Age of Evolution

Chapter 493: 7 Mother Nests

Chapter 493: Chapter 493: 7 Mother Nests

“Gaga~! Look what I found? A little lamb from the Fire Kirin, at this realm you should be at home with your children, but you dare to come to the Chaotic Star River. Let me think for a moment, should I steam or braise you?”

On a tiny planet with a diameter of less than 100 meters, Lin Zhen encountered two Beetle Warriors from the Demon Insect Empire.

One was at Constant Star Level Nine, and the other at the Black Hole Early Stage.

Beetle Warriors have more powerful fighting abilities than Locust Warriors, their thick armor can withstand most attacks, making them fearless.

“I just want to know how far it is from the garbage disposal plant?” Lin Zhen ignored the threats from the two Beetle Warriors and asked for directions instead.

“Uh…! Are you stupid? Instead of thinking about how to escape, you’re asking us, the great Demon Insect Warriors, for directions. Are you a fool?”

“No more nonsense, let’s kill him and share him in half!”

The two Beetle Warriors rushed over!


With a lightning-fast move, Lin Zhen shot through the brain of the Constant Star Stage Beetle Warrior, then knocked down the Black Hole Stage Beetle Warrior with one swipe of his hand.

Now, against warriors of this level, Lin Zhen hardly needs to exert any effort.

The Black Hole Stage Beetle Warrior attempted to struggle, but Lin Zhen stepped on it firmly, and then unleashed a Mental Shock on its mind!

Soul Lock!

The sky blue Spiritual Power enveloped it, forcibly suppressing it.

However, the Soul Lock process was extremely difficult, as Beetle Warriors were not human, but rather half-human and half-insect beings. Their Spiritual Powers were not well-developed enough to launch Mental Shock, nor were they easily controlled by humans.

Even with Lin Zhen’s sky blue peak and 100% Spiritual Power, Soul Lock was extremely difficult!

It took nearly an hour, and if not for Lin Zhen’s mental shock completely breaking its soul defense, it wouldn’t have been possible at all.

After successfully Soul Locking, Lin Zhen sat down on the ground, his head aching.

“This isn’t something for humans to do, I’m never going to Soul Lock an Insect Warrior again.”

If he couldn’t get some information from the Insect Warrior, Lin Zhen’s efforts would be in vain.

“Master, I will answer any questions you have.” The Black Hole Stage Insect Warrior stood respectfully, but the fluctuations within its soul were unstable, as if it could collapse at any moment.

Lin Zhen knew that Soul Lock was a fatal injury for Insect Warriors, and this one, who had just been successfully Soul Locked, might even die.

At this time, Lin Zhen had to maintain constant mental contact with the Insect Warrior. Due to the urgency, he didn’t even have time to open the Dimensional Universe record system and hurriedly asked: “What’s your name? Where are you from? Tell me what you know about the situation in the Chaotic Star River, including your Insect Clan.”

“Master, my name is Standin. Shelley. Cardakuns. Ismail. Froandi Sino. Abroding….”

“Wait, wait, wait, don’t tell me your name, just tell me everything else. You’re a Black Hole Stage expert, so you should know some secrets about the Insect Clan.”

Lin Zhen’s head grew bigger as he listened to the Insect Warrior’s name, which he didn’t really need to know about.

“Yes, Master. This time our Insect Clan is preparing to fully occupy the Chaotic Star River. To do this, we have set up seven nests on the seven main stars in the Chaotic Star River. All the Insect Warriors below the Star System Stage are actually bred by these nests. The lower the realm, the less energy needed, the higher the realm, the more energy needed. As long as the nests are not destroyed, we can continuously breed Insect Warriors. Your Fire Kirin Clan will gradually decrease in number, making it impossible for you to win the war.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Zhen was alarmed, “What did you say? Nests?”

“Yes, the nests are the foundation of our Insect Clan. Each nest is precious, and there are currently seven in the Chaotic Star River: Mantis Clan Nest, Scorpion Clan Nest, Beetle Clan Nest, Locust Clan Nest, Centipede Clan Nest, Spider Clan Nest, and Hornet Clan Nest. They are led by seven Insect Marshals at the late stage of Star System, along with 108 other Star System Stage Insect Generals!”

“Seven late stage Star System Insect Marshals and 108 Star System Stage Insect Generals?” Lin Zhen was shocked; the Fire Kirin only had a dozen or so.

“Yes, a total of 115 people. With them, the Fire Kirin Clan has no chance. This time, we’re even slowing down our offensive in order to wait for your arrival, in order to completely annihilate this wave of Fire Kirin geniuses.”

As Lin Zhen listened, he was more and more shocked. The Insect Clan was not a simple-minded race, and even understood tactics.

Especially the nests, which were capable of continuously producing Insect Warriors. Although, according to this Insect Warrior, they couldn’t produce ones at the Star System Stage, it was still terrifying enough.

“Destroy the nests, otherwise, we’ll lose for sure. Our numbers will decrease, while theirs will continue to grow. There’s no way we can win.”

“Master, there is another place in the Chaotic Star River, called the Suspended Island. The seven main stars in the Chaotic Star River orbit around it. There is an ancient stone tablet on the island, which records ancient secrets. To view the tablet, you need to collect a kind of blue cold stone, the more the better.”

“The Stone Tablet, do you know what is recorded on it?”

Just as the Insect Warrior was about to speak, he suddenly screamed and his head exploded!

The Insect Warrior had been controlled too long, resulting in the brain death!

Looking at the dead Insect Warrior, Lin Zhen felt slightly regretful. With a wave of his hand, he collected the bodies of both Insect Warriors into the Dark Star Space.

Inside the Dark Star Space, Lin Zhen’s avatar had undergone subtle changes!

After devouring hundreds of Insect Clans, the Fire Kirin Bloodline within the avatar awakened further.

His body was covered in dazzling red scales, and even the color of his hair began to change. When Armorization was activated, there were even a few bone spurs on his shoulders, which was the prototype of the Fire Kirin’s transformation into its combat form.

Although Star Power had not grown much, the body’s strength increased, and the avatar’s combat power was further enhanced, almost surpassing that of the main body.

“I don’t need to worry about my avatar for now. My primary issue is not to find the Insect Clan’s Nest. A hundred and eight Star System Term Experts would be a suicide mission. It’s better to first go to the waste disposal plant and find the resource star.”

“There’s also Coldstone. Even though I don’t know what it looks like, it’s better to observe it more. However, the Demon Insect Empire’s scheming is so deep, I’m afraid the other people in the concentration camp are in danger.”

Lin Zhen was determined to release a message within the Dimensional Universe but when he logged in and saw how people’s perception of the Insect Clan being fundamentally impossible to control mentally, he changed his mind.

Had it not been for Lin Zhen’s powerful Spiritual Power and the World King’s Unique Technique – Mental Illusion, he wouldn’t have been able to control that Insect in a short time.

Such a message would not only be disbelieved by anyone but would definitely be cursed to death, especially since Lin Zhen had no video evidence in the Dimensional Universe.

“Forget it. Those who dare to come to Chaotic Star River must be prepared for death. Only those who can survive in such an environment have the qualifications to continue moving forward.”

Lin Zhen decided not to worry about other things and continued toward the waste disposal plant.

Lin Zhen’s rise seemed short-lived. After killing 301 Insect Clan members, he fell into silence.

“Extra! Extra! Look at the latest Chaotic Star River battle report! Ye Hua braves the Dragon’s Den alone, killing 900 Insect Clans members, reclaiming the first place in the kill rankings!”

The huge headline was extremely eye-catching on the Dimensional Universe forum. Ye Hua, single-handedly with one sword, was surrounded by a massive pile of Insect Clan corpses. With the scenery of the starry sky, his image could be used as a promotional picture in an idol drama.

Ye Hua’s feat aroused cheers from the Fire Kirin Empire.

It must be said that his popularity in the Fire Kirin Empire was very high, almost a national idol, and a model of the perfect man.

Many supporters of Ye Hua were very upset about Lin Zhen having once taken the first place. Now that Ye Hua had counterattacked and reclaimed the first place in one fell swoop, countless people were overjoyed.

In addition to Ye Hua, other experts began to showcase their strength.

Feng Qingluan, Nan Lie, Zhang Zhidong, and other Star System Term Experts started to make an impact on the list, with their kill counts rising rapidly.

They formed the first group, with their kill counts quickly exceeding 1000.

Players like Tianci, also Star System Term Experts, constituted the second group, with their kill counts approaching the 1000 mark.

Lin Zhen fell into the third group, roughly on par with some Late Black Hole Stage players, and his ranking gradually declined, with no changes after 303 kills.

Gradually, people no longer paid attention to Lin Zhen; instead, they began to focus on when there would be significant breakthroughs in the Chaotic Star River War.

Although the Fire Kirin Empire had suffered losses, they were minimal and almost negligible. It seemed that in front of the strong concentration camp geniuses, the Insect Clan warriors were no match, and victory was only a matter of time.

“Young Master Tianci, here’s the locator you asked for,” said one of his subordinates, handing Tianci the Star Disk.

Tianci took the disk, his face lit up with a smile.

The disk displayed every contestant’s identity number, clearly showing the distance between them.

“Great, with this, I can know the location of every contestant. If anyone poses a threat to my position, I can eliminate them anytime. Of course, the one I want to eliminate the most is Lin Zhen.”

“Young Master, Lin Zhen’s number is 300000. You just need to find his number on the locator, and he won’t be able to escape.”

“Does anyone else have this device?” Tianci asked.

“There should be a few others who have it. In order to compete for the top spot now, everyone is doing their best. There may even be a slaughter among the contestants themselves.”

“There will definitely be infighting. I have already contacted several Star System Term Experts. There will surely be a big show at that time.”

Tianci observed the locator for a while, “Found it! Lin Zhen is at the Waste Disposal Plant!”

“What is he doing there?”

“I don’t know, but now that I’ve found him, I can’t let him go. Issue a bounty, announce Lin Zhen’s coordinates, and whoever kills Lin Zhen will be rewarded with 10 billion Cosmic Crystals!”

Hearing this number, Tianci’s subordinates were shocked, even considering chasing after Lin Zhen themselves.

“Hehe~! Not only will this news be released to the contestants, but also to the Demon Insect Empire. I want Lin Zhen to have no way to reach the heavens and no door to enter the earth!”


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