Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 19: The birth of a hero (1)

Chapter 19: The birth of a hero (1)


In the Eastern Land, ten years since the Fall, the humans had become the victims of indiscriminate killings of the Demon Lords

In the west, the MontBlanc family revolted against the rule of the Demon Lords, whilst the illustrious Anjou family migrated and sailed the Weeping Sea, followed by the Ranoa family, hoping to find a new home in a distant land away from the slaughter.

The Mountain Tribe terrorized the people of Davarus, looting and pillaging the villages and many sought refuge in the deserts of the Dry Lands.

In these desperate times, villains and evil emerged and they thrived in chaos and destruction

The Demon Lords in their towering palaces indulged in carnal pleasures daily and victimized the humans.

The blood of humans dye the entire continent, and stories of tragic lives is common for human during this Age

But with villains come heroes.

A commander by the name of Hadrianus Junius, who served the Demon Lords, passed on military secrets to the humans and was eventually executed.

All heroes wept for his death and his contribution to humanity is praised in poems and songs.

His bravery and loyalty were inspirational.

Amongst the misery and poverty, heroes rose from all over the Human Continent raise their swords to uphold justice and protect their rights.

A war filled with bloodshed begins.

This story begins in a village

In a village no longer known to history, a tavern was buzzing with chatter.

The news of Hadrianus's execution was the topic on everyone's lips, as was the ongoing revolt in the west by the MontBlanc family

Everyone have an opinion on this matter

"The Court is full of fat ministers who are only concerned with filling their own bellies!" a villager roared, whilst others nodded their agreement.

Some held up their jug in agreement.

"The Demon Lords have abused us, raped our daughters and killed our sons, ow much longer should we endure? How much more suffering do we need to accept before enough is enough!" another said, almost shouting the words

'Aye!' Others echoes his thought

"We, the human race, are more numerous than the Demon Lords. If we unite our strength we can stop them," said a fiery young man.

In a corner sat two men, listening intently to these discussions.

One had a head full of brilliant white hair with piercing blue eyes, whilst the other man's hair color is black as midnight.

The white hair man has tall broad shoulder.

His muscle is well defined and he looks like he has fought many battles from the scar in his left hand.

Eventually, the dark-haired man, by the name of Arian, spoke to his companion.

"Brother, let's join the heroes and defend our races," he said in a strong, clear voice.

"I'll go with you, brother," the white-haired man replied. Their words were heard by everyone in the tavern, and silence fell.

"Young heroes," a man stood and pointed to the two brothers.

"You might risk losing your lives like Hadrianus," an elderly man warned. "You are young and have great love for our people, but be patient."

"Pah," a man with striking blue hair stood and spat at the floor.

"Patient? For how long have we been patient with the Demon Lords? Haven't we had enough of death? How many more of our people blood need to be shed before we stop being patient!"

The other men nodded enthusiastically as he banged his fist on the table in defiance. He looks at the people in the tavern, smiles with a crooked smile and laughed heartily.

Then he climbed up onto the table and cleared his throat dramatically.

"During the Lost Year, the First Generation made the Accord with the Demon Lords. Does anyone still remember the Accord? As long as the Demon Lords respected our rights, we would uphold and protect their rule over Davarus. Am I right?" he bellowed.

The men nodded, and he continued. Arian and his brother also nodded

"But ten years after we chose a king to rule our own people, the Demon Lords imprisoned Alexiniad MontBlanc in their Black Tower. Who knows where his son Alexander went? Who even knows if he's still alive? Where is the Montblanc? The rightful king and his heir?"

"Mikael Mournstar, you scum," Arian said, his voice full of disdain.

The tavern cheered and banged their weapons to the ground, spirits rising.

"Hero" Arian asked to the man that make the speech

"Am I right to scold the Demon Lords?" The man with the blue hair laughed and open his arm and nodded

"RIGHT! THAT SCOLDING IS RIGHT" said the man passionately.

The man that spoke so brazenly against the Demon Lords is tall with excessively handsome face and has quite the peculiar hair color.

Arian sworn brother has a white snow color, while this brave young Hero has blue hair color, Arian mused.

Of course, Arian at this point of time would not know that someday the descendant of the blue hair man will someday save his son lives countless of times and become the King of a great kingdom.

The tavern cheered and banged their weapons to the ground feeling spirited hearing the blue hair man speech.

Arian smiles and looked at his brother.

"This man is a great speaker, and his intentions are true," the white-haired brother muttered.

"Indeed," Arian replied shortly. That night the two brothers left the tavern with renewed determination.


Part two would be posted in a few minutes. Hope you like the story and leave some comments.


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