingly: "Oh, I'm sorry to make you feel threatened, but no matter how much you talk, it won't stop me from stealing her."

Lou ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌‌​​​​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​​​​​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌‍Tingsi's gaze suddenly sharpened.

Lin Qing, like a rabbit, perked up her ears in alert!

Why were they all suddenly trying to steal her?!

She quickly stepped forward: "Chuchu, you've been through so much today. You must be very tired and might have nightmares tonight. Why don't you come to my house? I'll stay with you. Girls always feel more relaxed together, and if you have a nightmare, I can comfort you."

After saying that, she nudged Lin Shen hard.

Speak up!

If you don't, she'll be gone!

Reminded by his sister, Lin Shen became nervous and stepped forward: "Chuchu."

Qiao Chuchu stared at him in confusion.

He took several deep breaths, nervously saying: "I'm sorry for leaving you three years ago without giving you a chance to explain, or giving myself a chance."

As he spoke, the sky fittingly began to drizzle with snow.

Qiao Chuchu felt something was off.

At the same time, Lin Shen took out his wallet, opening it to reveal her photo.

"Three years ago, I left this place, but it was only to escape. However, during these three years, I have never forgotten you."

Lin Shen looked into her eyes, speaking with utmost sincerity: "I still like you."

"Will you give me another chance to pursue you?"

Qiao Chuchu: "……"

Lin Qing: "……"

Lou Tingsi: "……"

Weisheng Huailing approached his sister curiously: "What is he saying? I didn't understand his lip movements."

Weisheng Yucan: "He's confessing to Qiao Chuchu, saying he's liked her for three years and hopes she'll give him a chance."

Weisheng Huailing: "?"


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