Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 17: The first step (1)

Chapter 17: The first step (1)

The feast has ended but the night has not ended.

After the battle, the knights dragged the arrested bandits back to the castle while Adrian and his elite knights stayed in the village.

Aries invited the Duke's son to rest at his house, and Adrian gratefully accepted.

They settled their horses in the stables and headed inside the residence. Along the way they could see the development and the progress of this village.

The scene is picturesque and filled with beautiful gardens and the smile of the village people.

Adrian admired the beautifully constructed farmhouse, clearly designed by a talented mason. While they were admiring the beautiful village they finally arrived at Village Chief Aries house.

The rumors were true, he thought.

The family was rich. The Vermont was the sole driving force for this village prosperity.

He enters the house and Aries greet him

"My lord, thank you for your assistance. We still have plenty of food in the kitchen. It would be my honor to serve the valiant knights who helped us," Aries said, bowing humbly.

Adrian was taken aback.

He hadn't expected such proper behavior from a village farmer. He glanced to the man's wife. She was a noble's daughter if Adrian was not mistaken.

She had surely taught her husband to act correctly befitting of people of status. He contemplated the farmer's compliment.

It had seemed to Adrian like they had the situation under control without his knights. He couldn't admit that to Aries, however he had his reputation and pride to protect.

He smiles and nodded and reply to Aries politely and with courtesy as befitting of a noble personage as himself.

Adrian and his knights were ushered into the dining room, where they were served mounds of succulent meat, and glass after glass of wine.

Adrian certainly hadn't expected the wine it was hard to come by. He marveled at how a family in the middle of nowhere had managed to get wine.

This only serves to increase his respect to this family.

The knights were delighted with all the foods and the wines.

As they crammed food into their mouths, Adrian stared and shook his head. They were elite in fighting, he thought, but that didn't mean they were refined in manner.

Their host did not seem to mind.

Adrian's plan had fallen apart. He had expected to save Danoba from the bandits and earn the gratitude of Aries Vermont by saving the village.

Having such a well-respected, powerful man in his debt could be nothing but beneficial to Adrian.

A band of knight saving a village, this kind of deeds will of course create an amiable and kind bond. The gratitude for saving their life will surely pay off one day, in one way or another.

Then he would tell him that House of Alan will confer him the title Baron and the Vermont will be responsible for the surrounding village, to rule and to govern

Then the gratitude will intensify and at that time Adrian will have quite the influence on Aries Vermont.

One day, if he wants to ask help from Aries, surely his help will be given some serious thought.

But he hadn't anticipated the Vermont boy. To say nothing of his martial arts, such kid could rarely be found in the entire Dukedom.

Being a knight would certainly suit him, but Adrian saw a kingly demeanor in the boy.

He was a born leader.

"My lord, we are honored to host you here in our humble abode."

A voice jolted Adrian from his thoughts.

Looking up from the table, he saw the boy watching him. He had cleaned himself up since the battle, and the fierce look had left his eyes.

Now he looked dignified with the clean cloth inlaid with pearl and beautiful sparkling decoration, the cut on his cloth fit perfectly to the boy body and in his middle finger is a ring with an inscription, though he could not see it.

His hair was snow white, his stature was tall for a boy of his age, his piercing blue eye was scanning them, and his white hair falling across his pale face when he bowed slightly.

There is an odd light in his eyes that seems to know something more than he let on.

He stood beside the table, dignified, like royalty.

"The honor is mine," Adrian replied politely and smile at the young boy.

The knights stopped eating, their rowdy chatter died down to silence as they stared at the boy.

Darren, one of his knight was eating the chicken voraciously and the most gluttonous of the bunch and even he stopped eating so abruptly that he and choked on the chicken flesh.

Adrian knew what they were thinking.

Most of his knights had come from minor noble houses and had been trained since childhood.

The incredible show of strength displayed by the boy had intrigued them; he could easily surpass every one of them.

Not only that, the way the boy hold himself in his demeanor and attitude and his appearance now shows that he will not lose even if he is confronted by a son of a high status person.

Even though his father is not nobility, he sure looks like a noble son of a high lord with all the luxuries heaped on him

Adrian smiles as he mused that the cloth make the person.

The same questions were running through the minds of each of the knights: where did the boy learn that kind of swordsmanship?

Who had taught him?

Had some martial arts expert wandered through the forests of Danoba one day and decided to teach a young boy all he knew?

It is known that the people in Vern, Zettel and Renasia practices martial arts.

For the Renasian people most of their martial art is intense, strong, and unyielding compared to Vern which is full with variations and movements.

From what Adrian heard from hearsay, those who reached the peak of martial arts could fly like birds, jumping through valleys easily, running as fast as lightning and some were even reputed to possess the strength of a thousand men.

Hearsay and stories. Dreams and tales.

Adrian never believes in it that much. In the Dukedom what matter are their forces. Their knights and vassal.

Discipline and order.

Here they learn swordsmanship. Their swords are thin; the exception is broadsword and blades.

Internal energy is taught only to nobles and Adrian also learns internal energy but the training involves the insight of self, one that Adrian could not reach.

Mostly because he is occupied with the matters of the state.

How could he have time to practice? And even if there is an expert in martial arts, with enough people it is not hard to suppress one man.

So what's so important in cultivating internal energy? Most of the nobles in the Dukedom also believe the same thing.

Magic on the other hand is rare after the Age of Gods. So most of them fight with swords and spears.

The use of blades is uncommon but it is clear that the young boy has adept understanding on the technique involved using the variety of weapons.

It was not every day they saw a seven-year-old swinging a sword as though it was simply an extension of his arm.

It was more than that. It was like he was performing art in the middle of the battlefield.

It was like the young boy was a painter painting a scene of carnage using the blood as the ink, and the sword as his brush.

They may not be the strongest but the Knight knew to appreciate the beauty of Arial swordsmanship. It was like a dance of steel, of death and devastation.

"Ever thought about becoming a knight, kid?" Sir Thomas, the Knight Commander, and also the guard of Lord Adrian suddenly asked.

Julia almost dropped the plate she was carrying, and Aries's face paled.

She disapproves of such notions. And Aries was shocked. His expression was as pale as his wife if not paler. He is a peaceful man, with little worries and much joy.

Knights would undoubtedly encounter dangers

They exchanged an anxious look, but Arial didn't hesitate in his response.

"Yes, sir, I'm interested" he said curtly, but with grace. His tone was firm and resolute, and left no room for questioning.

Sir Thomas looked overjoyed. Clearly it was the answer he had hoped for, and patted the seat next to him enthusiastically.

Arial sat and ate unreservedly, joining the knights in their raucous laughter and story-telling.

When all the men had finally eaten and drank their fill, Adrian revealed his true purpose in riding to Danoba.

"It is by the grace of the Duke that we wish to confer your family a title," Adrian said, and requested the villagers to be gathered in the square for his official announcement.

Aries was not that shocked at the announcement but he clearly is dazed for a few seconds.

Like before Julia calm him down.

After some persuasion, Aries accepted the appointment.

As they made their way to the village square, Adrian mused. It was the first time he had seen someone so vehemently refuse the title of nobility.

It was truly a bizarre sight for him and a breath of fresh air.

Once a sizable crowd had gathered, Adrian took out a roll of parchment with a Dukedom of Alan seal.

The villagers kneeled with respect, and Adrian spoke, his vice loud and clear as he announces the content of the parchment to the villagers.

"The Duke of Alan is pleased to confer a Barony on the Vermont family. Aries Vermont thus will become Lord Aries, Baron of Danoba. Aries Vermont thus becomes Lord Aries and Mdm Julia Vermont will become Baroness of Danoba."

Aries Vermont will be responsible for Brulau, Gili, Khili and Caucer village.

Arial watched the announcement from the back of the crowd, and smiled slightly, considering what it would mean for his family and his plans.

Arial then thought in his mind, being a noble doesn't mean suddenly you are thrust into a life of luxury.

At least he knows that much.

He knew one noble that sell her own daughter to slavery to settle his debt. It was immoral but who is he to condemn.

Life was hard at the time.

Foods are scarce, people died starving, combined that with the unceasing slaughter, men warped to become monsters.

But can that be a reason? Which is true? He thought to himself.

That man is born good or man are born evil?

Or did the definition of evil depend on the circumstances? Do we become nice because the circumstances allow us to feel that kind of luxury of politeness?

Even now he still doesn't know. There is so much he doesn't know. But he do know one thing.

Pennies, coppers, and gold.

'Yes, my friend, I guess that is the most important thing' he thought as his mind thought of his old friend

Pennies, coppers, and gold, he repeated in his mind and then his mind wheeled to the responsibilities of a Baron.

The responsibilities of the baron were first to his king, and then to the people on his estates.

The king required the people of their courts to perform certain duties as well as serve in the military.

If loyalty was shown to the king, they could gain more titles, land, and respectable marriages for their children.

If they didn't, they could lose everything in the stroke of a pen.

The nobility also had the duty to make sure the people on their estates were protected, and that crops were produced, as a percentage was sent to the king and the church.

They also sat as judge in cases of dispute and handed out sentences.

The Vermont had entered nobility, even though one of the lowest ranked Arial thought. But the nobility had a game to play. And it was full of filth.

"From today onwards the Vermont family is a part of the nobility and must exercise their capacity as nobles, and adhere to their responsibilities towards the state."

The announcement ended.

The villagers rose, unsure of what to do.

Under other circumstances they would have congratulated Aries, but now that he was a noble they were uneasy.

Thankfully, Aries hadn't lost his touch with the people.

"I guess this calls for another feast," he said in a loud, light-hearted voice. The villagers laughed, comforted by the gentle man they had always known.



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