After Transmigration, Her Whole Family Are Villains

Chapter 118


Jiang Mianmian saw her Elder Sister climbing up the tree.

She was peering from the tree, trying to listen to what Mom and Teacher Yin were saying in the courtyard.

Jiang Mianmian couldn't help but cover her eyes with her hands.

She felt her Elder Sister was committing a grave misdeed.

Oh well, she wouldn't say anything, after all, her Elder Sister's tree-climbing days would be limited from now on.

Rationally speaking, she thought it was necessary to have a teacher.

To live well and smoothly in a place, one must follow the rules of that place.

The rules are reflected through one's words and actions.

You can think about committing murder or arson, but at least your words and actions should be acceptable.

Otherwise, you won't fit in, and it will be difficult to take a single step forward.

Moreover, she felt that their family had silently taken another step forward.

From not having enough to eat, to having three meals a day, and now they even had the arrangement of a live-in family tutor.

Going to take extra lessons is also a significant expense these days, but here the cost is only high, not low. A one-on-one tutor, and they even need to provide room and board. Looking at Teacher Yin's age, it feels like they need to provide for her old age and funeral expenses as well.

Jiang Mianmian understood the reasons, but she still couldn't get excited.

Jiang Mianmian didn't need to climb trees, as her hearing was excellent.

Her Elder Sister probably had an excellent sense of smell and taste as well.

But her hearing was average; otherwise, she wouldn't need to climb trees to listen.

Jiang Mianmian heard Teacher Yin ask Mom in the courtyard what kind of girl she wanted.

It seemed this teacher had some standards, at least not the kind who would come in and just flatter and praise, without considering the student's situation or the parents' expectations, and just forcefully teach what they could.

He seemed to consider the student's aptitude.

They said it was a female teacher in the courtyard.

Qin Luoxia felt a bit nervous again.

She wasn't afraid of bad people, but she was afraid of scholars.

Or perhaps it's better not to put it that way. She naturally felt a bit of reverence towards knowledgeable people.

Qin Luoxia straightened her posture, her back more upright, sitting up straight, but then she realized she was too tall and had to lower her head to look at the female teacher, so she shifted her stool back a little.

"My humble abode is meager," Qin Luoxia said something her Husband would say.

Then she felt it sounded a bit strange. Oh well, she couldn't communicate like this, she'd better go with her own pace.

"What I mean is, my family's conditions are ordinary. I don't have high expectations for my daughters. I just hope they can live smoothly and peacefully until old age without any major troubles."

"However, Teacher Yin, are you sure you want to stay and teach my two daughters? I can see you don't seem to be from a small family. You must have lived quite well, your hands are well-maintained. I'm worried you might not be used to it." Qin Luoxia spoke honestly.

Although she was a woman from a modest family and hadn't seen much of the world, her mind was sharp, and she was quite intelligent, having been influenced by her Husband.

As Yin Ping talked with this Mrs. Qin, she became more and more surprised.

Although Mrs. Qin was dressed like an ordinary village woman, the way she spoke was extraordinary.

Hoping her daughters could live smoothly and peacefully until old age was not simple at all.

It's not easy to live smoothly, and it's even harder to live peacefully until old age.

Mrs. Qin noticed her hands, which wasn't surprising, but it showed she was quite observant, not someone without experience.

Moreover, Mrs. Qin spoke candidly, making one feel comfortable, which was a rare ability.

"If the lady doesn't mind this old woman's advanced age, this old woman will shamelessly stay. Before coming here, this old woman spent all her family's wealth. Now all I have is a change of clothes. This old woman is not sure if she can meet the lady's expectations, but she will do her best. It feels too formal for the lady to address me as Teacher. From now on, please call me Aunt Yin, and the children can call me Auntie."

Qin Luoxia immediately said, "Auntie, from now on, you are my own aunt. Don't worry about staying here. Although we are not wealthy, we have enough to eat, and I will not let Aunt Yin go hungry. We have clothes, and I will not let Aunt Yin suffer from the cold. After a hundred years, our entire family will give you a proper send-off when the time comes."

Jiang Mianmian was sitting on a grass mat outside, and she heard the courtyard gate creak open.

She had an innocent look, gazing up at the white clouds.

Meanwhile, Jiang Yu was startled and hurriedly jumped down from the tree.

"Thump!" She landed on the grass mat.

Jiang Mianmian clearly saw their future female teacher's face twitch.

Tsk tsk.

She felt a bit of schadenfreude.

As soon as she felt that schadenfreude, she couldn't help but drool...

Then she saw the female teacher's face twitch even harder.

Qin Luoxia came out and straightforwardly said, "Quick, call her Auntie. From now on, Auntie will be teaching you, and you must listen to her."

Jiang Yu didn't hear clearly what they were saying since she was climbing the tree. Hearing her mom's words, she hastily greeted, "Hello, Auntie. Are you really my aunt? I thought Mom's family would be taller."

Aunt Yin smiled kindly and nodded, thinking to herself, this girl speaks without restraint and can offend people right away. She opened her mouth and said I'm short...

A long way to go!

Jiang Mianmian also obediently wiped her drool with her sleeve and said, "Hello, Auntie."

Then she showed a standard smile, revealing four little milk teeth.

Aunt Yin's face twitched slightly. The younger one seemed quite obedient, but she directly used her sleeve to wipe her drool, and that sleeve...

"Yu'er, you can even climb trees, your figure is quite nimble, not bad," Aunt Yin smiled and praised her.

Jiang Yu looked at Auntie, not knowing why, this Auntie's appearance was old and ugly, but when she smiled, she was strangely charming and felt warmly familiar.

She didn't get scolded and was even complimented.

Jiang Yu happily said, "That's nothing, I can even climb cliffs now."

Qin Luoxia gritted her teeth, wanting to grab an axe.

But with a teacher present, she didn't feel it was appropriate.

She could only turn to Aunt Yin and say, "Auntie, I'm counting on you."

Although Qin Luoxia herself could climb cliffs, it didn't mean she wanted her daughters to learn that too.

Just like a doctor doesn't want their child to become a doctor too, it's too tiring. A civil engineer definitely doesn't want their child to study civil engineering, it's too hard.

Elders hope their children experience some hardship, but what they've endured is enough.

If the children have to suffer the same hardships despite their efforts, then what's the point of those efforts?

Aunt Yin didn't even raise an eyebrow, still smiling warmly and kindly chatting with the young girl.

Jiang Mianmian just sat by and watched her Elder Sister acting as if she was possessed, blurting out everything...


"Auntie, I can pick mushrooms, and I can catch rats too."

"Auntie, my cooking is really delicious."

"Embroidery? I can't embroider, but I can stitch shoe soles. One time for Father's birthday, I wanted to make him something, and my fingers swelled up from stitching. The thing I embroidered turned out a mess. I couldn't even recognize what it was."

"Recognize characters and read books? I can recognize some, but not many. It's hard to remember, and I don't like it."

"What do you like? I like eating. Whenever I think of delicious food, I feel so happy. I like sweet things, but salty, sour, and bitter are fine too. I like to try it all."

"My biggest fear is being separated from my parents, elder brother, and younger sister."

"Do you like anyone? Of course not! Those boys are so ugly, they're not even worthy of touching the hem of my father's robe."

"Auntie, try this. It's delicious. It's a sweet and sour softness that even with bad teeth you can enjoy."

"Auntie, where did you come from? The capital city! Ah, is there a pastry shop there called the Fan Building? I've heard it's three stories tall with so many delicious treats!"

"In my family, my father listens to my mom. For major decisions, my father has the final say, but for minor matters, my mother decides. My elder brother used to fight me for food, but ever since we had a younger sister, he's become more sensible and stops stealing my food. He brings me delicious snacks every day."


Jiang Mianmian obediently played with Jiang Xiaoshu, occasionally watching her Elder Sister make a fool of herself by revealing their family's private matters as soon as they met.

It's a good thing she's just a drooling little brat who speaks without thinking.

Of course she drools, she's still teething and can't control it yet. She doesn't have to face this terrifying one-on-one interrogation with Teacher Yin.

As she pondered this, Aunt Yin suddenly picked her up.

She was like a little rock, not expecting this tiny old lady to be so strong.

Aunt Yin gently cradled her and tenderly wiped away her drool without hurting her.

"What is Mianmian playing with?"

Jiang Mianmian tilted her head up and obediently replied, "Xiaoshu."

Jiang Yu quickly explained, "This ant is our household god. We were almost kidnapped once, and this ant bit the kidnapper. My sister plays with it every day and even named it Jiang Xiaoshu."

"You were almost kidnapped before?"

"Yes, it was all my fault... blah blah blah."

Aunt Yin listened to the elder daughter recount her foolish misadventure, watching the younger daughter cradle an ant that she had named, connecting it to their family name. Was this normal?

This was absolutely not normal!

The older one was dumb enough to have almost been snatched by a beggar.

The younger one was precocious, already naming her toys and linking it to her family name to distinguish it...

Fortunately, Aunt Yin was a true elite among elites. She had survived in the dirtiest of places by learning not just how to stay alive, but how to gracefully climb to greater heights.

There was a saying that there were no official female positions in the imperial court, but intelligent survivors essentially played that role, doing more than just serving - they had to be literate, strategize, be beautiful, and highly talented.

Because there were no ugly or stupid people in the palace.

Moreover, the palace lords favored the arts of music and dance. Even in her elderly state, Aunt Yin could entrance a crowd with her singing voice.

All sorts of marvels converged within the palace walls, and she had experienced countless wonders.

These were all carved into her bones, the hardships that life had thrust upon her which had now become an integral part of her being, a foundation for her survival.

So for her, teaching these two little girls would not be difficult.

She was confident she could train them well.

Looking down at the infant in her arms, she saw her conversing with the ant: "Xiaoshu, Xiaoshu, show me your leg."

And the tiny ant in her palm quivered as it stretched out one leg.

Aunt Yin: ...She can do it!


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