Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 28: The five division (4)

Chapter 28: The five division (4)

See the future, past and present? Now, that terrifying for most people. After all, not all here is proud of their past, or like their present and not fear their future?

Seeing their fears and uncertainty? That elicited murmurs of reluctance among the recruits.

Deepest regret, darkest secret. Who would like their deepest regret made public or their darkest secret revealed?

Fear not, for I am a keeper of secrets, a stone of silence? Who in the Darkness of the Hells Below would believe that?

When quiet had fallen once more, the voice from the cellar rang out again, this time strong and abrupt.

"Drake, Virila!"

Every head in the Hall turned to look at the boy, who gulped.

With a nudge from the boy who stood beside him, he stepped forward and tentatively walked down the stone steps.

The entire Hall held its breath as seconds passed, and finally the voice cried out

"White Wolf!"

The blue table applauded as Virila emerged, looking rather pale, and took a seat with his newly assigned Housemates.

Arial realized that many of those who is in the White Wolf House has stern faces.

"Guise, Lelia!"

Lelia took her turn down into the cellar, and moments later her House was announced.

"Fierce Dragon!"

Shouted the Seer and the red table shouts and cheered clapping. The first woman from the new recruits to enter Fierce Dragon

"Villion, Emerson Fierce Dragon!"

"Rodan, Nella Purple Faery!"

"Palais, West. Golden Lion"

"Quinn, Relia .. Black Raven"

The mass of nervous students grew smaller as, one by one, they were sent to their new Houses. Kyle shifted anxiously from one foot to the other, while Lisa chewed her fingernails.

"Zephyr, Helia!"

Helia took a deep breath and walked forward elegantly. Lisa wished her luck as she passed, to which Helia smiled and nodded.

"Fierce Dragon!"

Helia emerged proudly and headed to the Fierce Dragon table with an enormous grin on her face.

"Alan, Harald!"

Everyone craned their necks to see. Harald was a descendant of great lineage. His ancestor had built the Academy.

The boy looked arrogant, yet dignified, exactly how Arial would have expected a boy raised in privilege to look.

"Golden Lion!"

Harald smirked and strolled to the Golden Lion table, where his Housemates patted his back and welcomed him with simpering words.

"Vermont, Arial!"

"Good luck, friend," Kyle whispered.

Arial straightened his shoulders and walked forward, down the stone steps and into the cellar. The room was made completely of rough stone, with a low ceiling lit by hanging candles.

All over the floor, colorful fabric mats lay strewn, some bearing tassels and ancient-looking symbols Arial had never seen before.

A man stood in the center of the room, his face hidden by the dark hood of his cloak. He beckoned Arial closer and outstretched his hand, taking Arial's in his.

Arial felt the presence of magic immediately. It was a presence of an ancient magic. There is no doubt about that

Panicking, he instinctively released cold energy throughout his body.

The hooded man, whom Arial realized was in fact a Seer, trembled and let out an audible gasp. The seconds dragged on.

The Seer tried to push through Arial's energy, only to be pushed further back.

"Seer, where is his house?" Lord Faragur called from above.

Arial could feel the man's hand sweating. Finally, unable to endure the cold energy any longer, he released Arial's hand.

Then, raising his head slightly, he called out to the Hall above.

"This boy will choose his own fate."

His words were met with a stunned silence, until the Knight Master called back.

"Seer, what do you mean?"

"The boy is strong and brave. Smart and cunning. Kind and cruel. Stubborn and headstrong. So many possibilities. There is fire in you yet, boy."

The Seer nodded, and Arial turned, making his way back up the steps.

As he emerged once again into the Grand Hall, all eyes were on him as he cleared his throat and sent to it a rush of internal energy.

"Fierce Dragon!" Arial's amplified voice rang out and bounced off every surface and every person, shaking chairs and flickering candles.

The Knight Master's jaw dropped.

To think a boy has such energy Adrian was not wrong, this child is extraordinary, he thought, watching Arial intently.

The Fierce Dragon house was silent as Arial took his seat. In the motionless quiet, another set of footsteps echoed from the front of the Hall, and every eye that had been set on Arial spun around to see the Seer standing at the top of the steps.

"Child, I could not see your future, for your powers far outweigh my own. But I can say a prophecy for you."

It was clear that this was not a common occurrence. It is even bizarre and strange to happen right at the Choosing

In fact, Arial was prepared to bet that it had never happened in all the Academy's years.

The older students looked incredulously from the Seer, to the Knight Master, and back to the Seer. Even the Knight Lords stared stupidly at the hooded man.

The Seer eyes seems to shine under his hood.

The Seer while he could not see the boy past he did glimpse his future. The Seer knows this is the aid of an Old God.

He could felt it when he felt the boy hand. The Divine are watching over him. The Seer does not know whether this is a blessing or a curse.

To be noticed by the Divines, that doesn't necessarily mean it is a good thing. After all, Levitia also had the attention of the Lady of the Lake but look at his tragic fate.

He then spoke his prophecy.

"You will grow to be a great man, this I could it clearly. You are like a dragon that soars through the blue skies. You may have been able to endure my eyes, but there are some glimpses, that even you could not defend against. There is Moon, Sun and Star in your path. I see them all. I see a woman of unparalleled beauty riding beside you. A man shrouded in shadows. An eye, ever vigilant, watching you in the darkness of night. A glimmering sword. Sorrows beyond any man. Anger that has no mercy. Fire that burns life. Would you like to know more?" The Seer's voice trembled with excitement.

The Knight Lords whispered amongst themselves, but the Knight Master's expression became one of shock.

He looked from the Seer to the boy again.

Sun, Moon and Star the Knight Master repeated in his mind. To other this does not mean anything but to him, it means everything.

Could he be? Sun, moon and stars glimmering sword, a man shrouded in shadows is it him? Asrana?

The Knight Master's thoughts ran wild, but he did not dare to speak aloud.

All the students were looking at Arial, waiting for his answer. From a far there is one boy who looked very unsatisfied with this turns of events.

"I don't care much for prophecies," Arial spoke at last, "and I have no interest in hearing it."

"Why is that?" Lord Faragur stared at him.

Arial raised his eyes to the ceiling, and replied loudly.

"Levitia hears the Prophecy, King Karlman hears the prophecy, Queen Raynis hears the prophecy, yet their fates are not averted. There are Gods, good and evil, light and dark, fierce and gentle. Man schemes but God foils. Why disturb the future when we are writing it now?"

The Knight Lords were obviously impressed. Not only did Arial seem strong, he was also clearly educated.

The speech he made was taken from an old poem, written by a man named Gustav de Cheve, famous in Vangua many years ago.

It is based on Levitia, Karlman and Queen Raynis prophecy.

In the poem he talked of the prophecy given to Levitia, that he would bring an age of peace and glory but be betrayed by one he trusted.

Spurred on by the prophecy, he formed an army and led the Subjugation, giving him everlasting fame.

But he forgot to be watchful of his cousins, and was betrayed by them.

King Karlman's prophecy claimed that he could only be killed by one sword.

Fearing that one of his enemies would discover the sword, he set out on a journey to find and destroy it, only to fall in a ravine and land headfirst on his own sword, killing him instantly.

Queen Raynis was told she would be overthrown by one of her own sons.

Fearful and paranoid, and, by all accounts, mad, she ordered to have all of her children killed. However, one boy, upon hearing of his fate, fled and found refuge in the House of Asturia.

The young prince was raised well, taught swordsmanship and a responsibility to the people.

After learning his true identity, the prince now, a young man, strong and just, kind and compassionate, gains the support of the other nobles and the common people and raise his banner and marched to the Palace, dethroned her mother and imprisoned her until her death.

"Is that so?" Lord Faragur said his eyes beaming at Arial.

Arial nodded then he sits back at his seat.

The shock of the evening began to subside.

The Knight Master smiled at Arial, whilst Agnaris watched him closely. The Seer returned back to the glowing cellar, and the tension lifted. The Choosing continued.

"Lethe, Kyle Fierce Dragon!"

"Lethe, Lisa Fierce Dragon!"

Arial was not surprised with their outcome.

He had known all along that they belonged by his side, brave and talented as they were, and he clapped heartily as they took their seats beside him.

Once every new student had been placed into the correct house, the Knight Master stepped forward, clapped his hands together, and bellowed in a ceremonious tone.

"Let the feast begin!"

He took his seat with the other knights at the head table, while all the students clapped and cheered.

Rows of attendants appeared and began serving plates full of roast beef and chicken, potatoes, sauces, puddings, and all sorts of foods from across the Continent.

Kyle piled his plate high with everything, and Lisa shot him a disapproving look.

Then an older kid probably around thirteen years of age old greeted them

"The name Roddick Hardrad. I came from the lands in Renasia." His tongue is thick with Renasia accent

"You speak the Common Tongue quite fluently" Arial complimented. Renasia is the land of the Burning Sun, the Dessert of the Sun God.

'Thank you' he said, smiling at being complimented

"So, I hope you're going to help us win the War at the end of the year. We won last time, but Black Raven is very competitive. We were harassed all year long by their tricks." As he chatted, more students seemed to grow in confidence, and began to introduce themselves.

"I'm Lelia, from the House of Guise in Dostov," a small girl beside Helia chirped up.

"Helia from House of Zephyr in the Dukedom"

"Arial, from the House of Vermont."

"Oh, the Vermont family! Your father drives a hard bargain in our harbor," Lelia smiled.

A sudden loud clap silenced them all, and they turned to face the head table, where the Knight Master Orval is standing once again.

"Before you all leave for your beds, there are some things that need to be said. Firstly, the Gray Forest remains completely forbidden," he glared pointedly at a group of older students towards the back of the Hall, who sniggered.

"As are the Swamp and the Slithering Bushes. Archery competition is open to any student confident enough with their skills."

"I'm going to sign up for that," Lisa whispered.

"And to remind you all, the quest board will be open as of tomorrow. Please choose your quests wisely. Do not take on anything that is beyond your ability. Tomorrow your classes will begin, so be sure to sleep well tonight." The Knight Master ended his speech and marched out of the Hall. Kyle yawned, his plate finally empty.

"I'm going to bed," he said through a yawn.

"I think I'll go with you," Arial said. Roddick patted them on the back as they stood up.

"The first year is always the hardest," he said, smiling at them genuinely before turning back to his friends.

Bidding good-night to Lisa and Helia, Arial and Kyle left the Hall and headed to their room.

If the most powerful is Knight Master and his internal energy at that level, then graduating early is a possibility.

Arial will take difficult quest making it easier for him to be inducted to the Order. And when he accepts a quest, he can skip his class.

After all, the class is devise to solve quest. There are many types of quest.

The next day Arial vowed to check the quest board, to see if there was anything suitable for him.

The faster he could rise through the Academy's ranks; the sooner he could graduate.

And the sooner he graduated, the sooner he could return home and protect his family. That night Arial closed his eyes and dreamed of different worlds.



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