Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 12: Bandit attack (1)

Chapter 12: Bandit attack (1)


Adrian heard the reports from his people.

A fifty-man bandit group was attacking Danoba Village.

The news had come from one of his scouts who had captured a single bandit in a recent raid, and the news had taken him by surprise.

The last he had heard of Danoba, it was a small village of farmers and peasants, but he learned quickly how it had flourished in the last three years, and decided he must pay more attention to the minor villages in future.

And the change happens because of one particular family

He heard how the Vermont family had transformed Danoba into one of the most prosperous villages in the Dukedom, with the farmer Aries Vermont becoming one of the richest men in the area.

In that area there is no nobles or minor lords so the village operating independently with the peasant chooses their own Chief to preside matter of laws among the villagers.

It is not an official position but the Noble Houses knew to turn a blind eye, after all the Village Chief kept the peace.

But in three years' time, Aries Vermont become one of the richest person in that area. He has many lands and the land has many food, fruits, vegetables and he also has four cattle farms and counting

From that he opens even many more stores and increases his profit than before.

He opened a bakery for his wife, the bread that is distributed in abundance to the surrounding villages.

The Alan House also deals with them though not face to face.

They bought their bread when they held a feast or celebrate something and when the occasion calls for celebration.

His men told him stories of Aries's kindness, and of his wife Julia's exceptional baking skills, and he felt urged to rush to their aid.

There is also talk of giving them some minor title.

He wanted to aid to gain the support of the Vermont's family.

After all, if he gains the Vermont family favor maybe if his father decides to grant them a title they might support him later

Why the Vermont family?

Adrian's father had told him before that he foresaw great things in the Vermont family.

Rising from unknown farmers to the richest family in the village in three short years had made them stand out.

They were resourceful, he had said.

Adrian knew his father had an eye for talent; he had risen to Duke before his four older brothers thanks to his brilliance in choosing the people he felt would be most useful.

His father survives in the Court because he knows which people will be useful and which people will be useless.

It is his father brilliance in picking the right sides that make him the current Duke when he was the youngest of his four brothers.

His father is a great politician

Currently Adrian found himself in a precarious position every potential ally he had in the castle preferred his warmongering older brother to him.

His brother who talked of conquering Dostov and building a great country that rivaled the other kingdoms.

It is easy to get caught up in his heroic vision.

Brother forgets, he mused, our noblest cause since time immemorial was the sacred duty of being the Shield of the Human Continent from the Dark Lands.

That was why their great ancestor Alan Shadowstrider chose this place, not because of its bountiful lands or the rich soil for agricultural activity like father said, but for his oath with his sworn brothers.

Alan would weep if he saw his descendants fighting for titles and land.

He must not let his brother rule the Dukedom. Adrian's visions for the Dukedom were nobler, greater than his father and brother's.

The Great Ancestor of his House, the closest companion of the Great hero, who has taken an oath to protect the Human Continent from the Darkness that always threatens to encroach on the land, that is who he aspires to be and try to emulate.

In the family Adrian hold different vision for this Dukedom than his father and his brother. He always have

His cause is a noble cause. A holy cause. A promise with the Great and Holy Savior.

He sighed

Approaching his father's residence, a crier announced his arrival to the Duke.

Adrian was granted entry, and his heart fell at the sight of his father.

He looked old and frail, all youth and strength sapped from him. Adrian realized with a jolt that his time had almost come.

"Son, why have you come?"

Adrian shakes the feeling from his heart and he reported what he heard.

Adrian told of the trouble facing Danoba, how he intended to help rid them of the bandits, and his father nodded in understanding.

With his permission, Adrian gathered a unit of two hundred men and set off for the suddenly intriguing village of Danoba.

He just hoped he was not too late.


Second part coming in a few seconds.


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