After using cheats, I became the strongest Beast Tamer

Chapter 40: 40: The Advantage is Mine

Chapter 40: Chapter 40: The Advantage is Mine

“Is your Beast Taming… is it a little bigger than yesterday?”

Wang Bing and Zhou Hao circled around Taotie, somewhat uncertain.

The other four senior schoolmates all had their own training routines as well.

Teacher Kuang spent most of the time guiding those four, as it was already mid-October and the Shu State Cup was coming next month.

They were in intensive training for the seniors, and it was heard that they were preparing for something crucial.

Chen Xing, on the other hand, was very clear about it; he had seen the Beast Tamings of the several seniors nearly fill their Energy Levels, reaching the Species limit. It seemed they were probably preparing for Beast evolution.

The three of them enjoyed their leisure as well.

“No way, it’s just your imagination,” Chen Xing said calmly.

‘Imagination, huh…’ Wang Bing took another look at Taotie, which was over a meter longer than Zhou Hao’s crocodile. Even though they were the same Species of Beast Taming, the difference seemed a bit too large.

However, Wang Bing was tactful. Since Chen Xing didn’t want to say more, he didn’t continue to ask.

Just watching Taotie use the Grand Vortex Skill to jump into the water, and then come out holding a tennis ball, Wang Bing couldn’t quite figure out Chen Xing’s approach.

Was this a training method taught by Teacher Kuang? It certainly looked a little novel.

After a day’s training, Chen Lingya didn’t come home until almost eleven at night, looking weather-beaten. She took out fifty thousand yuan from her pocket and placed it on the table.

“This is for Chi Yu’s meals for the week.”

After saying that, Chen Lingya went to take a shower. The Ze City Secret Realm was humid and hot; she had sweated profusely after running the errand.

Before entering the bathroom, she casually summoned Chi Yu to stay in the living room.

Chen Xing didn’t stand on ceremony; he took the money and looked at Chi Yu.

“Let’s go, I’ll get you something to eat.”

Chen Xing added a significant amount of basic pet food to Chi Yu’s pet meal, mixing basic carnivore pet food and intermediate carnivore pet food in a 2:1 ratio.

This was also to reduce the effect of the intermediate pet food.

Even though his sister hadn’t said anything, Chen Xing still vaguely sensed something.

He knew just how potent the effect of the intermediate pet food was; if Chi Yu, like Taotie, woke up after one night’s sleep looking like it had a steroid-induced growth spurt, that would be troublesome.

Chi Yu was an adult Beast Taming, not a cub. If there were any special traits, they should have appeared earlier, not suddenly after reaching adulthood.

If others follow the clues and investigate, as her family member, he would certainly be exposed, leading to Taotie being noticed by others.

Combining Taotie’s continuous surge in size, if noticed by someone with intent, it would probably bring trouble to the family.

So, Chen Xing had to be cautious.

Of course, even if some basic pet food was mixed in, the combination was still a premium supplement!

Outside, you definitely couldn’t buy this quality of food for five thousand yuan; Chen Xing estimated that it was definitely superior to an A-grade generic nutrient supplement.

Because he had asked Wang Bing and Zhou Hao, they fed their Beast Tamings B-grade custom nutrient supplements daily, costing fifty thousand a bottle, spending millions a month just on supplements.

But looking at the growth rate of Zhou Hao’s Beast Taming’s size, it grew an average of just 5–6 centimeters a day.

Is it useful?


Others might take about three years to grow to their physical limits, while they only needed about a year. Now, growing five or six centimeters a day, the speed of size increase would gradually slow down; over a year was needed, according to the Beast Taming nutritionist hired by their family.

That’s what money does! Spend a couple of tens of millions to reduce a three-year growth period to just one year.

This was only about the size, not the Energy Level; increasing Energy Level was even harder.

Whether it was worth it, only they knew.

The next day, Chen Xing went to school.

Due to its size, Taotie can no longer stay in the classroom during classes now.

After finishing the daytime classes and coming to the school team after school, Zhou Hao and Wang Bing also arrived one after another for training almost at the same time. It must be said, although both come from well-off family backgrounds, they were still very diligent.

Chen Xing had talked with them, and their views were quite straightforward.

They understood that Beast Taming was the key. Educational background, family history, connections—all were insubstantial, and only personal strength was truly significant.

Once you became strong by yourself, everything else would follow as accessories.

“But hasn’t your Beast Taming grown bigger again?” Wang Bing looked at Taotie in shock. Was it his imagination?

No, it wasn’t an illusion.

He was certain that just yesterday, Zhou Hao’s beast was barely larger than half the size of Chen Xing’s, but today, it wasn’t even half anymore?

“Did you notice?” Wang Bing covertly approached Zhou Hao, feeling that Chen Xing’s beast was not so simple.

“What do you think?” Zhou Hao looked at Wang Bing as if he were looking at a fool.

He trained with Chen Xing’s beast every day, and they all had the same Species of beasts. If he hadn’t noticed anything unusual by now, he would indeed be blind.

“I think Chen Xing’s beast must be an exceptionally rare special individual, especially in terms of its physique,” Zhou Hao quietly said to Wang Bing.

Wang Bing thought seriously and felt that Zhou Hao’s explanation seemed very reasonable, as it seemed to be the only reason that made sense.

They had also looked into Chen Xing’s family background; it was just a normal family.

“Probably, it lacked nutrition before and didn’t show its potential. After all, even if it has extraordinary talent, it needs a large amount of nutrition to manifest,” Zhou Hao sighed. He had already given up any thoughts of competing with Chen Xing.

He found such juvenile behavior rather pointless.

Had Zhou Hao known Wang Qiming, they would likely have found much in common and have had shared topics of discussion.

After a day’s training, Wang Bing returned to the Galley Bridge Pavilion Villa area.

Wang Bing was walking his beast by the lake in the residential area, when someone happened to be walking a bird on the opposite side.

Upon getting closer, he realized it was Zheng Weixin.

Wang Bing nodded to Zheng Weixin as a greeting.

Since transferring schools, Zheng Weixin always seemed gloomy, which also affected his cold attitude towards him, they had had unpleasant encounters.

Wang Bing certainly knew the reason; a wasted three million and a transfer from the best school in the new district to the second-best school.

But knowing the reason didn’t mean Wang Bing was without temper. Zheng Weixin’s family made a dumb move, and taking it out on him, what was that supposed to mean?

Seeing Wang Bing, Zheng Weixin’s eyes lit up, and he hastened over to greet him. After a brief exchange, Zheng Weixin eagerly began inquiring for information, “You and that Chen Xing both joined the school team, how has his beast been performing lately? What’s its Energy Level at now?”

Wang Bing realized what was going on; this was information gathering.

Having interacted with Chen Xing these past days, they had developed a bit of camaraderie between teammates.

Moreover, Zheng Weixin was now a member of the Xintian Middle School team. If they ended up facing each other in next month’s team challenge, Zheng Weixin might become his opponent.

Therefore, Wang Bing didn’t answer directly, but instead countered with a question, “Your beast should have awakened its second Skill by now, right? Back then, your Beast Taming Level was a bit faster than mine.”

Zheng Weixin confidently said, “Not yet, but it’s coming soon.”

Having revealed his own situation, Zheng Weixin focused on Wang Bing, “What about Chen Xing? I want to know his progress.”

Wang Bing fell silent for a moment, “It hasn’t awakened yet, but it should be soon.”

“Good! Let me know when he awakens it, and tell me what Skill he awakens when the time comes. Don’t worry. In the challenge, I’ll only challenge him, not you,” Zheng Weixin said.

After finishing their talk, they went their separate ways. Zheng Weixin squinted his eyes as he turned around. Wang Bing had hesitated for a moment when answering, so that kid might have already awakened his second Skill, which meant 10 Energy Levels!

But even if he had broken through to 10 Energy Levels, it didn’t matter. He didn’t care, for the greater the strength they had when defeated, the more satisfying the accomplishment!

Moreover, he had a natural advantage. Fighting air with land, how could he lose with such an advantage?


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