Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 15: Perspective (2)

Chapter 15: Perspective (2)

Daniel Lethe

In his youth, Daniel Lethe had been an adventurer, like his father. He likes being an adventurer to explore the world.

He had traveled across the continent, even venturing to the Southern Temple, home to the famous Southern Healer, although they had never met.

He had sailed the Black Sea and see the city states of Asteros, walk through the desert in the Holy Cities and even join a few questionable group in his youth.

He had given up his adventurous lifestyle when he was twenty-five, when he married a tanner's daughter named Alissa and settled in Danoba.

In time they had a son and a daughter named Kyle and Lisa, and the wild spirit inside Daniel lay dormant.

Danoba had been a small, peaceful village, but in recent years it had expanded rapidly and in an unprecedented way.

It was no secret to any villager that the rise in power was thanks to Daniel's neighbor, Aries Vermont.

Daniel had known Aries for years, and initially he had seemed like any regular humble farmer.

Neither rich nor poor, the Vermont family lived comfortably, and Daniel had never felt a sense of greatness about Aries.

He sometimes greeted the family on his return from hunting in the forest, but that was normally the extent of their interaction.

In the past couple of years, Daniel had watched the Vermont family rise to a well-respected position; they had become one of the richest families in the Dukedom, and had generated many jobs on their farm and in their shops, and helped starving families to make ends meet.

It was his generosity and wealth that caused Aries to be offered the title of Baron by the House of Alan. A High Lord himself conferring the title.

The sudden rise of the Vermont family had surprised Daniel, but it was nothing compared to what he witnessed from the Vermont boy during the battle with the bandits.

A seven-year-old, fighting dozens of men armed with bows, swords and knives. Not only had he fought them all and survived, he had won.

"Dad, is something wrong?"

Daniel looked down. His daughter was watching him with worry in her eyes. Daniel softened his expression and put his hand on her head.

"No Lisa, everything is all right."

Lisa smiled, satisfied, and bounced out of the room. Alissa, who had been watching from the doorway, entered the room and sat beside her husband.

"Dear?" Alissa prompted him.

"It's fine, Alissa," Daniel said. "It's just tonight I realized something."

"What do you mean?"

"Truly this world is vast. There's always someone better," Daniel sighed.

Alissa looked puzzled, so Daniel continued.

"I'm sorry Alissa. I don't know what I'm feeling. Is it envy? Or is it dissatisfaction?"

"Let's go to bed, dear," Alissa said, smiling softly. "The children are already asleep."

"You go, I think I'll clean myself up first," Daniel pulled at his filthy blood-splattered clothes. Alissa nodded and walked out of the room, leaving Daniel to contemplate in the darkness.



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